When You Were Young

What If We Don't Remember?

July 9 1989

"Whoa whoa whoa. So are you saying if we find this guy. Then everything will be okay and..you'll go home?"

Rae nodded slowly. "It's like in those really cheesy movies."


"That haven't come out yet." Rae laughed slightly. Billie smiled. The two of them sat in a car in the parking lot of a Motel 6 thinking over what they had just seen. Although it had taken Rae a few hours to calm down she finally figured out why she was there.

"You see this guy has killed like 4 people since he killed my mom. And---and I just think that if we stop him. Then--I dont know. It's just seems like the right thing." Rae said softly. Billie nodded.

"I think I understand what you're getting at. But you think we can stop him from--uh--well...you know." Billie said nervously, referring to her mother. Rae shrugged and shook her head slightly.

"I dont think so. But even though he did kill her. If we stop him he'll stop at one. And four other people don't have to die."

Billie smiled slightly. "Do you know how--God, I can't even think of the word--I dont know...you're just thinking about others when you're mother's life is...was at stake."

Rae shrugged. "It's not that big of a deal. I didn't really know her too well. I geuss that was why it was such a big shock to me back there."

"No matter how long you knew her Rae it would have been a major shock." Billie said comfortingly. The two were silent for a few moments, drifting off into their own thoughts. Both thinking how they would accomplish this task.

"I'm gonna need to do a lot of research." Rae said softly.
"We." Billie stated. "We...are gonna need to do a lot of research."

Rae smiled as Billie reached over and grabbed her hand again, squeezing it tightly.

Billie and Rae walked through the city of San Diego, after the hard morning Rae needed a little time to settle down. They had been talking about what they were going to do about this guy. More importantly where they were going to start. Rae's main goal was to turn him into the police. But she couldnt do that until he committed a crime. So to start things out, they had no idea who this guy was, where he lived, his name, nothing. But Rae did know what he looked like.

"I saw his face." Rae said softly as her and Billie walked barefoot on the beach. "Just one time. When my dad and I were in a gas station a little while after hed killed my mom. He was taking me to my grandmas house for a while when the guy came in and my dad recognized him right away. Cause theyd shown his current picture on TV. And the last thing I remember was him running down the street and off into the trees. My dad called the police but we were too late. He got away."

Billie looked down sadly, unsure of what to say still. "Rae...I know this is really important to you." Rae nodded slowly. "But could we drop it for a little while? I dont know its just--were in San Diego and I kind of want to cheer you up a little."

Rae smiled slightly and looked down. "I know. Im sorry. What did you have in mind?"

Billie shrugged. "I dunno. Dinner out?"
"Billie! I dont want to make you take me out for dinner."
Billie laughed softly. "Make me? I want to."

Rae felt her face burn slightly. Billie grinned broadly and turned her around as the two headed back up the beach, grabbing their shoes as they went. Billie and Rae drove around a little while until Rae chose a place that she wanted to go. Billie courteously opened the door for her as they walked inside. Although the two teenagers were dressed in jeans the restaurant was not too fancy...but still not extremely casual.

"So? Is this Ok?" Billie asked. Rae nodded eagerly.
"This is my favorite restaurant back at home." She said softly. Billie smiled.
"Good. Ill have to remember that."

"What? Why?" Rae laughed slightly. Billie shrugged.
"I dont know. If this whole thing works out then youll go home. And Ill have to come find you. Wont I? And when I do...I'll be sure to take you out to dinner."

"Billie..." Rae said softly.
"What?" He asked. Rae paused.
"What if we dont remember?" Rae said softly. Billie shook his head eagerly.
"No no. Well remember. Dont worry. Ill make sure of it. Now...lets keep the talking positive."

Rae laughed and the two engaged in a small conversation. By 9:30 they were exhausted and ready to head home. Billie and Rae walked out to the car and hopped in. Im going to stop at a gas station and get some waters and a snack or something. Billie said starting the car.

