Status: Hiatus

The Sover Queen; The Bronze Lioness

I End Tonight

After some time I found myself outside of my old room. Slipping through the door everything was just as I'd left it; untouched. I took a seat on the bed and started idly humming the lullaby that my mother sang to me every night when it was time for me to sleep, or when I'd cry. I remember being snuggled up in Father's long silky fur and have Mother twine her fingers through my hair while singing, Father's deep purr lulling away my troubles.
Standing, I danced towards my wardrobe and got out a dress to wear, something a little bit better than the robes that donned my body now. I pulled out a short, but still stately dress which had leggings under it. Female soldiers who did not do archery were required to wear shorter dresses, light armour like everyone else and pants underneath. Female archers, like my mother, were allowed to were a full length dress as they weren't doing nearly as much physical activity and moving about as much, unless they were on the ground. If they were, they were to don the same attire as warriors.
Since I was so young when I was last here, before my mother died they used her measurements to make clothes for me while fabric was very plenty in stock. I had clothes now fitted for all stages of life, and I was my mother's exact shape, but only a few inches shorter.
I slipped on the ivory dress with it's bronze trimmings, bronze shadded knee length leggings underneath. Then I slipped a bronze sash around my middle to keep the dress fitted to the top of my body. The dress was tank top style and a bit loose fitting, which is why it needed the sash. Otherwise I had some light bronze armous to go over top for battles, but I didn't need that now. I just grabbed my sword and secured it inside it's scabbard across my back tightly so that it wouldn't swing everywhere when I moved, it would stay in place. Under the sash I placed two daggars to match my large sword incase the sword was ever rendered unusable. Or, in the case where I just didn't feel like weilding the heavy metal and wished to opt for something lighter and quicker.
I saw the sun starting to get low in the sky and left the room after grabbing a hair tie and head band to hold back my mess of platinum locks. As I walked out of the deserted castle I fixed them into my hair and once I was outside, I phased into my lion form.
Running across the horizon, I reached the camp soon, but not as fast as I could've. I took my time going back and stuck to the shore line until I had to cut through past the river and through the trees back to where camp was. When I got back the sun was setting and everyone was starting to turn in for the night and make their way from contained fires to their tents. I, however, didn't have nearly the same plan.
I phased back into my human form and tightened my pony-tail. Walking up to father's tent, I asked for permission to enter, and was granted to do so. He lay on the ground peering at the battle field outlay on the table in the center of his tent. "Father, what troubles you so? I haven't seen you in such a funk since Mother's death." I said softly, leaning down to stroke my hand against his soft mane of golden hair. It hurt to talk of Mother's death, but it happened very long ago, and if I don't move on then it'll only pain me more throughout the years, rather than heal bit by bit.
"Child, you know I miss your mother very much. And you know that everyone has their time to leave the living." he said and turned to face the other way so I couldn't see his big, sad and troubled eyes.
"Father, what are you trying to say? Please, don't tell me you are leaving me too. I... I only just got you back." I whispered, a tear running down my cheek. I loved my father more than anything. "I know I'm being selfish, but I'm only 16, I'm still a girl. Please, you can't leave me again. If you aren't here, who will lead our armies, and be sure that those under our jurisdiction are safe and happy? Please Father, you can't leave them. You can't leave me..." I cried. I knew what he was doing now; why he'd talked to Jadis in private earlier. He'd sacrificed himself in Edmund's place. And though I knew it was far beneath me, and very wrong, I hated Edmund at the moment because of what my father was about to do. All because he couldn't follow a few simple instructions.
My father turned his head again to look at me, his large eyes still sad, but now they had a harder look to them. He looked me in the eye. "Child, Ana. You must understand. I am doing this, not to hurt you or the kingdom. I am doing this to protect it. One day, the throne will not be mine, nor will it be yours. It will be Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy's. You knew that this day would come, you've been told it would for your entire life. Until they can take the throne, you will. Leanna, after tonight I need you to understand that you will be the queen. Even if by some miracle, I come back, I still want you to be the queen and for you to hand it down to the Pevensie's. Do you understand?" he asked me. I sat before him, my eyes bloodshot and tears running in every direction down my face. He nudged my wet cheeks with his cold wet nose and stood, leaving the room. I just stayed there and cried myself to sleep. I couldn't stand to see him die. Especially not by her hands. No, not because of Jadis.