‹ Prequel: Painful Lullaby
Status: Finished.

Jagged Edge

Party Till You're Passed Out

Jag and I took a half hour break after decorating to catch our breath before everyone got there. The doorbell never rang, Bryce, Donny, and Adam just stormed in, laughing and punching each other. They came and joined us in the living room. It was very comical, Donny and Bryce wound up wrestling. The only problem was that Donny just kept tackling Bryce and knocking him to the floor. Bryce was not down for thirty seconds before he got back up and tried knocking Donny back down.

"Who's my bitch?" Donny hissed, crouched about two inches from Bryce's face as he layed on the floor, breathing heavily to try and regain his breath and pride.

"What?" Bryce asked, looking at us for help.

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. We just settled this. Who. Is. My. Bitch?" Donny questioned slowly, as if Bryce couldn't comprehend the sentence. Bryce sat thoughtfully for a moment. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he smirked.

"Veronica," he stated simply.

"What?" Donny asked. He sounded genuinely confused.

"Veronica. She's your bitch!" Bryce's voice was that of pure cruel enjoyment. Donny's face sported an unmatched death-glare.

"I'm gonna ask you again and if you fuck it up, I'll kick you in the balls. I swear to it. Who's. My. Bitch?" Donny got closer to Bryce's face.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot! Excuse me. What I meant was you were Veronica's bitch!" Bryce snickered. Donny's mouth fell open. He stood up, walked over to Bryce's legs and swiftly kicked him in the balls. Adam and Jag cringed. Bryce cried out in pain. Donny laughed silently.

"Now I'm gonna ask you again," Donny smirked, getting back to Bryce's face. "Who's my bitch?"

"Me," Bryce croaked, rolling on the floor and clutching the pained area.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't quite hear you. What was that?" Donny asked, cupping his hand to his ear. He was toying with Bryce now.

"Me," Bryce said a bit louder.

"What?!" Donny yelled.

"I'm your bitch!" Bryce screamed back.

"That's what I thought," Donny said, smug. He stood up and turned away in the blink of an eye. Adam, Jag, and I were choking back our laughter. Bryce broke the barrier and started cracking up. We all joined him as he struggled off the floor, cringing and laughing at the same time.

The doorbell rang as Bryce slowly reached the chair. I looked around at everyone, then shot up out of my seat. Donny got up and started running in front of me.

"Oh hell no!" I muttered. Donny reached the door before me, but I ran quicker and plowed into the side of his stomach. Not only did I knock him down, but took myself with him. The door creaked open slightly.

"Come in," Donny croaked out between bursts of laughter. Abbie, Zoe, Aydin, and Veronica slowly walked in, looking around as they did so. Abbie was the first one to notice us on the floor.

"Ha!" she yelled as a smile broke out across her face. She stopped and pointed at us.

"What the hell?" Zoe asked, laughing at the sight of me laying half on Donny and half against the door.

"Orgy!" Abbie yelled, dropping herself on top of all of us. Zoe sat down on my stomach and started messing up my hair, laughing all the while. Veronica plopped down next to Donny. He kissed her hand and her face turned a deep red color.

"Aww!" I cooed. She turned to glare at me, then turned away. I guess she felt the heat of her blush.

"I heard orgy, and I had to come!" Bryce declared loudly as he walked out of the living room. We all stopped to look at him just in time to see him running full force at us. Abbie and I squealed.

"You come over here and you'll be fucking dead!" Veronica warned. Bryce stopped running, but walked dangerously close to Veronica, and sat down next to her. He brought his face very close to hers.

"Okay," he whispered, then crawled off. I let the moment sink in, then started cracking up in astonishment. It amazed me the things my friends could come up with. I hardly stopped laughing any time I was near one of them.

The door opened then, pushing me into an awkward position. Eva and Kori walked in. They took one look at our pile and automatically backed up. Eva was carrying two brown paper bags wrapped around a bottle in each hand.

"Hey guys, come see what I got!" Eva called. Adam, Donny, and Jag all came running into the kitchen and we untangled oureselves, following them. Eva set the bottles down on the counter with a clink.

