When You Were Young

How about Just You and Me?

July 11th 1989

Rae sat down on the couch in the living room after they had gotten home. It had been a silent ride the entire time. Neither of them knew what to say. Hell, they'd just lost complete self control in the front seat of Billie's car. What was there to say?

"Well that was fun."

Rae looked over at Billie and laughed slightly. Billie simply grinned and took a seat next to Rae. "So um--about that 'research?'"

"I don't know." Rae said softly. "I mean it's like, as long as we tell the police who this guy is and what he did then they can finish it off. But we have to time it right."

"What do you mean?" Billie asked. Rae looked over at him.
"Well if we tell them now, they'll think we're crazy. Because nothing has happened. But we'd have to wait until he actually does something like--well--you know."
"Yeah. Right." Billie said nodding his head slowly. "So we just wait?"

"Pretty much." Rae said with another sigh. "God I'm so tired." She muttered, leaning her head back on the couch.

"What time did you get up this morning? You went pretty fucking far."
"I know." Rae muttered. "I woke up at like 5:30 and couldn't go back to sleep so I left at like 6:00."

"Jesus." Billie muttered. "Why didn't you wake me up?"
Rae smiled. "You looked too cute."
"Cute? You've never said I looked 'cute' before."
"I know. Maybe you haven't ever looked cute before." Rae laughed.
"I bet you I have." Billie said with a grin.
"Yeah-huh! I bet you're thinking it right now! I bet you think i'm cute right now!" Billie said, scooting closer to Rae who was laughing uncontrollably.

Billie smiled and moved so his thigh was right next to Rae's. Rae immidietly stopped laughing the moment she noticed the bright green in Billie's eyes. He stopped laughing too and the smile slowly faded off of his face as he dipped his head and pressed his lips to Rae's. Rae gasped slightly not expecting any more kisses of those extremeties for the rest of the day.

Billie Joe put his hands on Rae's hips and pulled her in closer, and she responded by bringing her arms up around his neck and kissing him more deeply. He let out a soft moan as he felt her tongue move against his own. That was until they were interrupted by the sound of Ollie's key in the front door once again.

Rae jumped up and away from Billie Joe and into the chair next to him. Billie hastily smoothed down the front of his hair and grabbed the remote an flicked on the TV just as Ollie came through the front door.

"Hey guys." Ollie said cheerfully, setting a bag of groceries down on the table. "How are you?"

"Ok." Billie and Rae replied simultaneously. Ollie quirked and eyebrow and walked over.

"What's up with you two?" She asked.
"Nothing Mom! We're--"
"Jeez Billie, you look a little flushed. Are you feeling alright?" Ollie asked, bending down to feel her son's forehead. He swatted her hand away and looked back at the TV.

"I'm fine mom. Just a little hot. It's a warm day outside."
"Uh-huh." Ollie said walking back over to her groceries and putting them away in the refridgerator.

"How was your trip? I never asked." Ollie said softly. Rae looked over at Billie warily.
"It was ok." Billie said tonelessly. Ollie nodded with a smile and then turned and walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

"Jesus Christ Rae..." Billie sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "You can't do that to me."
"Hey, I'm not the one that started it." Rae said with a laugh. "You did. Both times. And I didn't see you complaining."

Billie smirked and rolled his eyes, getting up from the couch and walking into the kitchen to grab a rootbeer. "You want one?"
"Yes please." Rae said with a smile.

Billie grabbed two bottles and walked back over to the couch and handed her the rootbeer. They popped the caps off and took a sip. Rae looked over at Billie who looked back over at her and smiled. Rae laughed. "What is it?"

Billie thought about the question. He didn't know. He had no idea why every time he looked at Rae he wanted to smile. "I don't know." He said sincerely.

Rae smiled and looked down at her rootbeer that had been placed between her legs in her lap. Billie looked over at her. "Hey you wanna head up to Gilmans?"

"Mike and Tre' said--"
"Screw them. How bout just you and me?"

Rae looked at Billie. "Yeah." She paused. "Yeah sure. Of course I'd love to go."
"Good." Billie said with a grin.
"Maybe a trip to the pier afterwards?"
Rae smiled. "Maybe."

Billie watched Rae stand up and walk towards the stairs. He smirked and got up and walked back into the kitchen.