Status: Complete!!

All I Wanted

If Only.


“Sky!” he called, but I just ignored him and kept walking.

He infuriates me. Can’t he see that I like him. Even if he’s shut down and doesn’t even like being around me. I don’t care. But he’s just to damn oblivious. I don’t even care what he’s keeping from me really, but I do care that whatever it is, it keeps him at an arms distance from me. Always.

I really like him. God! Why can’t he just see it?! I really didn’t want to push him away. I just want to know what’s wrong with him. I just want to be someone he can trust and come to. I want to know what’s so bad that people don’t want to be around him.

Maybe I can ask around. I’m on some teams. Maybe I can ask some of the guys.

I thought all of this as I walked the few yards home. I opened the door and took off my shoes.

“Hey honey, What are you doing home?” my mother asked.

Both of my parents were perched on the couch together.

“I’m not feeling well.” Wasn’t exactly a lie.

“Oh. Do you need anything? Are you hungry?” I shook my head. “Ok. Well go get some rest sweetie. I’ll wake you later.”

“Ok” I went to walk up the stairs.

“Oh Hey!” She called and I turned around “Is Deano over there?”

“Yes.” I growled and stomped to my room.

I love Deano as a brother (mostly because I have to) but he needs so stay away from MY man.

I guess Dakota is amazing enough to get both of us wrapped around his finger. I’m really gonna have to have a talk with Deano. I saw Dakota first. He’s mine!

I really liked Dakota though. Even if he’s quiet and shut off. I can just tell that he wasn’t always like that. I can tell he wants someone to open up to. He wants to be fun and crazy. He wants to laugh. And I want him to be like that. I want him to feel protected. I want him to come running into my arms when he has a problem. Not into the bathroom.

How do I tell him how I feel without him thinking I’m playing him. I know that’s how he’ll think. That’s just how he is. But I REALLY like him.

Damn it!

I really wanted to know what happened between him and Deano too.

This was all just way to complicated.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've been reading like crazy instead of writing. Bad me.
And i'm also sorry it's so short.