Don't Let Them Grind You Down

Closed the door and left me blinded by the light

Gerard winced as he tore of a fingernail that he had been chewing for the past few hours. Time was ticking away and he felt that as every minute rotted away in his hands, a part of his soul screamed in agony and died too.

Ray was looking after a shaken Mikey. They were situated on the old couch; Mikey had a blanket thrown around his and was holding on to a half empty mug of coffee as if it was his last hope.

Bob was tiredly leaning over a battered table, studying a large road map. The T.V flashed in the background. It was on the news channel but the mute button had been pressed, making the atmosphere that much more tense.

Gerard sighed and leaned on the windowsill, he let out a sad sigh and watching his breath create little crystals on the window. With one quick swipe of his hand they were destroyed. Gerard's hand however stayed on the window.

The sun was setting in a captivating manor. Blood red rays were being shot across the sky, staining the sky pink. Fiery orange burned around the edges of the horizon as the sun slowly sunk under the skyline.

"Somewhere...Frankie's watching the same sun set, the same colors with the same sun." Gerard jumped at these words and turned to face his brother, who had vacated the spot that he had sat in all day. Comfort infected his veins by the warm words spoken by Mikey and Gerard removed his hand from the glass and placed it onto Mikey's cheek.

Mikey didn't complain about his cold touch but instead smiled at the contact. He had been silent all day, apart from the odd whimper or sob, but he had not been silent in his head. Thoughts had swirled around his head, some positive, which brought him hope while others had been negative, bringing with them depression and anger.

The brothers didn't speak a word but embraced each other, and the sun set behind them.

"We'll find him,” whispered Mikey into Gerard's ear, making Gerard nod.

"I know."

Suddenly the shrill ring of the phone cut through the moment and both brothers jumped apart.

Bob and Ray stood up and they all ran for it.

Gerard picked it up and pushed the speaker button.

"Hello?" Gerard asked, adrenaline pumping through his veins.

"G...Gee?" a small voice came through the speaker and the gang almost all broke down crying.

"FRANKIE!" they cried, not sure what to expect.

Sorry It's slightly short, but I'm ill [again!] so please make me feel better by commenting <3