Don't Let Them Grind You Down

Through broken walls, that scream I hear

Gerards POV

Shit, that didn't go to plan...

I shouted after him but he carried on running.

Nice going Gerard, you just upset one of your best friends! Ray is going to kill me... Maybe I should follow Frankie? Okay now I sound like a stalker!

Jeeze... I didn't think asking him if he was manic depressive would make him kick off! Although I guess I ignored the warning signs. The sarcastic attitude, the death glares, it was kinda obvious he wasn't in the mood to be questioned. I just hope he's okay.

Frank POV

I was sitting on top of my hill, when I realised, what if Gerard's right? Am I depressed? Well he said manic depressed, and that I match the description, what description? Is there something wrong with me?!?

Arg My brain hurts...

Not wanting Pansy to get wrecked, I started to walk home. Getting there I saw Mom's car was missing from the drive YES!

Letting myself in with my key I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a soda and made my way to my room. Putting Pansy on the stand under my Misfits poster I lay down on my bed and yawned.

Practice take's a lot out of yuh I tell you!

Well it does if you run and jump like an idiot... and then run away from a best friend.

Maybe I should phone and say sorry to Gee, after all he was just trying to be a good friend.

I moved towards my bedroom door when I heard the door open, I crept out and saw it was just Jeff, my Mom's ass of a boyfriend, blah as long as I don't have to talk to him I'm happy.

Slipping back on my bed I hear footsteps coming up the stairs.


"Where are you, you little brat?!?"

What the hell does he want?