Status: slowly active

I Hate Twilight

I Hate Twilight

I woke up to the hell song by sum 41 being blasted in my ears. I got out of bed leaving the song on while I walked into the bathroom.
After my shower I walked back into my room with a towel on, I rooted through my closet and decided to wear my purple skinny jeans, an orange shirt that said ‘girl’s fake orgasms but guys fake relationships’ in bold black writing.
The song changed to courage by alien ant farm as I was putting on my wrist bands, chains on my jeans and my spiky belt. I danced back into the bathroom to put on my eyeliner and fix my hair.
I stopped in the middle of my room thinking if I should put my lip rings in.
(Might as well) I thought with a shrug

So I walked back into the bathroom and put them in along with my star earrings. When I was finished I picked up my blink 182 bag from the side of my bed and made sure I had my phone and iPod. I started to walk down the stairs when I heard Tasha talking to some one.

“She’ll be down in a minute” she said to the mystery random person
“Ok” I heard a male-y voice reply
“Abby get your butt down here Edward is here for you”
I stopped mid-step with a look of disgust on my face
(No fucking way) I thought angrily, I had told her that I’d rather walk so tip toed back up the stairs to my room, I opened my window and threw my bag to the ground.

Once I was on the window ledge I jumped to the tree that was next to my window and thank fuck I didn't miss it, I really didn’t want to be plant food.
I shimmied down the tree to the ground, picking my bag up, I looked around humming the mission impossible tune after not spotting anyone I just shrugged my shoulders and walked off.

I was about half way to school when a car stopped next to me; I just ignored it and carried on walking
“Hey you”
I was getting pissed, so I pulled out my iPod and put the plugs in my ears. Nodding my head along to again by flyleaf, I felt a cold hand on my shoulder spinning around I came face to face with my most hated twilight character; the sparkling she man Edward Cullen.
“What do you want?” I asked in a dull tone
“I was supposed to be taking you to school”
“Your point being, I have legs so I’m using them”
“Just get in car”
“NO I’m walking so piss off”

I started walking again, I heard him give a sad sigh but I could care less.
I reached the school about five minutes later with Edward driving behind me. Rolling my eyes I walked into the office to collect my timetable and locker number.
“Hi, I’m Abby and I’m here for my stuff” I said trying to be polite
“Oh here you are” she said rudely while looking my up and down with disgust, rolling my eyes I left the old hag to her work.

Looking at my timetable I found out that my lessons for today were:
Art 8.45 – 9.45
Maths 9.45 – 10.45
Break 10.45 – 11.00
History 11.00 – 12.00
English 12.00 – 1.00
Lunch 1.00 – 2.00
PE 2.00 – 3.00

“Great” I sighed out the only lesson that I would enjoy was art. Grumbling I strolled to my locker which was easy to find, I stuffed my bag in after taking my phone out and putting it into my pocket. Shutting my locker I can face to face with yet again sparkly butt
“STOP FOLLOWING ME” I yelled in his face I walked to my art classroom.

I walked to where the teacher was sat and handed him my slip that needed to be signed.
“Hello I’m Mr. Jones, tell everyone about yourself”
“Ok, my name is Abby. I like drawing and music. Hate jerks, sparkley knob heads and everything mythical” I said looking at Edward
“Ok there’s a spare seat next to Edward Cullen, Edward raise your hand”

I gave the teacher a glare before dragging my feet to where I had to sit. I’m going to take back about what I said about art.
When I looked over at him, he was wearing smug smirk on his pale stupid face so with a glare I turned back to the teacher

“Ok class so we are just going to do free drawing today, the drawings are in for next lesson”
I walked to the front of the class and got some paper; I sat back down and started to draw.
“Hi I’m-“
“I know and I don’t care” I stated interrupting him, hoping that he’d get the message that I wanted him to leave me alone.
At the end of the lesson I placed my drawing into the tray that had my name on it and walked to maths.

I walked into maths and froze. Sitting there in all his smugness was Edward gazing at me with Alice next to him looking zoned out but she soon snapped out of it and beamed at me.
The only seat left was… gr.
Not saying anything I turned on the balls of my feet and walked out of the class. I walked to some stairs, through a door and found myself on the roof. I walked over to the side and sat down