When You Were Young

It's From When You Were Young.

"Rae are you sure you wanna go?"
"Yes Dani....How many times do I have to tell you?"
"But Rae it's--"
"It's FINE." Rae groaned and got into the car with Dani.

She had been fussing and fussing for the last month over Rae. After the accident Dani had been cautious about anything. Not to mention she still thought Rae was slightly dillousional.

The drive down to 924 wasn't a long one. It was completely remodled now and bands were going to start playing every Friday and Saturday nights. The opening of 924 Gilman street was going to be a major one. They were having a few pretty good name bands playing.

"Rae do you have the tickets."
"Oh shit." Rae mumbled.
"Oh my God. You've got to be kidding me." Dani groaned and threw her head back.

"I'm just kidding...jeez...take a joke."
"A joke? A joke Rae? Since when have you ever tried to 'joke' around. You're too uptight."
"Not anymore." Rae said with a smile. Dani cocked an eyebrow and rolled her eyes.

"T-SHIRTS! OVER HERE! $20! T-SHIRTS! LIMITED TIME ONLY!" a guy yelled loudly, waving a black shirt in the air.

"You want one?" Dani asked.
"Nah." Rae said softly. "Let's just get to the show."

Rae draged Dani into 924 Gilman street where music was already blaring. A younger band was up on the grimy stage playing their hearts out. Rae smiled and started bobbing her head. She looked over at Dani who was starting to get into it.

Finally the band walked off and and older man came out onto the stage. He grabbed the microphone and stepped forward.

"Gilmans is back!" He yelled. The crowd in the front cheered loudly. "Yeah yeah, I know. Don't get too excited...because we've got a special treat for you guys...a select few know what it is."

Rae smiled.

"Please welcome," The guy said with a grin, "GREEN DAY!"

Three men in their mid 30's bounded out onto the stage, decked out in their punk clothes. Billie Joe Armstrong stood at the front of the stage, his guitar around his neck, grinning as the crowd went completely balistic.

"Fuck no..." Dani said with a grin. Rae smiled and looked up at the band. Billie Joe looked over to the side of the room where Rae and Dani were standing. He winked and pointed and then looked back at the massive crowd.

"Will you ever tell me what happened?" Dani asked. Rae looked over at her.
"What happened when?"
"With you and him!"
"Nothing happened. He hit me with his car. And now--well--I geuss you could say we're kinda friends."
"Friends. What about all that shit back at--"
"Shh...they're gonna start playing." Rae said quickly. Dani rolled her eyes and looked up at the stage as Green Day continued to rock the house.


Rae and Dani had separated in the middle of the show. Dani had left early because her and Chase were going out together. But Rae didn't want to leave. She waited until everyone left and just walked around. It was good to be back in there again, especially with the three boys she was used to hearing.

"Hey, thought you weren't gonna come. Rae...right?"
"Yeah." Rae said with a smile, as Mike Dirnt came walking over. "I geuss I decided to show up after all. It was a great show."
"Yeah. We missed this place....did you see our names over ont he wall?" Mike laughed. Rae grinned and nodded.
"Hey you know what? I gotta get going, so maybe I'll see you guys again sometime..." Rae said with a smile. Mike grinned and nodded, sticking out his hand. Rae shook it.

"See ya 'round Rae."
"Yeah...you too."

Rae walked out of the door and behind Gilman street where Christie Road wasn't too far away. She sat down by the chain linked fence, next to the railroad tracks.

"So you got my note?"

Rae looked up. Billie Joe was walking over with his hands stuffed in his coat pockets. It was getting chillier.

"Your note?"
"Yeah...meet me by the knarled tree trunk? Behind Gilmans?"
"That was you!?" Rae asked, astonished.
"Yeah...i thought I gave it to you after I saw you...at your house. You know, when you gave me the picture."

Rae shook her head. He didn't know. He didn't remember.

"Yeah...yeah..that must have been it." Rae said with a faint smile. "Well, we're here now." She said with a soft laugh.
"Yeah...I just wanted to show you this place. I used to spend all my time here."
"Yeah...me too." Rae said with a grin. Billie tilted his head to the side and cocked an eyebrow.

"This is just like...deja vu," He laughed. "It's gonna sound really stupid but I feel like I know you. I mean...I've been here before with you and...I don't know. Forget about it." He said laughing.
"No no." Rae said, standing up. "I kinda feel the same way."
"Maybe we knew each other in another life..." Billie laughed jokingly. Rae smiled and nodded.
"Maybe..." She looked down at her converse and then back up at him. "I gotta go Billie Joe. Maybe I'll see you around?"

"Yeah yeah. of course. Come to another show."
"Sure." Rae said with a smile.
"Hey...about that picture--" Billie asked.
"It's from when you were young. Just keep it." Rae said with a grin.

Billie smiled. "Alright. Whatever you say."

Rae smiled and walked in the opposite direction.

"Hey Rae!" Billie yelled. She turned around.

Billie smiled and walked over to her. He reached out for her hand and set something in it. He winked.

Rae looked down and there, in the palm of her hand, was the plastic bracelet that as a child she had placed in the broken board by her house. How Billie got it...she had no idea. He must have taken it before they had left....15 years ago...

"You know...from when you were young." He said with a grin. "See you around."

Rae's smiled faded. What did he just say?

Billie Joe grinned and winked once then turned and walked in the other direction