Don't Let Them Grind You Down

But One Sunset is Another Sun Rise

The red and blue lights lit up the whole street in turn as Jeff stumbled along the sidewalk.

In his drunken state, he could make no connection between the numbers of emergency vehicles situated outside the place where he was staying and himself.

It was a challenge to get up the rusty staircase, and even harder to find his room.

Finally he recognized the scratches on one of the cheap wooden doors and entered the room.

Jeff jumped in shock as the sight of police officers met his eyes but he barely had enough time to form a syllable before he was pushed against the dirty wall and had handcuffs slapped across his wrists.


Gerard could feel the cold plastic of the waiting room chair dig into his leg, but as uncomfortable as it was he felt he did not have the energy or willing to move.

They had been sat in the same position for what seemed like hours, waiting, just waiting.

All 4 boys refused to sleep, almost drinking the coffee machine out of coffee, each minute becoming more desperate than the last.

As each painful second slipped away, they felt as if the outcome became grimmer and grimmer.

Finally a nurse, who looked exhausted, walked down the hall, the slapping of her shoes echoing around the tense atmosphere.

”How is he?” Ray asked, his voice cracking.

The nurse was silent for a moment as she took in the tragic scene before her, these young boys who had already been through so much were going to mature far beyond their years over the next few months.

”I’m afraid it’s bad news.”

In that split second Gerard swore he felt his heart smash into thousands of pieces, it was if the world was ending, but only he, Mikey, Ray and Bob noticed.

”Mr. Iero’s body has sustained too much damage for it to handle, it’s independently shutting down.”

”There’s nothing you can do?” sobbed Mikey

”We’ve done all we can do, I’m sorry.”

”How long has he got?” Bob asked quietly.

”A few hours, he’s strong but I’m afraid he wont make it through the night…”

”Can… Can we see him?” Gerard finally found his voice.

”Of course, he’s awake, if you just follow me.”

Actually seeing Frank in the hospital bed, machines attached to him from all different wires connected to his pale skin, hit home the reality of the situation more than being told it.

He was dying, he looked like he was dying, as his dark hair that fell over his closed eyes, contrasted with his chalky, white skin while his breathing was slow and shallow.

The nurse left the group alone and they stepped closer with caution.

”Frankie?” Mikey asked in a hushed voice.

The broken child opened his eyes and attempted to sit up. It took him a few tries and some help from Bob and Ray, but he did it eventually.

”I…I don’t know what to s..Say to you all” Frank choked

”I’m so…”

”Don’t even think about it, this isn’t any of you guy’s fault and I’ll never forgive myself if you feel guilty for this…”

The small group embraced their brave friend gently as they came to terms with their situation.

None of them could believe this was their last day together; they were desperately trying to escape the inevitable.

After a few minutes of sadness, a silent pact seemed to come over the boys.

It wasn’t going to help if they just sit there, waiting for death to come; they needed to enjoy these precious moments.

When the nurse came to check on them, she was surprised to find them playing with the old dungeons and dragons game from the toy box in the children’s ward.

They were laughing and messing around like your average teenagers.

However that joy couldn’t last forever.

As the day grew cold, the sun became lower in the sky, yet the boys continued to enjoy each other’s company over a simple game that they had taken for granted so many times before.

Gerard lost himself in his mind as he thought of how unfair life seemed to be. It was almost as if Frank had a terminal illness, something that nobody could prevent, but this was all due to one monster. He had stolen Frank’s life from him, taken a member of the family and destroyed the innocence of childhood.

Gerard knew that the months ahead were going to be long and hard, he was never going to get over this, none of them were…

”Yes!” Gerard was shaken from his thoughts as he watched Frank attempt a little victory dance while sitting in bed.

”I can still beat all you losers, even on my death bed” laughed Frank, and it was at that moment that Gerard truly realized how brave his friend really was. He did not fear death, he seemed to accept his fate and make the most of it.

”That’s so unfair… I hate it when you’re dungeon master” Ray moaned.

”Just ‘cause you suck” came the giggled reply as Frank lay back down.

Bob stood up and yawned as he stretched out. He met Frank’s eyes and they both gave a sad smile.

Gerard watched carefully as Frank seemed to send a message to Bob through eye contact alone.

He assumed Bob got the message as he gave a small nod that nobody else seemed to notice.

”I’m gunna grab some food… anyone else care to join me?”

Gerard shook his head but Mikey stood up and joined Bob as Ray put away the board from the previous game.

”Sure thing, I’m starved” Mikey spoke enthusiastically

Ray nodded and then the three men walked toward the doorway.

Bob spun around before he exited after Ray and Mikey and he and Frank, once again, looked at each other silently for a moment.

”I’ll see you later kid.” Bob whispered sadly.

”Bye Bobby Bear.”

There was a comfortable silence after Bob left; Gerard and Frank lay together on the bed staring out of the window.

The sun was beginning to set, the bottom was just starting to disappear below the horizon, sending golden rays across the land.



”I don’t want this to destroy you… you have so much going for you and I don’t want you to throw away all that, just so you can go mourn and shit okay?” Frank whispered, without taking his eyes from the sunset

”I…I’m not going to lie, I’m going to miss you so much Frankie, you’re the goddamn life of the party and I have no idea what the hell we’re going to do without you… all this is so sudden and rushed that we can’t even say goodbye properly.” Sniffed Gerard as he tried to hold in tears.

”I’m not saying shut off all your emotions; just don’t let this hold you back… don’t take anyone’s shit. You always told me that… please Gee, don’t let them grind you down.”

”I love you... you know Frankie, you’ll always be my best friend.

”I know Gee Gee, I love you too… best friends forever right. We’ll be together again one day Gerard, I just know it, but until then promise we one thing?” Frank croaked as the sun sunk further into the shadows.

”Anything…” Gerard said as Frank’s cold hand wrapped around his own

”Live each day as if it was your last.”

”I promise,” he whispered as the sun disappeared under the black silhouette of the Earth

Gerard watched as Frank’s face relaxed and his eyes closed. He was eerily calm as he bent down and kissed Frank’s forehead, moving his coal black hair from his beautiful face.

The young boy stood up and walked slowly over to the window.

He stared at the black sky for a few somber moments before he pulled the dusty curtains and walked out of the room, only pausing in the door way to turn and take one last look at his best friend’s pain free face.

♠ ♠ ♠
Just to make this clear, there will be no sequel but there will be an epilogue that will apear about 20 minutes after this chapter.

This ending was extremly difficult and I have no idea what to think of it, so please, feedback, feedback and feedback!