Status: Updates will be slow and irregular. Sorry.

Frightened Blue Eyes

Chapter 3

What was going on? The boy I had an undeniably huge crush on was not only standing up for me but talking to me as well and he wasn’t scared of the idiots who tease me. I always shut down in maths but today it was for a very different reason. Nicky, the angel that was Nicky was sat in front of me and all I could do was stair at him. His hair glistened in the sun, oh god it looked so soft. I could reach out and touch it. He turned round and smiled at me. I really must remember to breath.

“I’ve been told to work with you.” He grinned at me. My heart fluttered. I tried to smile. “So where you actually listening to what we are supposed to be doing?” I shook my head slightly and blushed, Nicky smiled. “No nether was I.” He just talked, and talked and talked and I listened avidly. He was so perfect and he was talking to me, Why? Oh no, oh god, someone had put him up to it, he was tricking me, he didn’t like me, he was trying to get my friendship and then destroy me even more that I was already destroyed. How could I have been so blind? He was tricking me, it was all a horrible joke. I was going to cry. I was being tricked again, I trusted people too easily. I would have to stop him talking to me, there was no way I was going to let myself get sucked in this time. I’m not thick enough to fall for that trick twice. “Toby, Toby? Are you ok, you look like you’re going to cry, did I say something?” I blinked at him.

“No.” I shook my head and looked at the clock, time to go. I began to pack up quickly. I bolted out of the classroom and ran to the loos.

**P.O.V. change**

He gazed off into the distance. He really wasn’t listening to me. I don’t mine. Just being near him is nice. His beautiful blue eyes filled with tears. His face was deathly white.

“Toby, Toby? Are you ok, you look like you’re going to cry, did I say something?” His lovely eyes refocused and blinked at me.

“No.” His voice was cold and empty. He bolted out of the room, what had I done, he seemed fine just a second ago. I watched him leave. I packed slowly and left the room feeling very confused. I had to find him, I had to know what I had done wrong. Where would he be? The boys’ toilets, warm and safe. I picked up my pace and pushed the door open, there was no one inside. I tapped on the door of the only closed cubical.

“Toby, is that you?”

“No.” I recognised his voice, he was crying. I had to have done something wrong.

“Toby, I recognise your voice, I know it’s you. Please talk to me.” He opened the door and looked at me.

“No.” his beautiful blue eyes were framed with red, his cheeks were red and covered in tear tracks. He looked so vulnerable and so beautiful. “Leave me alone.” He snapped and pushed past me.

“What did I do?” I shouted after him. There was no answer. I slid down the wall and looked at me feet. “That went well.” I whispered to my self.

“What the hell did you do to Toby?” Tim yelled at me. He towered over me. I just looked blankly up at him.

“I don’t know, he won’t tell me what I did. He was fine in maths, then he suddenly looked like he was going to cry and he bolted out of the room, then I followed him here and he wouldn’t talk to me.” I whispered. Now I wanted to cry. What had I done wrong? How had I hurt him so much that he wouldn’t even talk to me anymore? Tim didn’t believe me, he just sneered down at me.

“Like I’m going to believe that. Toby doesn’t cry about nothing. You’re just as bad as the rest of them.” Tim turned and stormed away. As he opened the door I saw Toby stood outside waiting for him, tears rolling down his cheeks. Oh god.
♠ ♠ ♠
A very short update for you. Hope you don't mind the shortness.
Any comments?
Thanks to everyone who commented:
Lolita Lily
Dango X_x
Again you have my thanks.