‹ Prequel: Painful Lullaby
Status: Finished.

Jagged Edge

I'm Not Okay

I watched tenderly as Abbie said her goodbyes to Aydin. She was saying goodbye right now, then we were saying goodbye, then Abbie was saying goodbye again. Everyone watched as they hugged each other and swayed in each others arms.

"We need a camera and some popcorn. This is chick-flick material right here," Zoe mumured to me. I supressed a giggle and continued to watch them. Eventually, they started walking back over to us, hand in hand.

"I'll see you guys in a week or so," Aydin said, hugging each of us. I made sure to hug him extra tight, seeing as how we had so much fun today.

We waved goodbye to Aydin, then he and Abbie walked to a corner for some more private time. We were all silent until Zoe burst out in uncontrollable laughter. I looked over at her in an amused disbelief, waiting until Zoe could control the distinct 'hee-hee ha-ha' of her laughter. She pointed at a sign in front of a food store, bursting out in another fit of giggles as she seen the sign again.

I, along with everyone else sitting along the wall in our group, followed Zoe's finger. The sign read:


I followed Zoe's example and started laughing, too. I think everyone burst out with some form of giggles, even Veronica, even though she was acting like she was shaking her head in shame.

"We're terrible perverts," I sighed once the laughter had died down and we were all wiping the tears away from our eyes. I laid my head down on Jag's shoulder. We went back to watching the kiss-smothered goodbyes of Abbie and Aydin, occasionally glancing back at the sign and giggling a little bit.

Abbie came back to us after about ten minutes and we waved goodbye to Aydin as he got in line for his flight. We waited until he boarded before we got up to leave. Abbie was a little teary, but that wasn't anything the Mr. Dick's Foot-Long Hot Dogs sign couldn't fix.

We walked slowly out of the airport, not yet ready to leave. We were having so much fun that it was disappointing that we had to go. There was still so many thing to see and so many places to go.

Everything was quiet on the walk out to Aydin's van. I wrapped my arm around Abbie's shoulders to comfort her and she smiled meekly at me.

We got into the car and claimed our seats. Jag and I went in the back again along with Abbie, Zoe and Adam in front of us, Kori and Bryce in front of them, and Donny and Veronica in the front seats.

"Band meeting!" Adam sang, making a few of us girls giggle.

"Dude, in the car? With the girls?" Donny asked.

"I'm taking that offensively," Abbie stated, glaring at Donny through the rearview mirror. I snickered at her comment.

"Well, usually it's just us dudes, our instruments, and the band members. I don't mean it offensively," Donny said defensively.

"The girls are a part of the band. They can be like...groupies. Or background dancers. Or overseers. Veronica, stop giving me that look! I don't know what you want!" Adam cried as Veronica glared at him, not happy with any of his choices for her.

"Uh...anyway. What's the topic of this meeting?" Bryce asked, sitting sideways with Kori in his lap.

"Aydin. Are we gonna have him in the band or not?" Adam asked. "Does anyone know if he plays?"

"He plays guitar and keyboard," Abbie stated before anyone had a chance to. Everyone mouthed 'oh.'

"So, if he were in the band, what would he play?" Jag asked.

"I dunno. We're screamo and we don't really need a keyboard," Bryce said.

"It's up to Donny," Adam interjected. "I don't think any of us really thinks it matters if we have another guitarist, but if Donny doesn't want one, we won't have another one."

"I think we'll give him a little preliminary round or something. Like a jam session between me and him. If I don't like it, I'll tell him flat out," Donny shrugged. We all nodded and agreed with that logic.

"Sounds good," Jag nodded approvingly.

"When are you guys having another practice?" Zoe asked.

"There's actually one in a few days at my Jag's," Donny replied. "I think it's two days, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's in two days," Jag confirmed.

"We're playing a show next week, too," Bryce beamed proudly. "It's at a little coffe shop thing, but it's still a show."

"Can we come to the practice?" I piped up. "I mean, I'm gonna be there, but is everyone else?"

"Hell yeah they are!" Adam grinned hugging Zoe to his chest. I smiled when I spotted her blushing.

"You're our groupies, you have to come," Donny said. I could hear the smile in his voice.

"I'm not a groupie," Veronica muttered as she grabbed her iPod and plugged it into the stereo system.

"Veronica, play I'm Not Okay, but don't play it yet! Pause it right at the beginning!" Zoe exclaimed, then turned to me, "Are you ready?"

"Yeah...I guess?" It was more of a question because I really didn't know what the fuck was going on or what I was supposed to be ready for.

"You guys can do whatever you were planning," Veronica said, holding her iPod at the ready, knowing what Zoe was talking about.

And then when Zoe started reciting the beginning of the I'm Not Okay music video, I knew exactly what was going on, so I made sure to stare off into space like I was deep in thought.

"Face it. You're never gonna make it," Zoe stated with the same passion that Ray Toro did on the video.

"I don't wanna make it. I just..wanna..." I trailed off at the perfect time and Veronica started the song. Everyone in the car knew the words. I had once stated that I'm Not Okay was like the soundtrack of my life, and it was for pretty much everyone else in the car, too.

When the song ended, a calm fell over the car. It was like My Chemical Romance could end any nervousness we were having or something.

I leaned my head down on Jag's shoulder and yawned. The day was so eventful, and I was tired again. It probably didn't help any that Jag was singing softly to the both of us like a sweet lullaby, but I dozed off in Jag's arms.


"No, I don't wanna get up," I groaned. Jag shook me gently again.

"We have to go inside. Donny and Veronica wanna get home and then you can sleep in our bed," Jag said in a voice that persuaded me to rub my eyes and get up. Jag held me steady as we climbed out, the last people in the car besides Donny and Veronica.

"You two keep it down tonight. I'm tired," I mumbled, giving them a meek peace sign with my fingers. Donny laughed and Veronica cracked a smile, patting me on the head.

"Goodnight Roxie, goodnight Jag," she said. It was night and she was tired, which meant Veronica was too exhausted to keep being pissed off at the world all the time. To be honest, this nicer Veronica kinda scared me, even though it was nice.

"Night guys," I mumbled as I stumbled out of the van. Jag said his goodnights, too, and gave Donny a thumbs-up before he jumped out after me and closed the door. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me up bridal style. He carried me into the dark house, turning lights on and off as he went. We got to the bedroom, where Jag set me down.

"Did you wanna change?" Jag asked. I nodded and started changing right there in the middle of the bedroom, too tired to care if Jag saw me naked or not. All Jag did was snicker playfully at me and start changing, too. I pulled off all my clothes and changed into fresh pajamas. Jag pulled me onto the bed with him and turned off the lamp next to the bed.

"Night Jag," I mumbled into his neck as he pulled me into his arms.

"Goodnight, Roxie. Get some sleep. Tomorrows gonna be an eventful day," Jag yawned. I wanted to ask why it would be eventful, but I was too tired to even open my mouth.
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Title credit goes to My Chemical Romance.
Wonder what's going to happen. Hm....