Status: Complete!!

All I Wanted

All I Wanted Was You.


School was as boring and mundane as always. Walking through the halls and being pushed around as stragglers ran to their selective class. I, on the other hand, like to take my time in the halls. I like to observe people. I like to watch how they interact with their friends and lovers, teachers and peers.

My name is Dakota. I’m 17 years old. No siblings. 1 pet. Shitty parents. No friends. You get the idea.

Well, I did have a sibling…did. But…I can’t get into that right now. Mark is a memory I can’t relive.

I’m not the type to interact with others in the slightest. It’s most likely because I’m not in the “In” crowd. Or maybe I’m just too shy. Or maybe everyone thinks I’m a freak. There’s no real answer I guess. I just don’t have friends.

No truthfully, it’s not any of those reasons. I know exactly why no one talked to me. They were afraid I might “fall off my rocker” and go psycho on their ass. But that wasn’t my fault. Even after they found out the truth, everyone still hates me. But let’s not get into that right now.

Their loss right?

I wish.

First Period: English

As I walked into English class, I tripped over a few books and landed on my face. Ouch.

I crawled to my feet and slunk my way to the back of the room.

Sighing, I pulled out my iPod and Searched for Burn Halo.

Teachers never noticed when I didn’t pay attention so I wasn’t bothered.

I listened to my favorite song by them: Gasoline.

‘My life should have been better
It’s getting hard to keep it all together
But I know days like this will pass
Maybe I should have been a little different
Maybe you could have been more patient
Maybe we let it go too fast’

The jocks were so amazing to watch in this class. I would laugh as they read from a book we were assigned to read. They trip and stumble over easy words. They got these dumbfounded looks on their faces.

Like a fish out of water. Mouths agape, eyes wide, chests heaving, strange sounds falling from their lips as they try to sound out a word they've never heard before.

Maybe if they hit the books instead of the gym and chicks, they'd know what half of the shit they say means.
Some few minutes later I was out of that horrid class and onto the next one, unfortunately.

Second Period: Science

That class ended the same way except the teacher yelled at me for listening to my iPod. He was a substitute. Then all of the kids laughed at me before going back to pretending I didn’t exist.

That’s how it usually is. They just pretend I’m not there. Like if they do that then I might actually just disappear into thin air. Like I’ll just drop dead on the spot.

Sometimes I wish that was the case. But alas, I'm still alive.

Third Period: Study Hall

This was the class I did my homework in. Or went to sleep, or whatever.

Observing people is best in this class.

I can see the preppy girls in the front corner applying their lip-gloss and chatting about who fucked who and what disease they got because of it.

The jocks right behind them and talking football and tits, preferably the ones of the girls they are seated behind.

The nerds, who are seated right in front of the teacher, are doing work and their glasses fall of their faces. The nerds are obviously sucking up because every time the teacher looks up they smile and return to working.

The Goths sat in the back left corner. Not even Goths wanted to be around me.

They seemed to be planning a satanic ritual or something. I don’t know. They’re one group I try not to eavesdrop on. What I hear may scare me.

Then there were the “emos” of course. They sat in the back right corner. All the way in the back.

All one of us, that is….me being the only one.

Such a lonely little world.

Whatever, the class ended just like the other ones.

Fourth Period: Resource Management

Dumb ass class.

Seriously we just sit there and listen to the teacher drone on and on.

We did small projects, me never having a partner.

It doesn’t matter though.

Sometimes I liked this teacher. I had her for Personal Development before. She used to talk about how she can take one look at a person and know what's going on with them, what kind of mood their in.

All that just from someone's posture. That's when I started watching people. It's fun really.

Fifth Period: American History

This class was split into three A, B, and C. During A I ate lunch at a small table in the back of the cafeteria.

During B and C was my history class. I hate that teacher. Freaking bible pusher. Grr…

Anyway, I walked to lunch and stood in line for 10 minutes for shitty food (what a jip).

As I stepped out of line after picking up my food, I tripped…again.

As I reached down to pick up my ruined food, someone bent down next to me to help pick up the waste.

“Oh man, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to run into you,” he apologized…to…me?

My gaze unwillingly shifted to him.

He was beautiful. His green eyes wide, with dirty disheveled blonde hair.

Unlike my brown eyes and black choppy hair.

His tall lean form hovered over me as my short almost awkward body cowered in fear.

“Umm…I-It’s o-ok. My fault,” I whispered.

“NO NO Let me buy you a new lunch. I insist.”

“I-it’s ok. I wasn’t going to eat it anyway,” There goes me and my social skills wowing the new guy.

“Well, at least let me sit with you?” Did he just---Did he just ask to sit with me?

No he probably just wanted to sit with me so he could tease me. Even before…the ‘accident’ I got teased. Now everyone ignores me. But he’s new here so he doesn’t know to stay away from me. Yea…that’s it…he just wanted to be mean to you.

Just say no!!

I slowly shook my head. “Umm…I don’t sit with anyone. I-I don’t like people.” my eyes were downcast, as I could feel his despair.

“Oh…well ok then.”

He placed the food back on my tray. He stalked off out of the cafeteria with a look of dismay.

Maybe someone should clue him in.

I’m not someone to hang around.

Oh well.

I stalked out of the cafeteria as well. Well not as gracefully as the mystery man. A.K.A. I tripped over my shoelaces, getting a death glare from some whore because I landed on her books.

Whatever bitch.
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This story is being writen as we speak so updates will not be as frequent as my other stories were. I'm sorry. Just stick it out with me. Comment. Lots Of Love.