Status: This is something of a Prologue to a story that will make an appearence at some point. Look out for it.

Snow Angels

Fate [feyt]; noun, verb, fat⋅ed, fat⋅ing.--that which is inevitably predetermined.

Destiny [des-tuh-nee]; noun, plural -nies--the predetermined, usually inevitable or irresistible, course of events.

Butterfly Effect--a cumulatively large effect that a very small natural force may produce over a period of time.

Caelum never meant to defy anyone. He never meant to change everything. He was supposed to observe, learn, and gain his wings. That was it. For fourteen days Caelum hadn't had a problem with this, that is until he witnessed the car accident of Jenna Delaney. Jenna Delaney's destiny was to end in that car accident on that snowy December night. But Caelum couldn't let her die, his very being, his heart strings pulled him to her like a magnet to rescue her.
He never meant to change her Life-Course, to change everything, he just hadn't wanted her to die.

He never meant to break the rule--but he did.