‹ Prequel: Painful Lullaby
Status: Finished.

Jagged Edge

If I Were Your Vampire

"I'm hungry. Veronica, go get me some food," I complained, poking Veronica's leg. She was sitting awkwardly next to Donny while I was laying my head in Jag's lap. She looked down at me, slightly smiled, and shook her head.

"Hell no. Get up and do it yourself," she said. I glared at her.

"Veronicaaaaa, go get me some foooood!" I whined louder. People around us looked at me with digust and annoyance. I decided to be a little more polite, so I threw in a little, "please" at the end.

"No! I told you to get your own food!" She exclaimed. I turned my eyes to Donny and gazed at him accusingly.

"Make her get me food."

"Oh hell no! Don't get me involved in this!" Donny exclaimed, throwing up his hands like he was motioning for peace.

"How about we all go get food?" Kori suggested. I looked at her in amazement.

"That's a brilliant idea! Let's go!" I called, jumping up. Mostly everyone followed as quickly, but some of the others were groaning about having to get up and move like the lazy-asses they were. They were my lazy-asses, though.

"Where do you wanna go?" someone asked. Wrong thing to say. Automatically, everyone had a different response. From McDonald's to a random smoothie shop, they were completely different.

"Okay, then we'll pair off and go get them. Claim a partner!" Donny yelled. Kori grabbed Veronica, Abbie and Zoe grabbed each other, Donny paired up with Jag, and Bryce went with Adam. That left Aydin and I to be partners for this epic food journey.

"Well, it looks like we're partners!" I exclaimed to Aydin.

"Fer sure," Aydin grinned. "Where were you thinking of going?"

"Meet up back here once you get your food and don't eat any of it!" Abbie shouted. "I wannna have a picnic."

"I seen this one place with cheesecake in it and I wanna get some of that. What were you thinking?" I asked.

"I wanted to go for like...an ice cream cone," Aydin shrugged.

"Cool! We could hit both of those and still have time to walk around," I said. "To Baskin Robbins!"

We headed off to Baskin Robbins, earning a few stares on the way there.

"Faggots!" someone yelled as we walked by.

"Hey asshole, wanna say that to my face?!" Aydin shouted, turning around to look at the dick who thought name-calling was fun. The guy walked away quickly.

"That's right, pussy! Walk away! Who's the faggot now?" Aydin yelled after him, his accent attracting a lot of attention, including mine. I knew I was gaping at him when he asked, "What? Is something wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong...it's just...That was awesome! It was so Jeffree Star!" I exclaimed.

"I'll take that personality-wise, not sexuality-wise," he smiled.

"I didn't mean it sexuality-wise. It's just...that was one of the most hardcore things that I've ever seen, and I've seen some pretty hardcore things! I once seen Escape the Fate in concert, and that was about on the same level of amazing," I said through a smile of awe.

"I'm glad you thought so," Ayding laughed.

"I bet you probably think I'm pretty crazy. I mean, since we don't know each other real well and you've just met my hyper-active side," I said. Aydin laughed again.

"You're cool, not crazy. And I'm used to Abbie, who's pretty crazy on a normal day-to-day basis. I adjusted to it quite easily," Aydin smirked.

"Oh really?" I asked with a smirk as we got into the line for Baskin Robbins.

"Yes, really," Aydin said, but was cut off by the woman working at the counter. She asked for his order, and he asked for pistachio. He turned to me, slowly licking at the melting parts of his ice cream.

"Ooh, pistachio. Nice choice!" I stated.

"It's my favorite. What about you? What's your favorite ice cream?" Aydin asked, looking down at me. He was quite tall, taller than Jag but not as tall as Donny.

"I don't have a favorite. I eat pretty much anything," I said with a smirk.

"That's...interesting," Aydin said, laughing with a sly grin on his face.

"Shut up, pervert. That's not what I meant."


