Status: Hiatus

The Sover Queen; The Bronze Lioness

A Portal Has Opened

I woke up in my elegant bed to the sun glaring through my window. My animal instincts could tell that this would be a good day, but change was amidst.
I changed out of my pajamas and into a lovely ivory coloured gown that was floor lenth with a halter neck and bronze sash around my middle. With it I wore a pair of white ballerina slippers with ivory ribbons, and my bronze necklace, which fit my neck like an animal's collar. It was special to me, because my father placed is around my neck with I was born, and I have never taken it off since. It grows with me and shifts to fit my neck when I shift into a lion also. My straight, platnum hair was perfectly in order, so I simply ran a brush through it and walked downstairs into the kitchen where Mrs.Macready was making breakfast.
"What would you like to eat, Mistress?" She asked in a kind tone.
"I think I'll just have a smoothie, thanks." I replied still half asleep. Mornings never were my thing. And I also took after my dad and loved to lay around in the sun and what do you know, it's sunny out.
"Going galivating again this morning I presume?" She said as she set the smoothie in front of me.
"Probably. It's the best kind of weather for horse back riding."
"Well you have fun. But your grandfather requests that you be home by 1:00. we're going to be having some house guests for a while and he wishes you to look presentable."
"Understood Mrs.Macready. I'll be off then, I'll be sure to be home early." I said as I left the kitchen and walked outside to the stables where my beautiful white stallion Glacier was. "Hey girl, You wanna go riding for a bit today?"
The horse make-shift nodded. I grabbed her harness from the hook and secured it onto her musle. Leading her out of the stable I placed a riding blanket onto her back followed by a saddle and climbed up. Upon mounting her side-saddle I signaled her to go.
She galloped across the feild, making her way to the forrest. Particularily to a clearing about 2 or 3 miles from the mansion.
In the clearing there was sun light, and enough privacy for me to shift into a lion and enjoy myself, and what little I still had of my father who I hadn't seen for 5 years. I hadn't seen any aspect of Narnia for 5 years because the portal I'd used closed up.
Before I knew it, it was 12:30. I shifted back into a human and ran my fingers through my hair hastily. I mounted Glacier and we rode the short distance back to the stables.
When we finnaly reached the stables I unequiped Glacier and gave her an apple. Walking up to the house, I started towards my room when I was caught by Grandfather.
"I imagine you had fun out in the back with Glacier, hmm?" he asked slyly.
"Yes Grandfather, it was nice to just lie in the sun again. We haven't had such great weather lately."
"True Leah. It was also probably best that you get one last sun bath in before our guests arrive. They are children from England that have been sent away from the current on going war there."
"How interesting. I'm just going to go on and freshen up a bit before they arrive. Have you found another portal lately? I'm dying to go back to my kingdom."
"No, I'm afraid not. Who knows, maybe these children will stumble across one during their stay. If I'm correct, an opening to the portal and the entrance of two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve would also allow your father back to what is rightfully both of yours. Would it not?"
"You are correct Grandfather. Thank you." With that I curtsied lowly to him and continued up the staircase gracefully.
Upon reaching my room I looked into my full-length mirror and grabbed my brush. After tidying my hair and placing an off-white silk headband in it to keep it out of my face, I wipped off the dirt from my dress lightly as to not smidge it in. Smilling at my appearance I glanced at the clock to see that it was already 2:00 and that the guests should be arriving any time now.
I gracefully decended the stairway into the front room. My ears were imediaty met with Mrs.Macready's voice telling our guests how we rean things around here.
" -- And there will be no disterbing of either the Professeur or the Mistress. And deffinitly no touching of any of the artifacts!"
"Mrs.Macready, are these our guests?" I said sweetly and smilling a charming grin.
"Mistress, I'm terribly sorry you were disturbed. Yes, these are the house guests; the Pevensie's."
"Good afternoon." I spoke to them. "I'm Leanna Caliga, Leah for short. Who might you be?"
The eldest girl spoke. "My name is Susan Pevensie. This is Edmund Pevensi," she pointed to the youngest boy, "Lucy Pevencie," she pointed to the youngest girl, "And Peter Pevensi." She pointed to the eldest boy. My instincts told me, that this stay would be a tale to be heard. And something about the girl Lucy, sparked my interest.
"Lucy, how old are you?"
"I'm 7."
"And, do you by chance like playing pretend, and living in magical worlds where people sometimes turn into animals, and there are princes and princesses?"
"Oh! I love playing pretend!"
"That's good. Maybe later I'll help you look for my lost pretend world." I said. In my mind, I was hoping that she would help me find Narnia again. The chances were slim, but they were still there.
"That sounds like fun." She replied.
"Mistress, would you mind showing the children to their rooms? I hate to burden you but we have some tourists coming by later and I have a bit of cleaning to get done."
"That's no problem at all Mrs.Macready. In fact, it'd be my pleasure. Follow me." I replied and gracefully bounded up the stairs again. "And, here's a tip, stay out of Mrs.Macready's way while she's giving tours. Otherwise she gets angry." I whispered to the family behind me.
