Status: Active


Different kind of Heaven

The liquid he gave me tasted like blood, but if it was blood why did it affect me so much. The pain that he inflicted on me quickly subsided after I drank it. I started to wonder. I stared at him; all the while he was staring in front of him. The way he looked seemed so…mystical. His skin was white as chalk; his lips a bright shade of red; his jaw bone was sunken and looked dark and his eyes were once golden brown, now it was pitch black.

As the realization swept over me, my eyes widened as I stared at him. I slowly peeled my eyes off of him and stared at the seat in front of me.

“How is that possible…?” I said. My hands were shaking and I suddenly became sick.

He stared at me, a grin now dancing across his face.

He chuckled before he replied “You finally figured it out…”

“Vampires aren’t real!” I told him, I was gaping with my eyes wide open now.

“Who told you that?” he said with an evil grin on his face

I felt my stomach churn and the hairs on the back of my neck started to lift. This was all too much to handle. My parents were killed and now I was being kidnapped by a vampire.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” I shouted in my mind

The plane started to get blurry and I eventually passed out. The stress was just too much.
On top of losing everything that mattered most in my life, I had to find out that vampires actually existed.

I opened my eyes and for a second I thought I was in heaven. White curtains surrounded my bed; the sun shone through the window unto my face. I sat up in the white linen covered bed and began to examine the room. Everything was white, from the dresser to the vase that held white lilies. I got off the bed and stood in the middle of the room; I was confused because I thought I was in a plane with a vampire a minute ago. Maybe this really is heaven I thought to myself, a smile slowly appearing on my face. Maybe I died that night in the house, maybe I wasn’t really kidnapped by a crazy homicidal vampire maniac. I looked at myself and I realized I was also dressed in full white.

I slowly opened the white door and peeped out into the hall way. There was something familiar about it. It looked exactly like the hall way in my house. As I walked into the hall I saw the stairs and there was a bright light coming from it. I walked towards the stairs and stood at the top, staring at the light. I finally gathered up enough courage to walk into it.

When I came out of the light, I found my self in the kitchen and what I saw made me scream with joy. My mother and my father right there; sitting at the table and they were smiling at me. My mother got up and opened her arms, telling me to come. I ran into her arms and hugged her as tight as I could. Being able to hug my mother again never felt so good.

Even her smell, my mother always smelled like lavenders, it was because of her that lavender became my favorite flower. My father got up and held my shoulders while staring me in the face and then he hugged me. I began to cry and it felt so good to cry. It felt so good to cry, not because I was hurt or kidnapped but because I got to see my parents again. They stopped looking at me and sat back down at the table, smiling and continued to stare at me.

I was in heaven, I thought to myself. It’s true; the vampire did kill me that night. Everything I went through was just a nightmare I had before I crossed over. I began to speak to them as they smiled at me, they seemed rather robotic but I didn’t care, they were there. I started to speak to them, but I realized I couldn’t hear my own voice. Every time I talk there was just silence. I rubbed my neck, concern showing on my face.

“I can’t hear myself” I said to them

But I suddenly saw the smiles fade from their faces. I started to ask them what’s wrong, but I still couldn’t hear what I was saying. Their frowns suddenly turned to faces of horror. My mother started screaming and began to pull the hairs out of her head; my father started humming and began rocking in the chair in the feeble position.

I slowly backed away from them, when I felt myself knock into something. When I turned around it was him. The homicidal vampire maniac and he was dressed in a full white suit and he stared at me. A hair raising smile suddenly appeared across his face and it creeped me out to the max.

“What have you done to them?!” I said, still; I couldn’t hear my voice

He replied saying “It’s not them you should worry about, they are already dead…”

I widened my eyes at him, and then I suddenly heard the screaming and the humming sound that my parents were making stop. Tears were flowing from my eyes as I slowly turned around to look at my parents.

The horror that greeted me last night in the house greeted me again. Their eyes were gouged out and their mouths cut off. My mother fell before my feet and my father fell off the chair unto the ground.

I felt a strong, cold grip tighten around my neck. My captor whispered into my ears.

“Don’t you think it’s time to wake up?”

I opened my eyes and there he was, staring at me with his seriously creepy eyes.

“Are you done crying in your sleep?”

I was confused at what he said at first, but after I felt my face, I realized I really was crying in my sleep.

“We’re in Rome now…that’s all I will tell you now”

“ROME?!” I shouted, causing everyone in the plane to stare at me.

The vampire smiled at everyone, trying to remain casual. After everyone had forgotten about my outburst, he turned a wicked eye at me.

“Do that one more time and I will tear your fucking heart out…you hear me?!” he whispered harshly in my ears.

I said nothing; all I did was stare at him. As the plane got ready to land I looked out the window.

I began to wonder about how I would die, who was going to kill me and if anyone was ever going to hear from me again. I know that this vampire was not in on it alone, why would he go through so much trouble. All these thoughts floated in my head, as I awaited my fate.
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It's a bit short but i will try to update as soon as possible :)