When You Were Young

The Meeting.

July 7th 2006

Rae Richards had had a horrible night.

Well at least that was what she thought.

Less than three hours ago she had just been informed that she had almost died in a carwreck. Rae couldn't even remember why she had been in a car in the first place. Or why the only person on her mind was Billie Joe Armstrong. She looked over at her poster of Green Day in the corner of her room. Why was that all she could think about? Why couldn't she get him out of her head. Yeah, so it was her favorite band. Yeah, he was her biggest crush. But this was different.

Rae got up out of her bed, eyeing her journal on the side of her bed. She shook her head and walked down the darkened hallway and into the kitchen. She reached up into the cupboard and grabbed a glass cup and walked over to the refrigerator. She filled up the cup and walked over and sat down at the kitchen table.

Rae shifted slightly, something was poking her backside. She stood up and reached behind her and stuck her hand in her back pocket and retrieved a small notecard. She slowly opened it up. Someone had written in quick, scribbled writing. Rae felt her stomach clench as the memories came flooding back into her mind.

One Day earlier. July 6th 2006

Rae had to get down there. How could they be tearing down Gilman street? It was one of the most important things in California! Green Day played there! Green fucking Day!!! And now they thought it was useless and were deciding to put a strip mall there. Rae stopped a stop light about a mile from 924. It turned green quickly but the person in front of her wouldn't move. Rae angrily sighed and honked her horn. They floored the gas pedal and zoomed out into the traffic and Rae followed suit. Too bad she didn't see the other car coming straight for her.


Rae opened her eyes slowly. "Oh my God I'm dead." Rae muttered to herself, looking around the room. It was a messy room. Who knew God was such a poor house keeper?

Or drop dead gorgeous...

A guy came walking into the room with a glass of water and a bottle of Asprin. Not just any guy. A guy that could melt your heart with his smile....and his good looks. "Hey you're awake!" He said walking over towards the bed. Rae scooted away.

Ok so maybe this isn't God. And I'm just in some random guys house...in his room...in his..oh shit...im in his bed. Rae thought.

"Whoa, it's okay. I don't bite...hard." He said with a sly grin. Rae stared at him in awe.

"Um...where am I?"

"In my room."

"Oh my God did we have sex?!" Rae exclaimed, smacking her hands to the side of her face. The guy laughed and shook his head.

"I wish. But no."

Rae raised her eyebrows. He wished? Who is this guy? "Um..Would you mind telling me who you are. Why I'm in your bed? And why you look so God damned familiar."

"Well...I'd like to know who you are first." He asked.

"Rae. Rae Richards." She said quickly. The guy smiled.

"Rae? I like that. Oh...and my name's Billie Joe. Billie Joe Armstrong."

Rae let out a snort of laughter. "Haha. Yeah right. Nice try."

"Um...what?" Billie Joe asked. Rae looked at him skepticly.

"You? Billie Joe Armstrong? You're what...20?"

"18. But thanks for the age raise." Billie said with a small smile. "And if you're still wondering, you were just passed out on the sidewalk next to Gilman Street. And I was kinda stoned but you looked pretty bad so I thought I'd help you out a little."

"Oh my God! Gilman Street!" Rae exclaimed. "I have to get down there! I forgot! Oh my God I hope they didn't tear it down."

"Tear it down?!!" Billie yelled. "Why the fuck would they do that?"


"Man what are you smoking?" Billie asked.

"I'm not fucking smoking anything!"

"They're not gonna tear down Gilman Street! I was just there last night. I think they'd make an announcement." Billie said, pushing Rae back down onto the bed. She just shook her head and fought against him.

"No. You don't get it. They made an announcement like two weeks ago."

"Um...No." Billie reassured Rae.

"Yes they did. Will you just fucking take me there?!" Rae complained. Billie Joe sighed.

"Fine." Billie sighed, letting Rae out of his grasp. She jumped up and ran to the door and walked down a long hallway.

"Do you have a lot of brothers and sisters?" Rae questioned, noticing all of the rooms that looked like they used to be occupied.

"Er...yeah. 5. They're all moved out though. I'm the youngest."

Rae looked over at Billie questioningly. Coincidence. She thought. They walked out to the front where there was a Blue Ford Mustang parked under a tree. Billie Joe led Rae out to his car. She got in the passenger seat and buckled up quickly. "Hurry Hurry!" She said. Billie Joe hastily sat in the front seat and pulled out onto the street.

"So um...Rae...what were you doing last night?"

"I was going to Gilman street. I thought I told you that."

