Status: Complete!!

All I Wanted

Q & A.


How is this happening?

Why is he still here?

I didn’t understand what was going on in Sky’s mind. I couldn’t even close my eyes for fear of being left in my sleep.

I couldn’t believe I told him. I told him everything. And he didn’t run away.

I was still shaking but I had stopped sobbing. My breathing had evened out. But my heart, it was beating faster than ever before. I couldn’t stop it either. Every part of me had heated up. Like a full body blush.

I think I finally passed out from exhaustion. I looked over at the clock to confirm that I was asleep. I had slept for two whole hours.

“Hey. Did you sleep good?” Sky asked.

I turned onto my side to see him laying beside me, staring down at my face. He smiled and propped his head up on his hand.

I smiled. “Yea.”

“Good. I made you something to eat while you were sleeping.” He jumped up off of the bed and held out his hand for me. “Come along”

I groaned. “No. More sleep.”

He growled and threw me over his shoulder. I squeaked rather loudly. “You need to eat.”

“Hey! Put me down!” I hit his back but he didn’t even flinch.

“Just hold your horses.”

Did he just tell me to hold my horses? Who says that anymore?

I growled and tried not to let all my blood rush to my head.

“Jerk.” I grumbled.

“Thanks. Buttmuch.” he replied.

“Are you from the stone age or something? No one says half of the things that come out or your mouth…not that I don’t find it unique.”

He tossed me into a chair at the kitchen table. A plate of Ginger Chicken and Brown Rice sat before me.

“Did you order from that Chinese place down the street?” I asked.


I rolled my eyes. “Sure you didn’t.”

I took the fork and started eating it anyway.

“Ok. Let’s talk.” he said.

“About what?” I asked through a chicken filled mouth.

“Umm…how long have you lived here?”

“Whole life. Where did you live before you moved here?”

“New York.”

“Wow. Big change to Ohio. Why?”

“Rent’s job.”


“Perfect timing though.” I gave him a ‘what’ look. “Bad breakup.” he answered.

I nodded. I felt myself blush. He had more experience with relationships than I did, that’s for sure. Hell I didn’t have any experience with anything.

“What’s up, pup?” he asked.

“Huh?” I snapped out of my thoughts.

“You’re blushing and spacing. What are you thinking about?”


“N-Nothing.” I kept eating and noticed he wasn’t. “Why aren’t you eating?”

“I ate while you were asleep. Sorry. I would’ve waited but I just got really hungry.”

I laughed. “It’s ok.”

A silence loomed over us until I was finished eating. He excused himself once I was almost finished. I heard his footsteps thunder upstairs but lost his movement after that. A few minutes later he came back down. I had just set my plate in the sink to be cleaned later.

He scooped my back up, this time facing him. “What are we doing now?” I asked.

“You’ll see.”

He carried me up the stairs and to the bathroom. The door still hadn’t been fixed.

“Oh my God.” I gasped.

The whole bathroom was filled with candles. And soft music was playing. The tub was filled with lavender scented bubbles.

“Are you trying to seduce me?” I asked him.

He chuckled in response. “No. I just thought I’d help you relax. Is that so bad?”

“I guess not.” I mumbled. A bath wasn’t such a bad idea. I looked at him and waited for him to leave. He looked back at me.

“Strip mister.” he urged.

“What? Not with you in the room.” I shrieked.

He sighed and rolled his eyes. “Fine. I’ll go change and get you clothes. You get in. I’ll be back in ten so hurry….Unless you want me to see you naked.” he chuckled.

He turned and left towards my room. My cheeks were so hot I thought I had a fever. I stripped as fast a possible, almost tripping over my pant legs a few times. I slipped into the tub and slid down as far as I could.

My chin was wet and I almost had bubbles in my mouth.

Sky came skipping back in. He was wearing blue plaid pj pants and a blue t-shirt, with a blonde doll thing on it. He was wearing bright blue plaid slippers, trimmed in black fur. He was also waving a pair of my black boxers in the air. I blushed harder. That meant he was going through my underwear drawer.

Sky set them on the sink and plopped down beside the tub, Indian style. His elbows were propped in the side of the tub with his head in his hands. I noticed that he sits like that a lot. He smiled at me. I felt so uncomfortable.

“Are you going to get me more clothes than that? I hardly think it’s fair.”

He groaned and ran back to my room. When he came back, he was carrying pants and a shirt. Slippers too. Everything was red and black. He was a freak for color coordinating.

He resumed his previous position.

“Are you having fun?” he asked.

“Well at the moment I’m feeling not so comfortable.”

His bows furrowed. “How come?”

“Well I’m just not used to this. And I’m kinda naked here. And you’re kinda very close to my nakedness. And you’re kinda cute.” SHIT! “I’m mean. No. That’s not what I meant. I mean, not that you aren’t god looking or anything. I’m just…” I stumbled over my words. Most of which I didn’t want to come out of my mouth.

“You’re cute too.” he giggled.

I choked a bit.


He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I really don’t think it’s some big secret that I like you. I really think that you need to open up. To be honest, if I thought you’d say yes, I’d ask you to be my boyfriend.”

I choked again. But what if I want to say yes? I thought. I just couldn’t say it.

“I’m sorry.” Is what I did say.

He sighed and picked himself up off the floor. “Well. I’m gonna go chill in the living room. Blow out the candles when you’re done.”

He left the room and I slumped down into the water.

Why didn’t I just say yes?
♠ ♠ ♠
S/D Nighttime Outfits

Sorry for taking so incredibly long.
I've not been in the mood to write. Sorry.
good book-The Screwed Up Life of Charlie The Second by Drew Ferguson.