Status: Complete!!

All I Wanted

Waking Up.


“Dakota! Sky! Get up!” someone yelled through the door.

I groaned and rolled over. It was to early for me. But I must have rolled over on Sky because he groaned to. I looked up and blushed.

“Sorry.” I blushed and moved to roll over.

Sky’s arms shot out around me and held me to him. “No, No. Did you sleep well last night?”

Huh? “Umm…yea.” It came out as a mumbled because my face was in his chest. I could feel him nodding.

“Me too. I think it was cause I was here, with you.”

Here we go with the mushy shit. I looked up at him. When our eyes met, he smiled. I frowned.

“I doubt it. I’m nothing special.” he frowned at that.

“What if I think you are?”

I rolled my eyes “Then I think you’re crazy.”

“But I do! I think you’re really special. You’re so nice. And you aren’t like the other boys at school.” Oh. Spare me the cliché.

“Of course I’m different. I’m the freak, remember?”

“They’re just jealous. That’s why they don’t like you.”

If only you knew.

“That’s not the reason.” I muttered and pushed away from him. His gripped never slackened though.

“Then what is the reason?”

I blinked. Did he just ask that? I can’t tell him.

“Just let me go.”…please before I crack.

“Never.” he replied.

“Let go!” I growled.

“No. When are you ever going to tell me the truth?”

That wouldn’t happen. I just couldn’t deal with the rejection. I couldn’t figure out why. It’s not like I hadn’t dealt with everyone hating me before.


I could feel myself start to panic. Almost sobbing, loss of breath, shaking.

“Are you ok?” Sky asked.

“No!” his grip slackened. I made a break for the bathroom.

“What is all the commotion up here?” Deano asked. I had ran into him before I noticed he was in the doorway.

I looked up and he noticed the tears in my eyes.

“Aww…did you and your lover have a spat?” he asked sarcastically. That must mean he remembered the night before. Great.

“Fuck you!” I spat and tried to get around him.

“I offered last night but you refused.”

I ran around him and into the bathroom, locking the two locks on the door. This room was the best to have locks. It was like a safe room. There were no windows and a tub. You know, in case of tornados. And the window right outside the door was easy to climb out of in case of intruders. I could easily hide from murderers in here. Too bad I didn’t know that a few years ago.

But this was the safest place I felt. It still amazes me that my parents kept this house. But then again they hate me. They probably wanted me to suffer. That’s why they made me stay here.

I could hear Deano and Sky arguing outside the door.

“What the hell did you say to him last night?” Sky growled.

“I just offered him a good time.”

“Stay away from him.”

“Whatever. He chose you anyway.”

I could feel Sky smirking. He had won after all. I did go back to him last night.

“Dakota? Are you going to come out of there anytime soon?” Deano asked.

“No.” I grumbled.


I screamed as Deano’s foot went right through the door.


“Stop screaming you idiot.” he said.

He took his foot out of the door. Then he unlocked the locks and pulled me out of the bathroom, into the hallway.

“You are such a pain in the ass.” he sighed and walked away.

I didn’t want to look at Sky. He probably thought I was pitiful. Running away from my problems and crying like a baby. He was probably disgusted with me.

“Dakota. Explain this to me please.” he whispered.

“I-I c-can’t.”

Before I knew what hit me, I was pinned up against the wall with Sky glowering down at me.

“Why can’t you get it through your thick skull that, no matter what you’ve done or whatever is wrong, I’m not gonna hate you?”

I just shook my head.

“You know, you think keeping your secret from me is gonna help you keep me around longer. But what if keeping that secret from me is only pushing me away.”

One last longing look was what he gave me before he left.

“Sky!” I yelled, but he just kept walking.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey. I got a new book today. "The Vast Fields of Ordinary". and "David Inside Out." both are pretty much coming out stories.
Anyway. I hate this chapter.
And Dakota's secret....i bet you all want to know. Well you will in two chapters from this one.