The Dark Witch


P.O.V. – Becky Sinclair

The shock wave of my solitary word rushed through me. It was as if time had stopped the second I opened my mouth. I couldn’t move, and whatever air I had had left in my lungs was gone now, but I wasn’t even gasping for breath. Black, I thought suddenly, this new word coming from the farthest corners of my mind, Sirius Black.

I took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, the room was beginning to spin. Where had I come up with the name, Sirius Black? Was I so insane that I was coming up with full names for my figments now? I shook my head slowly, surprising myself, I didn't think a person was allowed to move physically while having an out of body experience.

I shook my head again trying to focus. I had come up with name’s for my nightmarish monster and the elderly lady too, I reasoned. So why was, I couldn't stop myself from using his name, Sirius so different? Was it because he hadn’t told me his name himself? Or was it because he had felt more real and more familiar to me than the other two?

I reached up my hand to brush my face and was surprised to find tears there, I hadn’t even noticed that I was crying. I chuckled to myself, this was so stupid, I was crying over someone who didn’t even exist. A figment of my imagination.

Unconsciously, my hand drifted to my lips for the second time in the past few minutes, I could still feel his presence there. It was even stronger than before, despite that more time had passed. I was truly insane. I couldn’t even convince myself that he, Sirius (I caressed the name lovingly in my mind), wasn’t real.

I let out a tiny gasp, as a sudden, sharp, pain bombarded my mind, it was nearly blinding. My skull felt like it was going to split in two any moment. I gave a little whimper and curled up into a ball on the hard stone floor. Grasping to hold the image of Sirius Black in my mind as all faded into darkness.