"One hundred percent Gen-yoo-ine..." Eva skillfully pulled both the bottles up at the same time. "Sparkling grape and cherry juice. No need for applause, I know I'm amazing."

"Go get some cups, asshole!" Bryce said, pushing Jag toward the cupboards. He shook his head and opened them up, searching for enough wine glasses for 11 teenagers.

"Guys...we have a problem," Jag snickered, pulling out one wine glass with a skull arm for a handle. "There's only one."

"Oh hell no!" I exclaimed, bounding over to him. I peered into the cupboard and found that he was right. "Well, we could use that. Kori, get some straws please."

"This?" Jag asked, pointing at the dish I was pointing at.

"Yeah! Get it out, I can't reach it!" I exclaimed. Jag pulled down a black cauldron-like bowl with two skull hands on the side. I grabbed the bowl and the sparkling juice bottles and took them to the kitchen. I set it on the corner and popped the cork off the bottle. I held the bottle out to Veronica.

"Do the honors," I said. She smiled and poured the wine into the bowl. It bubbled up and fizzled. The dark color of the drink made it look even more like a cauldron than it already did. When we finished, we all positioned ourselves around the bowl. This included me, Abbie, and Zoe getting on the table.

"Nobody backwash!" Veronica yelled before we all started sipping. We drank the bowl dry in a matter of seconds. Bryce took the final sip, then spit some of it at Veronica. It splashed across her face. She wiped it off, staring at the table, then turned slowly and glared at Bryce.

"Run," I whispered urgently. He got up and tried to run, only to trip and fall flat on his face.

"Mother fucking bitch table! Goddammit! OW!"re Bryce yelled, rolling over and clutching his face.

"I wasn't gonna chase you dick head," Veronica pointed out cheerfully. Bryce groaned again and got up.

"Before anyone dies, let's go into the living room and turn on some music!" I exclaimed. Jag got there before me and turned on the disco ball. I turned off the lights and skipped to the stereo. I turned it on and it started playing my party mix. The first song was Football Season Is Over by Bring Me The Horizon. As everyone started dancing, Zoe pulled me off to the side.

"Roxie, the mindlink is back!" She exclaimed happily. "It never left!"

"What?" I asked, confused. I was still thinking about Bryce spitting juice on Veronica's face.

"The mindlink, silly! When we fought, it never left. Isn't it weird how we both, um, cheated at the same time? That means it's back!" she exclaimed happily.

"Um, okay?" I said. I still wasn't quite in this conversation yet.

"Roxie, are we still friends?" She asked.

"Yeah! I mean, if you wanna be," I said carefully. I didn't want to seem too forward or desperate or whatever.

"Cool!" She exclaimed, "Now come on. Let's dance!"

I followed her to the dance floor. I grabbed Jag's hand and started dancing with him. I threw my arms up in the air and sang along to the music. At one point we all watched a production put on by Zoe and Abbie. Abbie had a bottle of sparkling wine and Zoe had a Rock Band microphone. They made us replay Football Season Is Over. They jumped off the couch and fake-screamed as they rolled around on the floor. Abbie discarded the empty bottle and performed an air-guitar solo. She was rolling around on the floor with a hilarious look on her face.

Then we started moshing to another song who's name I forgot. We weren't violent moshers though. Those people scared me. Basically, all we did was form a big group and jump around.

I broke from the group to get something to drink and took that time to examine the surroundings. Abbie and Aydin were holding hands. Veronica and Donny were very close to each other. Zoe and Adam had their arms wrapped around each other. Kori and Bryce were slow dancing to the heavy beat. Jag was giving Eva a piggy-back ride.

Eventually, we all took a few minutes for a break. We turned the music down slightly and sat on the floor with some drinks. That's when I heard the door open. I got up and peered around the corner. I could see a large, dark silhouette cast on the floor in front of the door due to the porch light. At first I thought that it was one of us who went outside, but we were all here and that shadow was too damn big to be one of us!
♠ ♠ ♠
Title credit goes to Football Season Is Over by Bring Me The Horizon (my new favorite song).
Thanks to my dear friends Abi, Allie, and Kaitlyn who helped me come up with the idea for this chapter, along with the next few. I wouldn't have ever thought of something like this. xD