Aydin and I came back to the terminal to find Donny, Jag, Veronica, and Zoe already there. Everyone slowly made their way back. I sat on Veronica's lap.

"What are you doing?" She asked me. I turned my head slowly to look at her, a smile spreading out on my face.

"Nothing," I told her. I opened the top to my container of cheesecake. All eyes were on us, anticipating Veronica's next move.

"Why the hell are you sitting on me?" She asked. I didn't have a reason.

"Remember the one time I got whiplash when we were headbanging to Rob Zombie?" I asked her. She smiled.

"Yeah, and you kept getting ice and putting it on your neck like that would help anything. Now get off." She pushed me from her lap. I giggled and crawled over to a space between Jag and Zoe. We ate quickly and silently. I was ravenous. I hadn't eaten since breakfast, which was who-knows-how-long-ago. When we finished, we handed all our shit to Donny, who threw it out.

"Oh my God," Abbie hissed under her breath. I looked at her. Her eyes were wide open with awe and her mouth was wide open. I followed her gaze but didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

"What is it?" I asked, confused. I was still trying to spot whatever made Abbie gape.

"It'sMitchellDavis!" she gasped out in one breath. As soon as she said that, I spotted him sitting and typing away at a little laptop. Zoe, Kori, and Veronica all looked over, too.

"Let's go say hi!" Zoe exclaimed, jumping up and pulling me up along with her. I grabbed Abbie, she grabbed Kori, and we waited for Veronica to stand up on her own time. Then, we scurried over to him, trying not to look like fangirls or stalkers.

"H-Hi? Mitchell?" Kori asked when we reached him. He looked up, pushed his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose, and smiled at us.

"Hello, that would be me! And who are you lovely ladies?" Mitchell asked. We all stated our names and Mitchell shook our hands as we did.

"It's nice to meet you guys! Have a seat somewhere, what's going on?" he asked, shutting his laptop.

"Well, our friend Aydin is flying back to Wales to see some friends and family. He moved here a little while ago," Zoe explained.

"Cool, cool. So, he's got one of those cool Welsh accents?" Mitchell asked, a huge grin on his face.

"Oh hell yeah!" Abbie exclaimed, making Mitchell laugh.

"What are you doing here, Mitchell?" I asked, sitting pretzel-style on the floor.

"Well, I went to visit my friends around the nation, and I'm flying back home right now," he explained, nodding his head.

"Cool! How was that?" Zoe asked.

"Oh my gosh. It was amazing!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air, then burst out laughing. "Do you guys wanna make a quick video with me?"

"YES!" We all stated in unison, then laughed at each other and how we all though the same thing.

"Alright, lemme get my camera out," Mitchell said, leaning over the chair to pull out his video camera from his bag. He aimed it at us, turned it on, and said, "Hi, hello this is Mitchell Davis and these are my friends Zoe, Abbie, Roxie, Veronica, and Kori. I just met them at the airport! They're delivering their friend, Aydin, to Wales. Point him out for me!"

"He's the one with the white-blonde hair," Abbie said, pointing to our group of guys. They seemed to all be wrestling.

"It seems they're...fighting," Mitchell whispered the last words, then started to laugh as the camera zoomed in on Aydin biting Donny's hand. "It also seems that Aydin is a vampire."

After a few more minutes of filming, we ended the video.

"Ahaha!" Mitchel laughed, giving us all high-fives, "That was great! I love meeting fans and makin' videos!"

"Epic," Abbie sighed, throwing her head back.

"Well, I'm gonna go get something to eat. It was so great meeting you guys, but first," Mitchell pulled out a cell phone, "We're all getting pictures together!"

We took hundreds of pictures, then waved Mitchell off as he went to find somewhere to eat. We walked back to our group of guys.

"Holy shit," I whispered. "I just met Mitchell Davis."
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Title credit goes to the amazing Marilyn Manson.
I'll give you a chapter dedication if you comment with an idea for the story!