Status: Hiatus

The Sover Queen; The Bronze Lioness

Jadis; Bleached Hag

I entered Father's tent still in my human form, and was greated with Oreius, Peter and Father around the mapping table.
"About time you joined us, Young Ana."
"My appologies Father. There were a few things the Daughters of Eve and I had to discuss."
"I'm sure there's no harm done, now what was it you needed to speak to us about Aslan?" I'm sure you know that Oreius is Aslan's right-hand-man, Dante is his brother.
"Right then. Peter, focus. You can stare at Leanna all you want, but first we must discuss matters here." He paused to look around and there was a small but noticable blush cascaded on Peter's cheek-bones."Now that I have your attention. Jadis, White Witch of Narnia will be arriving soon. She will be here to fight for Son Edmund's tainted blood. I will have another offer for her, none of you need to know that offer. Leanna, if you are truely interested, get that look off your face. I will not agree to that, and you know it. Now then, I will be unable to attend and fight the war at hand in that case. Peter, I want you to lead the army with the help of Leanna and Oreius. Peter and I will discuss the battle plan later on, but for now that is all. You are dissmissed."
I made a small bow to my father and company before exiting out the tent flap. I could hear Peter follow closely behind.
"I'm sorry." He said abrubtly after catching up with my pace.
"Appology accepted. You really should learn to be more opptimistic though, especially now that you're in Narnia." I suggested as we got not only a mile from camp and I jumped up onto a lowerbranch in a tree and shifted back into a human.
"You already know what I thought? That's... impossible."
"Yeah alright Susan. But didn't you think I could have a lucky guess? I mean, there are witches and wizards here, one or two sorceror's too I believe. I'm not one, but why shut your imagination now, when there's still so much to discover?"
"I guess, I should have figured that out."
"Don't feel too bad, I'm still finding things out about myself. Like, there's a legend that suposedly once I meet my true love I'll be able to feel his pain. For instance, if he got stabbed, I would feel the sensation of being stabbed where ever they were stabbed. But I have a pretty good idea that they'll be in Narnia sooner or later." I felt my lungs burning while I was sleeping, but I pushed it aside thinking it was nothing. I then heard from the trees that Peter almost drowned trying to save Lucy. "Truth is, I think I found him though."
"Oh," Peter sounded almost crestfallen. "---"
He didn't get a chance to say anything because I picked up on a distinct noise. "Peter, it's Susan's horn. jump on my back, I'll get you there faster." I said and shifted, dropping my body to the ground before him from the branch.
Peter hesitantly climbed onto my body and as soon as he was secure, I bolted. Not a few seconds later I stood before them, a pack of wolves trying to get Susan and Lucy. I let out a loud growl as Peter dismounted himself from my back and pulled out his sword. Personally, I thought the sword was too big for him right now, that's about the size of sword I'd use and I had plenty of practice using such weaponry. But, now was most certainly not the time to criticize his choice of battle gear.
It took some perseverance, but we did evetually get the wolves off of our land, and went straight back to camp. If I was right, Jadis would be there any time now. And I wanted to see what would happen to Edmund.
Because there was only one of me, and I at most could carry 2 people, I shifted into my human form and walked back to camp with the others. When we arrived it was only a matter of moments before Jadis arrived. Her presence alone sickened me, but I was more concerned for whatever plan my father had concocted to save Edmund's blood, rather than the Witch's horrible sense of how to dress, run a country, or frequent seasons and holidays. In the back of my mind, something told me that it wasn't going to be pretty and I planned to find out exactly what Father wasn't telling me tonight.
All of those who frequented Aslan's Camp were standing around a pathway. I knew she was on her way. I shifted quickly and ran to take a seat beside my father for the moment, and await my order from him. Just because I was his only heir and princess to everything he ruled didn't mean that I wasn't another citizen in Narnia either. It meant the same for him, he had always considered, me, my mother and himself just members of the community, but citizens with the power to make it a lovely place for all creatures to frequent. Really, who could or would argue with that logic in their straight mind?
Not a moment after Peter, Susan and Lucy had too joined the masses, Jadis showed her aging face. Personally, to me it looked as if she'd just stuck her entire head, face and all inside a bucket of 60% bleach. Her skin was dried out and sickly pale, stratching over her bones thickly.
She made her proclamations and then she left into the tent with Father. Her tall, gangly frame almost didn't fit inside, but she crouched down. I tried with all my might but I couldn't hear a thing inside, as they both spoke very little and in extremely hushed voices. When she and Father did emerge though she looked as if she'd just struck a Check Mate, and Father almost seemed gloomy. She led her monsters away, and our masses broke away in groups to continue whatever they'd been doing before Jadis reared her ugly face around here and most likely messed everything up. I let out a sigh, and sauntered away, still in lion form and traveled to Cair Paravell to mope around my castle's empty halls for a while.