Status: Updates will be slow and irregular. Sorry.

Frightened Blue Eyes

Chapter 4

“Louise.” I whimpered as I sat down next to her at the bus stop. “My life sucks balls!” I dropped my head onto her shoulder. She chuckled and patted my back.

“Nicky honey, you suck balls.” I groaned. “Sorry sweetie, I couldn’t resist. What’s up?” She asked softly. Her eyes sparkled and danced. She looked so young, it was hard to believe that she was two years older than me. She was only a little taller than me and I hadn’t really done much growing yet.

“I met this, boy. He’s divine! You would not believe how he makes me feel.” I sighed as I thought of Toby.

“And the problem is?” Louise asked hugging me.

“He’s being bullied about being gay and won’t talk to me. well he did, but then I said something or did something and I don’t know what and know he hates me and won’t talk to me and I’ve never felt so much in one day. It’s just… Fuck!” I put my head in my hands and moaned. Louise hummed slightly and rubbed my back.

“What’s his name?” she asked absentmindedly.

“Toby.” I sighed, a dreamy smile forming on my lips.

“What Max’s brother Toby? Seriously, Shit, he is cute! Actually Max isn’t bad ether, he’s a bit of a knob but he’s cute.” I looked up at her.

“You know them?” she nodded and smiled.

“I know people. Just to check we’re talking about the same people. Is that him over there, just coming out of the sweet shop?” I glanced up and nearly melted. Toby looked like a god. His blond hair glistening in the golden sun, I looked at the boy behind him; I assumed he was Max, they looked quite similar. Louise was right, Max was quite cute as well, but no where near as good looking as Toby.

“Yeah, that’s Toby.” I sighed and gazed at him as he walked, his arms wrapped round his waist, but he didn’t look as vulnerable any more, he must really trust his brother. I watched as he walked, not realising that Louise had got up until she began to drag me over to one of the shops. “Where are we going?”

“I need chocolate.” We walked in and I wanted to hide. Conner was stood by the counter. None of his friends were around so that was ok, but I still didn’t want to be anywhere near the boy who made Toby’s life difficult. Louise skipped over to the sweets and left me in the entrance. She was soon talking to one of the boys from her drama club. He was tall with very dark hair and a slight American accent. They looked good together. He clearly like her and I knew for a fact the Louise liked him, I could see why, he was hot, but like everyone he paled in comparison to Toby.

“Hay Nicky.” A seductive voice said in my ear. I jumped and turned. Conner was stood behind me a smirk on his lips. “How are you?”

“I’m fine.” His smile grew as he stepped closer.

“You know I’ve never liked another boy as much as I like you. Maybe you want to umm you know.” I raised my eye brows, but before I could answer Louise was back, so was her drama friend.

“Come on Nicky. Oh this is Nicky, he’s my soon to be stepbrother.” She explained to her friend. He smiled at me. I liked him, he seemed nice enough. “This is Leo.” She indicated at the boy next to her. I smiled back at him. “Hello Conner.” She said with slight distain.

“Louise.” Conner muttered in the same tone. “I’ll see you tomorrow Nicky.” He slapped my arse as he left. I yelped.

“If you touch my brother again I’ll tell your sister.” Louise called after Conner as he left the shop. I smiled as we left. I would have to prove to Toby that I cared about him, that I was better than the other boys. I would start my plan tomorrow. I would win his trust and his heart and I would treat him exactly how he deserves!
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