Status: Complete.

Apple Tree Hearts

See that apple tree over there? See it? Yeah.

Everybody at their school loved that apple tree.

It was where first kisses were shared, first dates, first other things.

Frankly, that apple tree was old. Really old. The teachers said it was as creaky and as unsteady as the school's ninth grade Science teacher. They said the tree literally creaked whenever the wind was any stronger than a breeze.

The students protested, obviously.

That is the only reason why that apple tree is still standing, and raining fruits.

There have been heartbreaks, however. Many heartbreaks. Etched into the trunk of the apple tree were the typical initials, engraved in the center of the heart.

Occasionally there was a slash through one or two of the carvings.

2208 words.

Entered in: Pre-write Contest--- Very original name, I know = ]

Saviour's "Knockout" Contest - Final Round.

No prompt.

Writing is 100% © puzzle piece. (Originally: metaphwoarr.)
  1. apple tree hearts
    lexis and croy 1/1