I Can't Speak To You.


"There's something you should know."

"What is it, honey?"

"Don't call me that."

"But I thought you liked it."

"I don't."

"Alright. I'm sorry. What is it you want to talk to me about?"

"I don't think we should be together anymore."

"Why? What did I do?"

"It's nothing that you did. I just.."


"I don't love you like I used to."

"But..I can make you love me again. Please.."

"It's too late. We're done."

"Sai, I love you. Don't leave me.."

"It's not your decision."

"That's not fair. We have to talk about this."

"I don't care what you want, Lane. It's over."

"I..Have you ever loved me, then?"

"I'm not sure. I used to think so."

"What changed?"

"I changed."

"How? I don't get it. Please help me understand."

"It's not important."

"Everything about you is important to me."

"Don't say that. I want you to leave."

"Sai, please don't. I love you more than I love myself."

"I don't care. I've said this already. Just go."

"I..I love you, Sai. I'm leaving, I just want you to know that I love you, and I always will."


"Is this Josiah Davis?"

"Yes, this is he."

"Today Lane Harris was found dead in his apartment. We've been told you were his boyfriend."


"Sir, when's the last time you've seen or spoken to Mr. Harris?"

"He's dead?"

"Yes, sir. Can you answer our questions now or do you want to speak in person."

"Lane's..I, no. Yes. I mean, can I talk to you in person?"

"Yes. One O'clock at the station."

"Of course."

"Hello, I'm officer Morgan Daniels. You're Josiah Davis, correct?"

"Y-yes. Where's Lane?"

"Sir..? He's deceased."

"Dec- No. He told me.."

"Mr. Davis, can you tell me when the last time you spoke or saw Mr. Harris is?"

"Yes..we spoke yesterday. He was at my home."

"Can you tell me what was said, anything to upset him."

"Why? What happened?"

"Mr. Davis, calm down, please. He shot himself through the heart. Suicide."

"Wha..No..Lane. Lane wouldn't have done that. He said he would love me forever."

"I'm sorry for your loss, sir. Can you please tell me what he was so upset about."

"Uh..Uhm. Excuse me. I need air."

"Of course. Please be back in here in five minutes or so. I'll be waiting."

"So what happened, Mr. Davis?"

"We-I broke up with him."


"I broke up with him, I told him things I shouldn't have said."

"You mustn't blame yourself, Mr. Davis."

"Leave me alone. I need to go."

"We have more ques- Mr. Davis, please come back here. Mr. Davis!"

"Hi, it's Lane, but in case your wondering why I'm not here, I'm probably with Sai, so leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible, love!"

"L-Lane. I'm so sorry. Please..I want you back. I didn't mean any of that. Please..don't be dead."

"Mr. Davis? Open the door, we need to talk to you."

"Officer Daniels, he hasn't answered the door for days. His neighbors have tried to offer their condolences, but to no avail."

"Bust open this door immediately."

"But sir, we'd need a warran-"

"DO IT!"

"Yes, sir."

"Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Get the paramedics in here, officer. Do it, now."

"There's no heart rate. He's gone."

"Get a body bag."

"How'd he die, sir?"

"I'd say..a broken heart."

♠ ♠ ♠
This was written in about five minutes. I'm sorry if it's hard to follow, but I wrote it, and I like it, so here. Comments would be fantastic, even if it's to tell me how much you despise it. Thank you for reading.