Status: Updates will be slow and irregular. Sorry.

Frightened Blue Eyes

Chapter 18

Nicky wrapped his arms round my waist as we watched the bowling ball heading towards the pins. I bit my lip and lent back into his arms as it began to turn, it got closer and closer to the gutter. I frowned, bowling really wasn’t my thing. Nicky rested his chin on my shoulder.

“I can’t watch.” I whispered. My eyes closed and I tipped my head, hiding my face in Nicky’s cheek. Nicky giggled softly and squeezed my waist gently before screaming and spinning me round.

“Well done Toby. Just one left.” I opened my eyes and looked down the lain. I squealed and clapped and hugged Nicky tightly.

“Wow, that’s the best I’ve ever done.” I then stopped and bit my lip. “I’ll never be able to get the last one down.” I moaned. Nick smiled and picked up one of the balls.

“How about I hit it for you?” I smiled and sat down to watch. Nicky was very good at bowling. With a clunk the final pin fell. I was out of my seat instantly. He grinned and turned to me. I wrapped my arms round his neck and pressed a small kiss to his lips. I felt his arms wrap round my waist before I realised what I was doing. I pulled back and looked deep into his sparkling eyes. He looked so happy. He pulled me closer, into a tight hug. His breath tickled my neck as we embraced. As we pulled apart he took my hand and smiled at me. “Maybe we should go to lunch.” I smiled and let him lead me out of the bowling ally.

“Where should we go?” I asked as I looked round at all the restaurants and cafés. My eyes flickered up to Nicky’s. He smiled and opened the door to a tiny café. The waiter smiled at as we walked in. His eyes flickered down to out intertwined fingers and his smile brightened a little.

“Eating in?” The waiter asked. Nicky nodded and followed the waiter to a table. “Can I get you anything to drink?” Nicky glance at me. I bit my lip and looked shyly up at the waiter.

“Coke please.” The waiter smiled at me.

“Two cokes please.” Nicky grinned. I blushed as he looked back at me. Our hands were still locked gently together. I could feel his squeeze my fingers gently. It was nice just being able to sit and hold his hand and not be terrified. “You’re so cute when you blush.” He said with a soft smile. I flushed slightly deeper red and couldn’t meet his gaze. “What do you want to eat? I’ll pay.” I looked up to protest but he shook his head before I could say a word.

“Umm, could I have…” I looked up at the list of food above the counter. “A…bacon sandwich please?” I asked quietly. Nicky grinned and nodded. “What are you having?” Nicky smiled before answering.

“Sausage sandwich. I’ve been craving one for weeks.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the slightly mad look that filled his eyes as he mentioned the sandwich. The waiter came back and Nicky ordered for us. I couldn’t keep the almost permanent blush off my cheeks. I was just so happy. “Would you be terribly uncomfortable if I kissed you?” Nicky asked suddenly. I looked up with wide eyes. as I looked into his eyes my panic lessened. I shook my head and blushed.

“I don’t think I would mind too much.” I whispered looking down. I felt Nicky move, before I knew it, my chin was being tilted up and my lips met Nicky’s in a soft gentle kiss. I gasped and kissed back shyly. I had never thought that I would ever be found Kissing my boyfriend in public in an empty café. We were both still sat down, both lent forward to meet in the middle. I closed my eyes and lost myself in the wonderful feeling of his warm, soft lips moving lovingly against mine.
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Comments please.

oh by the way, happy halloween.