Status: slowly active

I Hate Twilight

I Hate Twilight

We were sitting in the living room watching hot fuss when I heard something move from up… stairs… SHIT Edward was still in my room. I sprang off of the sofa and dashed for the stairs.
“Abby are you ok?” Jacob asked trying to catch me
“Edward… room… bastard… stuff… move” I said in a rush as Jacob looked confused
“Edward is still in her room and the bastard is moving her stuff” she looked at me seeing if she got it right, I nodded my head and ran up the stairs.

I nearly tore the door off of the hinges to find Edward looking through my things; he had my iPod in his hand looking through my songs and no one touches my iPod it’s my baby, my life. I launched myself towards Edward.

“Mine” I said while grabbing my iPod.
“Its ok now mummy’s here, your save, sshh, mean old sparkle Barbie can’t get you now” I whispered to my iPod stroking it

They all looked at my weirdly but I just shrugged my shoulders

“You know what I am?” Edward asked me fearing the answer
“Yes. A vampire and you’re a shape shifter” I said in a dull and bored tone

Jacob started glairing at Carmen as he let her go and walked over to me holding my shoulders in a gentle grip lowering his head so we were face to face.

“Who told you?” he said in a gentle and almost loving voice but there was hidden sadness
“No one did I just figured it out” they all looked at me waiting for me to carry on
“well my real mum was fascinated by mythical things like vampires, werewolves and so on and told me how to spot one just by looking at them” I said lying through my ass and the dickheads believed me.
Jacob let me go slowly and walked back over to Carmen. I felt Edward embrace me to his chest

“Let me the fuck down sparkle ken. NOW” I bellowed trying to get out of his arms
“But what about if I want you to be my Barbie?” Edward said playfully kissing my ear making me thrash around, I looked around for Jacob to help me by the fucker had left and I didn’t see Carmen ether.

“I’m so happy that you don’t care that I’m a vampire. I love you and I’m not letting you go. Ever” as Edward said this in a serious and determinate voice.
I froze, he was never going to leave me alone, he was never going to let me love who I wanted to love.
I was doomed, I had to think of something I was being no ones Barbie. I don’t even like pink!