Sequel: You're The Only One

Don't Hold Your Breath

This Is The Time And This Is The Place To Be Alive

Gabe's POV

I sat at a table with Blivy, Brendon, and Ryan. They talked us into going on a double date at some weird little club thing.  I guess it wouldn't have been so bad if they weren't so lovey-dovey smoochy smoochy the whole time.

Don't get me wrong, those two are great and I'm glad they're happy again, but they've been like that for the last four days. It'd be nice to be acknowledged every now and then…especially since they were the ones who made us tag along so we could "catch up." Oh well. At least I have Bill. 

They were lost in their own little conversation when I turned to Blivy. "You want to go get some air or something? Give these two some privacy?" I asked.

"Yeah sounds good." He whispered back. I turned to Ryan and Brendon who were caught up in their little butterfly kisses that would be cute to anyone else…

"Uh, were going to head out, y'know, get some air while you guys wait for your dessert." I explained. 

Ryan broke away for about two seconds to respond. "Alright, just don't leave me with the bill." He warned. I waved him off and headed out the door with William. I saw Ryan roll his eyes out of the corner of my eye. 

We found a spot out front on the lawn to sit down. It was dark out and you could see the stars. I laid back with my arms behind my head letting out a relaxed sigh. I felt Bill sit down next to me. I looked over and he was sitting with his legs crossed looking at the ground. I sat up and wrapped my arms around him. 

"Whats wrong?" I whispered in his ear. He looked at me and gave me a weak smile. 

"Its nothing. I was just thinking." He answered softly. 


"About what happened. With Pete… and all that drama." 

"Oh." I nodded. Not to sure how to respond. 

"I'm sorry." He mumbled. 

I gave him a confused look. "What do you have to be sorry for?" 

"I should have done something. Instead of standing back and watching, to afraid to do or say anything. It wasn't fair for Pete to run you out of the school, much less the state." He explained. 

I sighed and hugged him closer. "Will, you have nothing to be sorry for. It was all Pete. If you had come out and tried to do anything he would have made both our lives hell. I'm glad you didn't do anything, because if you did it would have been harder to leave…" 

"I know, but I-" I cut him off by lifting his face and catching his lips with my own. At first he didn't respond, a little shocked. But he slowly began to kiss back. His lips moved softly and in motion with my own. He pulled away holding a sweet smile on his face. 

"What was that for?" he asked. 

"You wouldn't stop talking." I replied with a smirk. He laughed and pulled me in for another. 

"Alright you two love birds, let's get going. I told Brendon's mom we'd be back by ten." Ryan so rudely interrupted us sneaking up from behind. I sent him a glare and he just smirked. Brendon looked amused. 

"Oh and by the way, you owe me ten dollars." 


Ryan's POV

We all sat around the tiny hotel room doing nothing but chatting and teasing each other. Me and Gabe decided to spend the night. Vicky and Ms. U had their own room so they wouldn't have to deal with a bunch of obnoxious teenage boys. 

We were currently deciding on what to do. 

"Ooh we should play truth or dare!" Brendon suggested. 

"I'm in." I added. 

"Me too." Jon agreed. 

"Truth or dare? Seriously? How sixth-grade-girl-sleep-over." Gabe added rolling his eyes. 

"Ill play." Will volunteered, joining us in a circle.

"Alright fine, I guess I'll join." Gabe agreed following his boyfriend like a little lost puppy.

Spencer then joined, and we had a full on game of truth or dare.

"Okay so rules," I announced. "If you chicken out you owe the person who dared you ten bucks." Everyone agreeing and we carried on.  

"Ill go first." Brendon announced. He seemed a little to excited for this… "Jon, truth or dare?" he said facing Jon. 

"Uh, Dare." 

Brendon grew a dangerous smirk on his face. 

"I dare you to kiss Spencer, on the lips, for ten seconds." Both Spencer and Jon's eyes widened and the rest of us held back laughter.

"I-What?! No!" He exclaimed. Brendon held out his hand.

"Fine then. Fork over the ten bucks." Jon looked torn. I know he wouldn't give Brendon ten dollars. He's the cheapest person I've ever met. 

"Fine then." He turned to Spencer with a grimace on his face. Spencer's eyes widened even more. They were both beat red when Jon hesitantly pressed his lips to Spencer's. They actually kissed for a good ten seconds. When they separated they both looked like they wanted to live the rest of their lives without ever having to remember that moment. Ever. I swear I even saw them scoot farther apart. By this point we were all cracking up at their embarrassment. There was just something amusing about making the only two straight guys in the room kiss. It was hilarious. 

"Okay Jon, you're turn." 

"Alright… Ryan, truth or dare?"

"Uh, dare." I answered. Then immediately regretted it. He had revenge set in his eyes.

"Alright, I dare you to stay as far from Brendon as you can until… 1:30." he said glancing at the clock. 

My jaw dropped. "What? That's unfair! That's three hours!" I exclaimed. 

"Its that or ten bucks." he replied smugly. 
I glared at him. 

"Fine." I motioned for Brendon to get up off my lap. I sent him an apologetic look before getting up and crossing the room to sit next to Jon. "Since I can't snuggle with my boyfriend I'll have to use you as a replacement." I said wrapping my arms around him and pulling him onto my lap making him uncomfortable. 

"Dude! Get off me!" He said trying to get up, but I held on tighter. 

"Payback's a bitch isn't it?" He sighed and gave up. I smirked to myself and Brendon was still glaring at Jon. 

Jon turned to Brendon raising his arms in an exaggerated shrug. "Payback's a bitch." he quoted me. 

"Alright alright. Gabe, truth or dare?" I sighed breaking up the glare-fest.  

"Dare." He replied smugly.

"Okay, I dare you to hump Spencer." Spencer choked on whatever it was he was eating and glared at me. 

"Why me?! Can't you guys find another target?!" He exclaimed. 

"Well, I obviously don't want him doing it to my boyfriend, and it's not as entertaining if he does it to his own boyfriend, and Jon is currently busy being my replacement pillow, so you're the only one left." I explained. 

Gabe didn't hesitate before cross the room to where Spencer was sitting with his face in his hands. 

Then the oh so shy Gabe pulled him up and proceeded to dance around him before actually getting right down to it. Needless to say it was pretty entertaining. Poor Spencer though.

It pretty much went back and forth like this for the rest of the night. Turns out Blivy isn't as introverted as we thought he was. 

"Will truth or dare?" Brendon asked. 

"Truth." He responded without pause. 

"Who in this room would you be most likely to fuck besides Saporta?" Brendon asked. 

He thought about it before answering. "Well, I'm pretty sure Ryan would castrate me if I touched Brendon, and vise-versa. And since Jon and Kaela are obviously so madly in love, I wouldn't want to ruin that for them…" Jon flushed and looked down mumbling a "Are not" under his breath. "So I'd have to say Spencer." Spencer looked indifferent. He had been the Victim for so many dares and truths and what not he seems to have grown numb. 

Once the clock hit 1:30 I shot across the room, and pounced on a certain half asleep unsuspecting Brendon Urie. I attacked his lips, and he was barely there. I giggled and laid on top of him and we soon fell asleep. As did everyone else. 

Things just couldn't get any better.             
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah… so this chapter is fillerish and kinda pointless, but I needed another fluff chapter before the major shit that's gunna be happening… I'm serious. You're reactions will probably be along the lines of "OMG WTF!!! HOLY SHIT!! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!" *stabs author with spork.*

So yeah… be prepared.
(muahaha) >.<