Status: Updates will be slow and irregular. Sorry.

Frightened Blue Eyes

Chapter 6

“Toby, I think you’re mad to let a little thing that happened over a year ago prevent you from being happy. If you like him, then hang out with him, get to know him and go out with him. And while going out with him remember not to snog in the presence of you older brother!”

“Max!” I screamed as I collapsed onto his bed next to him. “What if it’s all a huge joke and he’s exactly like the others?”

“If he is, I’ll have a go at Louise for letting him do something like that and then she’ll have a go at him and everything will be fine. And if that doesn’t work I’ll nock his lights out!” I winced. I knew Max so well. If Nicky did hurt me then Max would kill him. That’s why I never told him about what happened at school. While he was up at the other site, I could keep him out of trouble. While he didn’t know what was going on he wouldn’t get involved. “I’ll see if I can talk to her at school tomorrow. Now I’m going on facebook. Don’t you have homework?”

“Yes. So do you.”

“If I do my homework my teachers will die of surprise.” I frowned and left him to his beloved facebook. I walked into my bedroom, closed the door and sighed. What was I going to do about Nicky until Max talked to Louise. When would Max talk to Louise? He would never admit it to anyone even me, but he had, had a crush on her since almost the moment he laid eyes on her. If he was going to talk to her he would say something stupid and annoy her and my life would be over. Why oh why was I letting my idiot of a big brother have anything to do with my possible love life?

“Because you’re desperate Toby you grate git!” I signed to my self and flopped backwards onto the soft pillows.

“Yo Toby! Get you arse in here now, this is vital and concerning you!” Shit, what had Max seen? I got up and walked slowly into his room. He was on his privet messages. I frowned. Had one of them emailed him?

“What is it?” I asked warily.

“Louise had just emailed me.” I looked over his shoulder.

To: Max
From: Louise
Subject: Our brothers! Very important!!!!!

Umm hi. I don’t know if Toby’s told you about Nicky yet. If he hasn’t well, Nicky’s my soon to be step brother. According to Nicky, Toby is gay. This has created a slight problem. Nicky is also gay and might have the biggest crush of his young life on your unfortunate brother. If that was it then there wouldn’t be a problem, but also according to Nicky, Toby stopped talking to him after maths and won’t tell Nicky why. My dearest Nicky being the idiot that he is, is now sulking in his room and had been complaining about how unfair his life is and what’s worse he burst into tears as soon as we got home. Therefore if you care at all for keeping what little sanity I have left, and our little brothers future happiness I beg you to do anything!!! PLEASE!

I blinked. Louise was very formal. Max frowned. And re-read the email. He signed and looked at me with a puzzled expression.

“So there you have it Nicky has a seemingly large crush on you. Are all your problems solved.” I shook my head. Max’s frown deepened. I nodded. He smiled and turned back to the screen.

To: Louise
From: Max
Subject: Problem solved!!!

Hay, thanks 4 the email. Toby was moaning 2 me bout Nicky. You’ve got nothing 2 worry bout, Toby got a bit crush on Nicky 2. on way home you bro was described as perfect. as 4 not talking, Toby has a bit of a trust problem, he had bad experience will previous BF but he’s over it now.

I gasped at the screen. Max hit sent and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Any chance of Nicky thinking I was cool was now gone. He would now see me for the pathetic wimp I really was. I sighed and trailed back to my room.

“At least you know Nicky likes you now.” I said as I closed the door. “What if he was lying to his sister, or if she was lying, or he was just using her email.” Oh shit there were so many possibilities. Anything could go wrong.
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Next update is now up obviously.

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