"Billie we just ate."
"You're point?"
Rae just smiled and shut her mouth as Billie drove down the street to a gas station. Once they were parked he reached into his pockets and when he pulled nothing out he swore.

"Shit. I dont have any change."
"Oh I do." Rae said reaching into her jean pockets.
"I'm gonna call my mom and tell her well be a little late."
"Okay." Rae said, watching as Billie took the coins from her hand and exited the car. He walked into the gas station giving Rae one last wave before he shut the door. Rae sat patiently in the car, listening to the soft hum of the radio. She looked around and curiously peeked into the car next to Billies. Her heart stopped.

"Oh my God." Rae muttered, sliding down into the seat. It was him. It was the guy that had murdered her mother. Except, this time, he was much younger and more clean shaven. He had dark brown eyes that just seemed to see right through everything. He didnt have much hair on the top of his head but he didnt look old. He was fairly young. Maybe late 20s. Billie came walking out of the gas station and stopped at the payphone. Rae motioned for him to hurry up. Billie nodded and hung up the phone, walking over and sliding into the front seat.

"Whats up?" He asked.
"Billie! Thats him! Hes right there!" Rae said, pointing at the man. He had just gotten out of his car and was heading into the gas station.
"Wait Rae, maybe hell do something and we can call the police."

"No Billie." Rae said softly. "He was never convicted of anything before he killed my mom."

"Shit." Billie muttered. "He is one ugly mother fucker. Id like to beat-"
"Shhh. Hes coming back. I wanna go Billie." Rae said quietly. "Back out. Hurry Billie." Rae said nervously, her eyes full of fear. Billie did as he was told and quickly pulled out and onto the highway. Rae sat close to the door, her hand on the handle and staring out the window, shaking slightly. Billie gently reached over and touched her shoulder. She jumped and turned around to face him.

"Sorry..." Rae whispered. "I'm just a little jumpy."
"No shit." Billie said softly. "Dont worry, well get you home."

"Home home Billie? Or youre home?"
"Both." Billie said, staring off at the road ahead of him. "I promise."

They had only been driving a couple minutes when Billie pulled off to the side of the road. "Rae? Do we have to get home tonight?"

"What? Why?"
"Because I have enough money why don't we stay in a hotel or something?"
"Billie what about--"
"My mom will be fine." Billie stated quickly, getting off of the highway and pulling up into a Comfort Inn.

"I don't really have any extra clothes." Rae stated, getting out of the car.
"S'Okay. I think we'll survive. I'm just exhausted and it will take a few more hours to get home."
"I know what you mean." Rae said softly. They walked inside and up to the counter and got their room....with a little trouble from the guy behind the counter.

Billie and Rae walked up to the room that conviniently had two double beds. The moment Rae got in the room she called the shower. Billie on the other hand collapsed onto the bed and turned on the TV. He then reached over and grabbed the phone, leaving a message for his mom.

Rae came out of the bathroom feeling a little better. She was still a little shooken up from the day but was beginning to settle down a little. She sighed and layed down on the bed. Billie looked over at her, his hand on the light switch. "Hey...you okay?" He asked.

Rae didn't say anything she just got up out of her bed and crawled into Billie's warm, comforting arms. He sighed and hushed her quiet cries. He held her as close as he could to his body, kissing her neck and shoulders everyonce and a while.

Rae finally settled down. They both lay there silently for a few moments. "Rae, I'm sorry." Billie whispered.

"Please, don't be." Rae said with a small smile. She looked up at him. BIllie let out a shakey breath and dipped his head low and pressed his lips against hers. Rae felt a 10,000 volt shock shoot through her body. It was like her brain short circuited and she could do absolutely nothing but let his lips move against hers.

Billie didn't push it. He simply pulled his head up and smiled whispering a gentle, "Night Rae."

Rae swallowed hard and whispered. "Night Billie."