That night I was sitting in my room doing calculation upon calculation of magic to find out what exactly happened to close to portal, and what I could do to either open it up again, or find a new one. Suddenly I heard shouting that sounded like Lucy.
I ran out of my room and down the hall to where the noise was coming from.
"Lucy! What's wrong?" I asked when I caught up with her.
"I was just about to tell Peter, Susan, and Ed that." She said. "Well, I was hiding in the wardrobe in a spare roomwhen I fell into this wintery world." By now there were multiple sirens and lights going off in my head screaming: SHE FOUND IT!!!"When I was in there, I met Mr.Tumnus. We talked for hours and then I came back here. He said the place was called... oh what was it... NARNIA! That's it. He sad it was Narnia!"
I got down to her level. "Lucy, Mr.Tumnus is a faun right?"
"Yes, why?"
"Nevermind that, I have to go! And by the way Lucy, no matter what anyone else says, your right and thank you. You found it." I almost cried in happiness and then I ran into my Granfather's study room.
"Is something the matter Leah?"
"Grandfather! The girl Lucy found it, she found Narnia! I can finnaly go home and be with my people! Most of all, I can finnaly find my father again."
"Leanna, I want you to listen well. Go to the place she found Narnia right now. If you find it, come straight back here and tell me, I will notify Mrs.Macready and the children that you have left for a while. You can then leave. But while you're there, Don't get caught by the White Witch. Even if it is not there, I want you to report here and tell me that. When you report back, tell me exactly where it is. I need to make sure that the wrong people don't happen to stumble upon it, and that Mrs.Macready keeps the tourists away from it."
"Understood Grandfather. I'll be back soon."
I bolted out of the rooom and back to where the Pevencies were. I found Lucy and the others straight away. "Lucy, listen this is very important. I need you to show me which room and which wardrobe you are talking about."
She nodded and grabbed my hand before taking off, her brothers and sister close behind.
When we reached the room she simply said. "It was in there. At the back of the wardrobe."
I nodded and went inside. I felt around the coats untill I felt snow covered branches. Smilling I burst through them and into the forrest. It had been a good 5 years, and it was now all covered in a thick blanket of snow, but I knew this place like the back of my hand. Running wild I soon found my way to my old friend, Mr.Tumnus' house. I knocked and out came a frazzled faun.
"Hello Mr.Tumnus, remember me?"
His eyes widened slightly. "Princess Leanna? You're back! Quick come inside, we wouldn't want the Queen to know of your return."
I nodded. Once we were inside I sat down in a chair. "So you reffer to her as your Queen now? I find it very hard to believe that she could have taken my mother's place here."
"She hasn't, but this is just the way it is. It's that or death."
"So you choose to be alive. I have to go and save these poor people, only my father and I can."
"Aslan! Are you going to break him free of his spell and bring him back?"
"I will do all in my power. But for now, I must get back. The people back on Earth will be wondering about me."
I got up and left. When I got outside I changed into a lioness and ran as fast as I could back to the wardrobe. When I jumped back through, I turned back into my human form and landed on my feet angled forwards only slightly, feet staggared to help keep my balance. A cold burst of wind and a few snowflakes followed me out as I ran past a beamused Pevencie family. I said a quick thanks to Lucy and ran right back to Grandfather.
"Grandfather! It's there! I can go home now!"
"Have fun Leah. Don't get hurt, and I want you to take care of yourself. Your people need you right now. Their rightful king is missing, and you are his only heir. Now go, I will take care of matters here. Come back every now and then to check up."
"Got it. Bye Grandfather, I love you." I gave him a hug and ran into my room.I changed into a more suitable outfit for my new mission: Find my Father. When I was done changing into knee-high brown slippers, an ivory skirt with tight white shorts underneath, and a light brown tank top with a darker brown light jacket I put my hair into a ponytail. I left my silk headband on the dresser and instead placed a bronzed leather one in, holding my hair away from my face, and also anything that might fall from the hair tie I had holding it up.
I snuck into the Pevencie's room and left a short note saying:
Dear Pevencie's,
I'll be gone for a while, I'm not quite sure how long though. Don't worry about me, cause I'll be fine. I'll be waiting for you, when you fullfill your destiny. See you soon hopefully. Because the sooner you come, the sooner I can free the true King; Aslan.
Princess Leanna Caliga.
P.S. Lucy, don't ever think for one second you are wrong, because Narnia is real. I believe you because I am the Princess of Narnia. Have fun finding out who you all are. And no matter what, stick together. Narnia needs you 4, otherwise your destinies and written prophecies are nothing. See you soon.

I know for sure that I said too much, but they'll understand soon. I directly told them that they had to stick together, because my instincts tell me that Edmund, is one of those people that looks out for themselves only.
I went back to the wardrobe and arrived back in Narnia. But when I got there.... I almost went into shock. There was Edmund, franternizing with the White Witch!