Status: Finished

Love Just Is

Love Just Is

She stormed out of the house, kicking the door on her way out, and rushed to his house to ring the doorbell.

'Love?' That's all she needed to hear as he scooped her up in his arms and held her close to his heart. 'It's okay. I'm here. I love you.' is all he mumbled in her ear as she tainted his shirt with tears.

'Why can't she see it as we do? I love you, and you love me. Isn't that all that should matter? She says she wants me to be happy, but yet she tries to keep me away from you. Why?' She cried out in rage.

'Because I'm older, because I'm not perfect.' He stated in a whisper.

'But you ARE perfect ! You're everything I ever needed. From the first words spoken. Oh Jack.' The tears ran down her cheeks like small streams. Silent streams of pain.

He took her face in his hands, and looked into her eyes. He could see the world in them. Paradise. When their lips finally met, his soul knew deep inside that this is the only essence of his being. Her love, her breath, her heart. He needed nothing more. He prayed that the angels would end her misery, his misery. That if in life they couldn't be together, than maybe it was best if they both gave up everything on earth to live in a castle of clouds.

'Yes, I do' She said as if reading his thoughts. They both knew in that moment of pure love that they could finally be together for the rest of eternity. Holding on to each other, they took their final breaths, and slowly drifted into a happiness that could never end.