Status: Active



I opened my eyes, I couldn’t hear anything and I was confused. My legs were numb and felt prickly, probably because it was in one place for too long. I used my hand and wiped my face and started to look around me. I was awake enough to tell that I was in a car and I was also awake enough to remember that my parents were dead. I slowly looked down and began crying again, but my tears were immediately stifled when I realized my captor wasn’t in the car.

I thought to myself I really should use this opportunity to escape. I quickly wiped my eyes and began pulling the door, but it was closed…as expected. I sat back and started to improvise.

I stared outside to see what kind of environment I was in, whether it was busy or quiet. It was a fairly quiet street and I was parked in front of a clothing store. There were a few people passing by so I improvised and started moving violently in the car to make it shake. That would bring everyone’s attention to the car and they would know that someone was in there. Sadly, the windows were tinted so no one could see me from outside. I continued to move violently in the car. A few people jumped when they saw the car shake and increased their step as they walked, obviously frightened. One man stopped and stared at the car, and then started laughing; I knew what he was thinking.

I looked up at the clothing store and saw a tall Caucasian man walking toward the car, he was very scruffy and was dressed in full black, from his jacket to his shoes were black. He was holding a bag which looked like it had clothes in them. I decided to not linger in thought anymore and continued to shake the car even more violently because I realized he was coming at the car, maybe he realized that something was wrong I thought to myself.

I was sorely mistaken…

He stopped right at the window, until all I could see was his body from the waist down and then to my horror the windows flew open revealing the outside world. After I realized that he was my captor, I backed away from the windows and took refuge in the little space that separated the front passenger seat from the back passenger seat.

He slowly knelt and looked through the window and stared at me. He took off his glasses revealing his golden brown eyes and continued to peer at me, never shifting his gaze.

“What the fuck are you doing…? You think I want to baby sit some little spoiled brat? Do that again and I swear to god I will break your fingers” he said, clearly angry and upset because I was shaking the car.

“Who are you and what do you want with me” I said to him, my voice slightly shaky

He chuckled and placed his glasses back on his face. “You will find out soon enough…”

He placed his arms on the window and continued staring at me.

“All you have to know now, is that if you run you will be killed, if you scream you will be killed, if you try to bring attention to yourself you will be killed, if you struggle you will be killed” he voice was so calm, which made it even more scary to listen to when he said it.

I squinted at him

He threw some clothes at me and told me to put them on. I don’t know where he was going to take me, but wherever it was; me being in pajamas would draw too much attention and could possibly spoil his plans I thought to myself. He winded up back the windows and stood outside waiting for me to change. I reluctantly changed, at the same time wondering what was going to happen to me. He bought a white T-shirt, a blue pair of jeans and a pair of sneakers. Wherever he was taking me, the way I dressed wasn’t going to be a matter of concern.

He used his clenched fist and hit the window 3 times signaling me to hurry up.

I was already finished changing, but I wasn’t going to tell him that, I wasn’t obliged to.
I saw him open the driver door and look in at me, seeing if I was already dressed. He sat down, closed his door and locked all the doors in the car and we drove off.

As I sat at the back of the car, I felt tears running down my cheeks and everything in front of me became blurred. I saw my captor glance at me, but I didn’t show him that I saw that he was looking at me.

“It makes no sense to cry or worry, your parents are already dead. Just think of this as the beginning of a new life”

“New life, what new life?” I said, my voice slightly raised

He ignored me. He kept quiet anytime I asked where he was taking me or what all this was about.

What he said made me so upset, it was because I wasn’t ready to die that I didn’t reach around and gouge his eyes out.

I felt the car come to a halt and my heart almost felt out of my chest. We were at an airport; he was going to take me out of the country. My head started spinning and I became frantic.

“Where are you taking me?! Answer me! Please tell me what you want!” tears now running from my face as he left the car and opened the door.
I backed away from him as he reached out to grab my hand.

“Please! Is it money?! I can give you money! Please just don’t take me away!”

He ignored my cries and continued to try and grab hands but I backed away. He sighed and then stared at me.

“Do you remember what I told you?”

I remained quiet, tears still pouring from my eyes.

“If you struggle you will be killed… give me your hand”

I still remained quiet, my heart beating out of my chest. I saw his jaw bone tighten and his nostrils flare.

“Give me your fucking hand!”

I slowly stretched out my hand and he grabbed it, practically dragging me out of the car.
We both stood there and he whispered something in my ear.

“Stop crying…that draws attention to us. We need to pass the metal detectors, if they see you crying they will know something is wrong.” He said his voice annoyingly calm.

As we walked he stayed close behind me, I tried so hard not to cry. I know if I cried he would possibly kill me right there on the spot and run away. We arrived at the metal detector and I could feel myself sweating, hoping that they wouldn’t detect that anything was wrong. As I stood there, I could feel my captor’s eyes on my back. He was watching my every move, making sure I didn’t try anything funny. As I was being scanned, out of the corner of my eye I see an old woman looking at me. I could feel the sweat running down my face as I looked at her out of the corner of my eye; she gave me this puzzled look. I felt my captor prod me in the back, forcing me to look straight. The woman left, not concerned about why I saw sweating so hard, or why I looked so distraught.

I finally got through the metal detector and I stood at the side and waited for him. As I was waiting, I looked down the airport, wondering if I should make a run for it. As they were scanning him, he kept his eyes on me, at all times. It scared me a bit. Then I remembered what he said.

“If you run, you will be killed”

Out of nowhere he came up to me and said, let’s go. We continued walking; him behind me all the while. We finally made it on plane and we sat down beside each other. It wasn’t until we sat down that I realized that I was not going to return home. My parents were dead and I had no one. As I felt the plane take off, I saw all my life flash before me, my friends my school, everything gone just like that. I started crying, softly so that no one would hear. He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye and he sighed. I saw him take something out of his pocket and showed it to me.

“Drink this…”

I stared at the small bottle for a moment.

“What is it?”

“Don’t ask any questions… Just drink it”

I continued staring at the bottle and then I looked at him.

“I’m tired of this… tell me what you…”

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. He had elbowed me in my stomach and I clutched it; struggling not to scream from the pain. My head sinked down between the gap that separated my seat from the seat that was in front of me. My mouth was wide open, trying to gasp for air. He literally knocked the wind out of me.

“Now you have no more energy to ask questions…drink!”
One of the flight attendants saw me and asked if I was okay. My captor instantly spoke for me.

“She’s okay, just a little belly pain that all” he said with a spine tingling grin on his face

After the flight attendant left he hissed at me again.

“Drink it!”

I sat up, my hand still clutching my stomach and I drank. I instantly felt the pain subside.

My eyes widened and I stared at him.

“You will soon understand…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment please :P.