Status: Hiatus

The Sover Queen; The Bronze Lioness

Hello Girls

A small blackbird came down and onto my perched arm.
"Your Highness, the human children have arrived and are currently with the Beavers; in good hands. Aslan has also been spotted on the move, supposedly heading towards Aslan's Camp."
"Thank you Noir. You may go now."
"Yes your Highness." He did a makeshift bow and flew off towards the forest. Knealing down on my hands and feet I changed back into my lioness form and growled loud. I heard it plainly echo throughout miles away. The princess, is back. I thought and ran off quickly towards where I had memorized as Aslan's Camp.
Arriving in record time, I was greated with the sight of many of my father's followers renweing the camp, in preporation of the Children. I knew he wouldn't quite be here yet, so I went into his tent to await his presence. And there I sat.

A sliver of sun came through the flaps on the golden tent. I was back in my human form and rubbed my soar, sleepy eyes with my caloused hands clumbsily.
"Well hello young Ana." A deep, rich voice said welcomly from the other side of father's mapping table. I looked up as a reflex and smilled respectivly.
"Good morning to you also, Father." The thin sliver of sunlight caught his golden mane and coat and tracing in his honey-gold eyes for only a moment.
"Leanna. There is much to prepare as the Children are to be arriving shortly. I had a falcon go and survey their possition. We have but an hour or 2 before they arrive. The White Witch is also supposedly on her way over to claim the blood of Son Edmund."
"Father, what is it you need me to do?"
"First off, change into your respectful robes, I had a pixie fix their sizing and whatnot to fit you adequatly. After that, stay with me and await the children. Preferably in your lioness form."
"Understood Father. I will return shortly."

We walked hastily towards where the Beavers called Aslan's Camp. During the journey we had recovered Ed, and gotten weapons and such from Father Christmas.
The lot of us walked to the top of a hill and saw a small village type place busying themselves with random chores. In the middle, was a fancy looking, almost royal tent made of gold and red satins and velvets by look of appearance. This brought me to think as we slowly closed the distance between us and the village. Leanna had said she was the Princess of Narnia.. could she really be this amazing being the Beavers keep mentioning? Will we ever meet up with her during this journey? And... I never thought I'd say this.. but is she alright? She said she'd come here and we've yet to see her or hear from her. I'd almost say that... I miss her? And I know I owe her an appology for what I thought of her when I read that letter, and for all the other times Narnia was brought up when she was still with us.
"This, is Aslan's Camp that we'll be in very soon. Peter, you'll need to request to talk to Aslan himself and be loud about it." Mrs.Beaver told me.
"Alright." I responded shortly.
We entered the small village type camp and went almost to the middle before getting stopped by some guards.
"What are you here for?"
I cleared my throat. "I wish to speak with Aslan." as loud as I could without yelling.
"I don't thi--" He was cut off by 2 royal looking lions walking out of the golden tent.
"That's enough." Said the golden brown male while the bronze femal with golden features sat there and watched us with her golden eyes. I'd seen those eyes somewhere.... and the collar that she sported around her neck was oddly familliar aswell. The male's booming voice shook me from my trance.
"I am Aslan. You wished to speak with me, Son of Adam?"
"Yes Sir, Aslan. My sisters, brother and I wished to speak to you about putting a stop to the Witch."
"Yes, well. Follow Dante, Sons of Adam. And Daughters of Eve, follow Princess Leanna." My eyes grew a little wide as the female lion stood and walked towards Sue and Lucy. She nudged them both before leading them off to a tent. A Centaur motioned for Ed and I to follow him and lead us to a tent beside the girls. "Get changed and then go amongst yourselves. Do not leave camp, and Son Peter, Aslan wishes you to go to his quarters when you are finished." He bowed and walked out.
Ed and I changed quickly into the robes left for us in silence and walked out. Him towards the food table, and I towards the Royal Tent.

"I wish to speak with Aslan." Came Peter's voice.
"They're here, Father." I said quietly as to not be heard.
We walked out and as my father talked and conversed quickly I just watched the children. It seemed as though Peter was trying to fit something together... maybe he knew it was me? I think that the eyes and necklace/collar would be the only dead give aways seeing as my voice was slightly deeper and more velvety when I was in this form he might not recognise it.
I nudged the girls and led them to their deep blue and lighter blue tent. "Okay girls, here's the deal. Get dressed in your appropriate robes, and stick together. Don't go wandering off and stay with Ed in sight. If you wish you may go down to the spring but keep the horn with you. Do not come looking for Peter, Aslan or I because we will be in a meeting shortly and the Witch is expected to arrive."
The girls nodded and Lucy hessiated then asked, "Are you... the Leanna we knew? Is it you Leah?" She came slightly closer while asking.
"Does this answer you?" I asked rhetorically before changing back. My robe was a Light gold dress like Susan's and Lucy's but with bronze cuffs, trims and sash. Also, I had my own tiarra adormed on my head made of yellow gold and holding diamonds and light topaz gems; nothing fancy. Also my hair was down, with the sides that usually frammed my face pulled back into a ponytail in the back laying flat on the rest of my hair. I suppose, some would say I looked stunning. Just wait untill you actually saw what I was to wear to formal events.
Lucy came up to me and hugged my tight in her dark green dress. "I missed you too Lu." I said hugging her back. "You didn't believe me when I said that in the letter, did you Sue?"
"Honestly, no I didn't. I appoloize for that, you had no reason for me to think that."
"Well then get over here and give me a hug before Father comes looking for me." I smilled and she hugged me. "Sorry girls, I have to go. We will catch up soon. I promise." And with that, I walked out and towards Father's tent.