I Think I'm Everything You Hate.

This is a tragic love story that is told through the eyes of a girl who, many years after a terrible accident, suddenly is able to remember every single detail about the 2 years that she missed completely. She's able to remember the boy that she fell in love with as a teenager, the boy that completely changed her life, the boy that is now a rich musician. But will he still love her back? Especially after she had just up and left in confusion?
  1. Love at First Sight
    [Jade tells about the first time she ever met Billie Joe Armstrong]
  2. He Only Laughs Like That When He's Around You.
    [a night out]
  3. A Fairy Tale
    [First night at Gilman's]
  4. Oh The Stoner Days
    [A memory of Jade's first REAL high]
  5. I Think I Love You
    those three words.
  6. I'm With The Band
    a tragic accident.
  7. I Don't Remember....Should I?
    Jade loses it.
  8. The guy in my dreams.
    Jade remembers.
  9. Love At Second Sight.
    A boy sees a girl. <3
  10. He Remembers.