Status: Active



It was a long day at school and I briskly made my way home. I was the vice-president of my club, Teens for hire, it helped kids who had a hard time affording what they really need get weekend jobs or if they just want money to blow off on clothes and movies, then I guess it helps with that too. I was at school all evening signing papers of all the kids requesting jobs; all of those requests needed to be submitted by tomorrow and boy was I tired. It was night; the sky was almost pitch black and my phone kept ringing every 2 minutes. I almost anticipated it a few times, but then I realized it stopped ringing.

“Maybe my parents got tired of calling me” I thought to my self

I was cold, very cold. The news reporter had reported the very same morning that there was going to be a cold front later that evening, but being the knuckle head I am, I forgot my coat. As the wind blew, I clutched onto my shoulders and then rubbed my hands together; my fingers were slightly numb now. As I was walking, I looked past the rustling trees to see if I could see my house. I saw it, but there was no light in the house, just the porch light was on, which made me very suspicious. I glanced at my watch and it only said 8:15. There has never been a day where my mother hasn’t turned off the light at exactly 9:00.

Even though I was not sure if anything was wrong, I increased the pace I was walking in.
When I finally reached my porch, I continued to search my bag for my key, but I couldn’t find it. I searched my bag again and I still couldn’t find it. I was about to knock on the door so that my mother could just let me in, but then I remembered that I usually leave my key under the mat. I lifted the dusty mat and saw my key lying safe and sound under the mat.

I opened the creaky door and entered. I always complain to my parents to get the door fixed, the creaky sound it makes is annoying. As I entered the house, I started to call my mother’s and father’s name, just to make sure that they were awake.

“Mom... Dad? I’m home”, I said, my voice slightly raised to make sure that they hear

I stood at the entrance, the house was pitch black and I began to search for the switch. The silence was very…spine tingling. It’s almost as if I was waiting for someone to jump out and bite me.

As I was searching for the switch, I called out their names again.

“Mother, Father….what are you guys doing?”

I finally found the switch and I turned on the light. The kitchen looked normal. The dishes were done, thank god, because I was literally too tired to do anything at this point. The only thing out of place was the refrigerator door which was slightly open. I slowly walked across the room and closed it, at the same time I was looking at the stairs wondering if they were sleeping. I walked over to the stairs and stood right at the bottom.

“Mom…Dad?” I shouted.

I was starting to get suspicious now. As I was standing at the foot of the steps, I realized the TV was still on from the living room. I peeped down the corridor leading to the living room and all I could see was the TV and Malcolm in the middle was on, my mother’s favourite show. I realized I was being a bit paranoid and made my way into the living room all the while a little smile on my face.

“There you are, I was calling you, why didn’t you guys answer?” I said, with a little humor behind my voice.

Their heads were turned, facing the television so I couldn’t see their faces. I stood there waiting for them to answer, but they didn’t.

“Look…I’m sorry for coming home so late but something came up…Mom…Dad…?”

Even though I kept saying their names, their heads still remained fixated on the television. I was starting to get a bit annoyed; I couldn’t understand why they were behaving that way. I found it to be very childish, which is not who my parents were. My parents were very smart respectable people. My mother was a teacher and my father was a doctor. I had the perfect family I used to tell myself sometimes. I continued staring at the back of their heads, appalled by how they were behaving.

“Fine then…be that way” I said angrily and I stormed up to my room upstairs and locked the door.

I washed my face, brushed my teeth and changed into some pajamas, still upset by how they were behaving. My sheets needed changing and my parent’s room held the sheets so I unlocked my door and headed to their room. As I was going to their room, I realized that the kitchen light was still on and it was 9:02.

“Mother, the kitchen light is still on…” I shouted from upstairs and I continued to go for the sheets.

When I returned from my parent’s bedroom, I saw that the kitchen light was still on. This made me very upset. I stormed downstairs, the sheets still in my hand and I went into the living room and stood in front of them.

The sheets fell from my hands and I fell backwards into the television set, my feet weak from what I saw. Their eyes were removed from their sockets and their mouths cut off. I couldn’t scream, I couldn’t shout, I couldn’t even whisper. I quickly developed a headache that felt like someone had hit me in the head with a huge slab of ice. I clutched my head and fell to the ground, all the while I was quiet as a feather floating in the wind.

I quickly came to my senses and started to run, but before I could reach the corridor a sharp pain developed in my side and I was thrown into the wall. My vision was blurred from the headache and my side was killing me from the blow. Someone who was obviously very strong held me by my shirt and threw me up against the wall and stared at me.

I shaked my head, trying to clear my vision but that only made the pain worse.

“WHO ARE YOU? WHY DID YOU KILL THEM YOU BASTARD WHY?!” I shouted at the person’s face, tears now running from my eyes, uncontrollable tears.

“Shh…they were of no use to me little one, you are what I want” he said, his voice as calm as snow falling on a winter morning.


I felt a sharp blow to my right jaw and my head swung around, almost touching the wall that the man pinned me up on. Before I passed out from the pain, he whispered something in my ears.

“Now starts the beginning of your new life little one”
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