"You did but that doesn't explain why you were completely passed out on the sidewalk, a ways away from there." Billie said, pulling onto the highway. Rae sighed and thought for a moment. She never remembered actually seeing Gilman street. So what had happened? This was so weird. Why couldn't she remember?

"I was at a stop light. In my car. And that's it. I black out after that."

Billie Joe didn't say anything. Rae wasn't sure what had happened and she was trying her hardest to figure it out. But nothing was working. She looked over at Billie. "So you like Gilman's?"

Billie grinned. "Fuck yeah. My band plays there almost every weekened. We have a show tomorrow night actually."

"That's not possible." Rae argued.

"Um...yeah. It is."

"No. Because, Gilman's had their last show a month ago. And then they closed. I was there. I remember it. Green Day played there."

"Green Day? Where have you heard that?"

"Um hello? They're like the biggest band in the world right now."

"Me and my band were thinking about calling ourselves that."

"Well I don't know what kind of music you listen to but Billie Joe would be pissed."

Billie slammed on his brakes, stopping on the side of the road. He leaned over towards Rae who was now scared shitless. "What. The. Fuck. Is. wrong with you?" Billie said straight out. Rae scrunched herself up against the door.

"Nothing's wrong with me. What's wrong with you!" Rae snapped.

"There is nothing fucking wrong with me. But you...you are insane."

"I am not! You're the one calling yourself Billie Joe Armstrong!!"

Billie let out a frustrated sigh. "Ok. You wanna learn something new? My name is Billie Joe Armstrong. Not William Joseph. Just Billie Joe. My mom is from Oklahoma and that's why. I'm 18 years old and I've lived in California all of my life and wouldn't dream of going anywhere else. I'm in a band called Sweet Children with my two best friends Mike and Tre' and we just got a record deal from Lookout! records. And now are thinking about renaming us to Green Day."

Rae stared at him with her mouth wide open. "Is you're drummer Tre'?"

"So you do know us?" Billie asked.

"His full name wouldn't happen to be--"

"Frank Edwin Wright III." They both said at the same time. Billie sat upright.

"No one knows that but me and Mike."

"Well almost every Tre' Cool lover does. At least...15 years from now. They do."

"What?" Billie asked. Rae's hand went up to her mouth.

"Oh my God. What's the date?" Rae asked.

"Er... July 7th 1989."

"I must be dreaming."

"I dont think so." Billie said quickly. Rae immidietly shook her head.

"No no. This is a dream. Because I was born 1987. And the year is 2006."

"You're kidding right?" Billie asked. He laughed to himself. Rae shook her head slowly.

"I--I don't know. All I know is that...Oh my God you're Billie Joe Armstrong..." Rae said finally, looking over at Billie Joe.

"It took you that long?" He asked, smacking his hand up against his forhead.

"No! You don't get it. You're like...you're famous. You're in a band. I have your posters all over my walls. I--I have a major crush on you. I--"

"Whoa Whoa whoa...you have a crush on me? When I'm 34?"

Rae felt her face grow slightly red with embarassment, realizing a little too late that she shouldn't have said that. Billie smirked and turned the car back on. "So wait a second I still don't get how the hell you got here in the first place.

"I told you. In 2006 they were about to close Gilman street down and build a mall there."


"See! Now you see why I was freaking out earlier. I was on my way driving there when...Oh..." Rae said, her face growing worried. "Oh my God."

"What?" Billie asked.

"A truck. A semi. It hit me."

"And you're still alive?"

"I don't know. I was hit and then the next thing I knew was that I was here. In your room."

Billie raised his eyebrows. "Wow. I'd say let's take you to the hospital but I'd think they'd send you to the nuthouse."

"Yeah." Rae said softly. They were both silent for a few moments. Billie looked over at Rae and then back at the road, then back at Rae, then at the road.

"What?" Rae asked, looking over at Billie. He shrugged.

"I don't know. I'm just looking at you. I never got a good look."

"I'm hoping it's good."

Billie grinned. "Don't worry, it is."

Rae felt her face get hot. She smiled slightly and shifted nervously. She quickly changed the subject. "So where do you think I should stay?" She asked.

"My place of course." Billie said quickly.


"Yeah why not. You don't know anyone else in this time period so why not?"

"But your mom--"

"She wouldn't care. Anyway, she works a lot." Billie said, pulling onto his street.

"But clothes and stuff."

"Well then, let's go shopping." Billie said, slamming on his breaks and swirving the car around. Rae grasped onto the side of the door, digging her fingernails into the leather. The car came to a halt and Billie looked over at her with a grin.

"Get used to it babe."