Status: Hiatus

The Sover Queen; The Bronze Lioness

Back In Narnia

I changed into my lioness form so that Edmund wouldn't recognise me. If he was here, the chances were that Lucy was too.
Then, I jumped out from the forrest in front of the sleigh and roared loudly.
"Ahh, Princess Leanna. I do believe it's been an awfully long time don't you?"
I just continued growling and snarling.
"Well of coarse. Now, let me guess, you want your father returned to the throne? I will have no part in giving up what is rightfully mine!"
I then spoke gruffly. "Give the boy up. He needs no part in your plans and neither do the rest of them. Back down you old witch because you know that I would gladly fight you here and now. You just wouldn't because you know you'd lose!"
She laughed. "Edmund, go along home now. And when you return, remember our little deal."
With that she and her dwarf sped away.
"Get out of here Edmund. And don't remember a thing she's said. Now go!" I shouted before running straight to Aslan's Camp. When I reached Asla's Camp it seemed more abandoned then anything, like a ghost town. I warped back into a human and walked into my father's tent. The place loomed with darkness and had an all around eerie fell to it. I snarled and stormed out. The only other place I could check, would be Cair Pairvell. If he wasn't there already, then his confiner would be near there.
It took me nearing 2 hours to run there. Including searching the entire castle, about 4 hours. Only to find at my dismay, that I was now looking for a confiner.
I searched for 2 days, and then went back to rest in the castle of Cair Pairvell.

I was wakened by the sun blaring in through the windows of my current bedroom. Looking around, I saw that Ed was also just awaking. Stumbling around, I managed to get dressed and into the small rec room that conjoined mine and Ed's and our sisters' rooms. Although, there was a folded piece of paper on the endtable that read in fancy handwriting: Pevencie Family . I was just about to open the letter when Su, Lucy and Ed came into the room aswell.
"What's that, Peter?" Susan asked promptly.
"I'm not sure, but it's adressed to us."
"Well go on then, read it why don't you." Ed pushed.
I read the letter in brown ink to my family that said:
Dear Pevencie's,
I'll be gone for a while, I'm not quite sure how long though. Don't worry about me, cause I'll be fine. I'll be waiting for you, when you fullfill your destiny. See you soon hopefully. Because the sooner you come, the sooner I can free the true King; Aslan.
Princess Leanna Caliga
P.S. Lucy, don't ever think for one second you are wrong, because Narnia's real. I believe you because I am the princess of Narnia. Have fun finding out who you all are. And no matter what, stick together. Narnia need you 4, otherwise your destinies and written prophecies are nothing. See you soon.

I finnished reading the letter to my family and a fire of rage sparked within me. She's encouraging Lucy to lie! She's mad! There is no such place as Narnia, there is only our universe! She is also so far from a princess aswell!
"Peter?" Lucy asked, "Does this mean that we won't be seeing Leah? Where did she go?"
"Lucy, apparently Leanna went into your make-believe world: Narnia. And no, you won't be seeing her." After that I threw the page down onto the endtable and went downstairs into the kitchen. If I ever saw Leanna Caliga again, I'll tell her exactly what I think of her encouraging my sister to do such deeds as this! It's an utter outrage!

I couldn't believe my ears, the only person who accepted Narnia other then me had left. She said she'd gone back to Narnia to free a person named Aslan, who would that be (other then the true king)? Peter stormed downstairs after throwing down the letter she'd left. I picked it up as Susan and Ed also left the room, but in a more subtle way. I may have only been 7 at the time, but I wasn't stupid, I could read easily and loved to read. Folding it a few more times, then shoving it in my pocket I went to the Professeurs study. We weren't supposed to disturb him, but he had owned the house for decades to my knowledge, and he probably knew something about Narnia, Aslan, and Leah.
He answered the door after the first knock with a bright smile.
"Hello Lucy, why might I ask are you here?"
"Umm.. Mr.Professor, Leah left us all a note saying that she had gone to Narnia, to try and free someone named Aslan. I was wondering, if maybe, you knew anything about Narnia and what she meant?"
"May I please see the letter Lucy?"
"Mhm." I unfolded the letter and handed it to him. As he read it over, a small flash of annoyance flashed his visage.
"Well, young Lucy. Miss Leanna has said an awfull lot in this letter, some of which you and your family were destined to find out yourselves. She knows something is going on, and she did mention some things about Narnia to me. She, is the expert about that world, for it is her true kingdom after all. She grew up there with her father Aslan and mother Somnium. She is only my granddauhgter. I wish I could answer your questions Dear Lucy, but all I can tell you is that the time will soon come when you see Leanna again. At that time, will this letter make sense. Untill then, I'm afraid you will be left in the dark. Now run along, we don't want your siblings to get suspicious now do we?" He smilled again at her.
"Yes Professor, thank you." She curtsied and walked out of the study closing the door behind her. She sighed and walked down stairs to accompany her brothers and sister.

The Macready was showing the house to some tourists today so we were all outside. It had been about a week since Leah had gone missing and I had talked to the Professor. Peter, Ed and Susan were playing Cricket and I was just laying in the grass. I haven't been able to get to Narnia since Leah left, so I was getting a bit down by it. I missed Mr.Tumnus. And I really wanted to know if the White Witch had done anything else rash.
A sudden crash brought me back from my day-dreaming. I looked up quickly and saw Peter and Ed arguing and Susan frozen in shock. My eyes followed her gaze to the now, shattered window. My eyes widened and I hurried to my feet. We all ran inside quickly to see all of the damage, other then the window.
An armour suit was now in pieces on the floor, dented and banged up fairly horribly. There was absolutly no way the The Macready hadn't heard that.
Our heads snapped around as we heard her walking up the stair with the tourists. We had one option: hide, and fast. I ran towards the room holding the wardrobe. It was only when I stopped infront of it that I realised I had been followed by the rest of my family aswell. Peter opened the door and ushered everyone inside.
"But it's irrational!" Susan argued.
"Got any better ideas?" Peter retorted sarcastically.
I shoved all the way back because I was getting trampled.... and I felt branches. I no longer was surrounded by brissly fur coats, but snow covered pine trees! I was back! A smile broke on my face and I ran forward as the rest followed.