Status: Updates will be slow and irregular. Sorry.

Frightened Blue Eyes

Chapter 5

“Umm, Max?” I asked softly. Max was humming along to his music, probably something really crap. He glanced at me.

“What’s up bro?” I rolled my eyes he knew I hated being called that.

“I’ll tell you what’s up bro.” I smirked at him. Max grinned and flung his arm round my shoulders.

“Ok, ok I’m sorry. What up really? And don’t you even think about saying I’m the problem!” he grinned and hugged me. I laughed despite everything, Max was always able to make me laugh.

“Well, there’s a new boy at school. He’s called Nicky and…”

“You have a crush on him?” Max cut across me. I closed my mouth and nodded. “He’s straight?” I shook my head. “So what’s the problem?”

“I don’t know if I can trust him, you know what happened the last time I trusted someone I had a crush on. They put pictures all over the internet and then broke up with me after telling me it was all a prank. What if Nicky want to do the same?”

“Toby, my dear little brother, you can’t let things like that get you down. Your last crush was a git. The chances of you getting two gits in a row are minimal. I mean really, it all over now, everyone has forgotten about it now haven’t they?” I smiled. I didn’t want Max to know about what was really going on at school, he would get mad and hit them and then get into loads of trouble, because he’s already got into too many fights. I looked across the road and saw Nicky. He was with a girl I recognised from primary school and a boy from Max’s year.

“Max, Max, that’s Nicky over there, with Louise.” As I mentioned Louise’s name Max’s eyes lit up, I had his full attention. He followed my finger.

“Who, the tall one, he’s in my year?” I shook my head.

“No you idiot.” Max frowned.

“ok, so he’s quite good looking, he’s nothing special.”

“What? Are you mad, his perfect!” I gasped at Max.

“Toby, I’m straight. I don’t think any boys are perfect. I think Louise is perfect but the boys she’s with, not really. Leo’s ok I suppose but no where near perfect.” I rolled my eyes.

“enough about your taste, what am I going to do?”
♠ ♠ ♠
i know the chapter is short and i know i've made you wait for ages, but i've been ill and had writers block at the same time. (never a good combination.)

Comments please?