I'm a Book, Half Unread

Late Night Reading

Ryan looks at the print, blurring slightly in front of his eyes. He knows it's too late for him to be awake (reading on the couch cross-legged, no less), but the plot is too captivating for him to ignore. He'll go to bed after he finishes. He can't put it down, because he knows that if he does, he'll be tossing and turning all night until he creeps out of bed at an even more unreasonable hour to fuel his suspense. He's never been good with suspense.

"You coming to bed soon?"

His head snaps around to see Brendon standing there behind with his hair a mess and black-rimmed glasses perched on his nose. He looks pretty tired; it's about 3am. Ryan feels bad for making him wait up for him in that subconscious way that they do for each other. "Go on without me," Ryan replies. "I'm almost finished."

Brendon yawns instead and walks around the couch to sit next to Ryan and rest his head on his shoulder. One of his hands lands lightly on Ryan's thigh. He can't help himself from looking at how the fingers glide over the surface casually. "Whatcha' reading about?" he asks softly.

Taking his eyes off the book, Ryan leans into Brendon a bit and watches as Brendon curls his knees to his chest. "It's about a guy," he answers vaguely.

"Yeah? Brendon questions, moving his hand to stroke his thumb along the length of Ryan's forearm and tracing the blueish veins. "What else? Is he a murderer?"

"No," Ryan says. "He's a lawyer. He just fell in love with his co-worker."

He likes when he and Brendon can be together like this: no bullshit, no worries, no work. Just them. It's nice.

Brendon hums a little; he's obviously barely awake. Ryan feels a pang of guilt. "How's that working out for him?" Brendon mumbles.

Ryan reaches his hand up to curl around the back of Brendon's neck and kneading the skin lightly. "Well, his lover got kidnapped. He's distraught," he states lowly, trying to soothe Brendon to sleep with his voice.

Sighing happily, Brendon whispers, "His lover's a girl right?"

"Mhm." Ryan tilts his body to the side to let Brendon lie down a bit more.

Brendon responds accordingly and nuzzles his nose into Ryan's neck. "I bet she's got a great ass."

"Oh, she does," Ryan nods, chuckling slightly into Brendon's soft raven locks.

"Keep reading; I'll wait until you're done," Brendon mutters.

"B, just go to bed. I'll be there soon," Ryan assures him. He doesn't want Brendon to have to sit on the couch with him when he obviously needs sleep, even though he'd love for him to stay. He loves when Brendon curls up against him like this.

"No, 's okay. I'll wait." Brendon shakes his head a little to prove him point.

Ryan knows Brendon will be asleep in a couple of minutes. "Alright. If you insist," he replies, not removing his hand from the back of Brendon's neck. He looks back down at the book in his other hand and continues to read. He's almost finished. The lawyer is bursting through the door of the warehouse, exclaiming--

Brendon emits a small snore, and Ryan looks at the top of his head and laughs to himself. He knew it. He sets his book down on the coffee table and studies Brendon's face.

His boyfriend is now leaning against the couch cushions in the absence of Ryan's body, full pink lips slightly parted. His glasses are a bit askew, and Ryan thinks he's never looked more beautiful.

Scooping up Brendon's body, Ryan manages to carry him (with some difficulty, Brendon is heavier than he looks) to their bedroom, lays him down on the bed, and removes his glasses. He then crawls in the bed next to him, pulling the blankets up to cover them both. Ryan wraps his arm around Brendon's hips and closes his eyes.

"Ryan," Brendon breaths. It's not a question because, really, who else would it be?

"Hey," Ryan whispers, brushing some hair out of Brendon's eyes in the dark. "Told you you'd fall asleep."

"Wasn't sleeping. Resting my eyes," Brendon slurs groggily, turning toward Ryan, curling up against him, and twining their legs together.

"Okay," Ryan agrees, humoring him. He'll be asleep again in seconds anyway. He closes his eyes himself and allows himself to relax into Brendon's body.

"Hey Ry?" Brendon questions softly, tracing his thumb gently over Ryan's shoulder.

Ryan doesn't open his eyes, just mumbles, "Hmm?"

"Love you."

"I love you too, B." Ryan smiles to himself and feels warm. He guesses the last four pages of the book will have to wait. He holds Brendon against him and drifts off easily.
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