When You Were Young

Kiss Me.

July 8th 1989

Rae awoke the next morning yet again in an unfamiliar room. She sat up, noticing that the bed was empty. She was still unsure of where she was. She recalled the day before and prayed to God that it hadn't happened. But why was she still in such an unfamiliar house?! She made her way out of the room and down the hallway towards the bathroom. The door opened and out walked Billie Joe Armstrong.

"Shit." Rae said angrily. Billie raised his eyebrows.

"What! Where?" Billie joked. Rae ignored the joke and fell back against the wall and slowly slid to the floor, her face in her hands.

"Hey..." Billie said walking forward, his smile turning into a look of concern. He bent down in front of Rae. "Rae come on..." Billie said softly, pulling her hands away to reveal her tear-streaked face.

"It wasn't a dream." Rae muttered. Billie sat back onto the floor.

"Rae come on..." Billie said, placing a reassuring hand on her knee. "It'll be okay. We'll figure it out. I promise."

"You can't promise that." Rae said looking up at Billie. He shrugged.

"I can try."

Rae let out a sigh. Billie stood up and held his hand out for her to take. Rae smiled slightly and grabbed a hold of his hand, pulling herself up.

"Okay?" Billie asked. Rae nodded slowly. "Good. Let's go eat. Shall we?" Rae nodded once more and followed Billie downstairs into the kitchen.

"Wow." Rae said as she noticed the plate of pancakes, toast and eggs sitting on the table along with a cold glass of orange juice. "Billie this is-"

"Amazing I know...don't look at me. My mom helped me." Billie laughed softly. Rae grinned.

"It looks great."

Billie smiled as he walked over with a plate for himself, taking a seat next to Rae on the table. "You know this is the first time for a while that I haven't woken up feeling like shit." Billie said, taking a bite out of his pancakes.

"You smoke too much." Rae laughed. Billie smiled and shrugged.

"What can I say?"

Billie and Rae ate in silence for a few minutes. It wasn't an akward silence. Both of them were thinking. Especially Rae, she still couldn't understand what was going on. "So today I have band practice..."

"Oh?" Rae said, looking up from her food.

"Yes. And will you come with me?" Billie asked.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Of course I'll come with you. Anyway...I have nowhere else to go." Rae said, picking up her plate and taking it over to the sink. Billie followed so close behind her that when Rae turned around to get ready Billie was right in front of her. Everytime she moved to the left, so did Billie. When she moved to the right...so did Billie.

"What the hell?" Rae laughed. Billie grinned and finally moved to the side, letting Rae pass. Rae glared back at him as she walked up the stairs to get ready.

Rae sat in her room staring at the pile of clothes up against the wall, trying to decide what to wear. Finally, Rae grabbed her choice of clothes for the day and walked into the bathroom for a shower. Rae noticed the door was shut so she gently knocked. "Yeah. Come in." Said Billie from inside. Rae cautiously opened the bathroom door sligtly afraid of what she might see on the other side.

But it was just Billie.

In his boxers.

Rae held herself back from letting her eyes wander over his slender form. Rae akwardly set her clothes down and stood next to him in the mirror. Billie ran a hand through his brownish hair continuing to eye himself in the mirror.

"Could you stop staring at yourself in the mirror for 5 minutes to teach me how to use the shower?" Rae asked. Billie looked over at her with a smile.

"Hey! I'm a sexy mother fucker and you know it. You dream about fucking me every night."

"Uh-huh sure." Rae said with a small grin. Billie took a step closer...and it was a small bathroom. Rae was now pinned between the closed bathroom door and Billie's bare chest. He rested one hand on either side of her head, against the door. Rae felt her face grow hot and her throat dry. Billie smirked. "See?"

He pushed himself away and looked back into the mirror. "Anyway, I'm thinking about dying it blonde. How bout it?" He asked casually. Rae gulped down the lump in her throat and shrugged.

"I dont know. It'll look good I geuss."

"Or blue. That'd be fucking awsome." Billie said, wetting his hands and spiking up his hair. Rae shook her head walked over to the shower.

"You know I think I can figure out how to do it myself thanks." Rae said turning on the water. Billie came up behind her. "Are you planning on taking a shower while I'm in here?" Billie asked. Rae glared at him.

"No. I was gonna beat you with my hairbrush until you left."

"You dont have a hair brush." Billie said smartly.
"No, but I have a bottle of shampoo." Rae said, picking up Billie's shampoo from the shower. His eyes widened and he backed up and ran out of the door. Rae grinned to herself and locked the door. "Ha!" She yelled. Billie pounded on the door.

"Rae! Come on!"
"I have a lock pick."

"You use it and I will have to castrate you and hang you by your toenails in the backyard."

There was silence on the other side. "Wow. That was violent." Billie said quietly on the other side. Rae laughed and poked her head out of the door.

"I know." Then she jumped forward at Billie who tripped backwards. "Watch out!" She yelled, laughing to herself.

"Hey that wasn't nice." Billie whined from the other side. Rae just turned on the water and stepped into the shower.

"Rae come on!" Billie yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Rae came running out of her room quickly.

"Hold on! You have no idea how important this is to me!" Rae said as she jumped off of the last few steps. Billie grabbed her wrist.
"It's just Mike and Tre'."

"Well not to me!!" Rae said quickly. Billie rolled his eyes, playfully pushing Rae to the side. Rae glared at him and pushed him back. Billie moved away and jumped into the car quickly, locking the doors. "Haha!" He pointed a finger at Rae who was still on the outside of the car. She pounded on the window with her fist.

"Let me in!"
"This isnt funny."
"Yeah it is!"
"Argh!!!" Rae groaned and walked around to the other side of the car.
"Okay okay!" Billie said, rolling down the window. "How bad do you want it?"

"That sounds dirty."
Billie laughed. "I know."
"Come on Bill."
"How far!"
"Just let me in."
"Kiss me."
"Come on Rae."
"No Billie!"

Billie sighed and unlocked the doors, defeated. Rae walked around to the other side and reached for the door. She sat down and looked over at Billie.

"You're mean."
"I'm mean?" Billie asked, his eyebrows raised. Rae nodded slowly. Billie pulled out of the driveway and down the street, the entire ride to Mike's house was silent.

"Doesn't Mike live with you?" Rae asked, after they had pulled into the driveway. Billie looked over.

"How did you know?" Billie asked astonished. "I mean...oh wait...yeah..." Billie said quickly, turning the car off. "Well he is, soon. His mom is moving."

"Oh. Right." Rae said quietly.

"So? Should we head in?" Billie asked. Rae looked over at him and shrugged. "Come on let's go."