Status: Complete!!

All I Wanted

First Date.


My head hurt like a bitch the next day. Sky made me stay in bed. He said I might have a concussion. I didn’t think so. I just thought I had a bad case of stupid. I’m just glad I got it out when I could.

He laid in bed with me the next day. He came into my room the next day with soup and put in a movie.

“I’m a klutz. Aren’t I?” I asked.

He mhmmed and continued watching the movie. Thanks for the vote of confidence. He glance sideways. “It’s ok though. It’s kinda cute.” Great my little accidents are ‘cute’.

“Thanks,” I blushed. Hey, he said I was cute.

“So. I was thinking. We should go on a proper date,” he suggested.

“Huh?!” my own voice made my head split.

“Oh. Damn. I should probably ask you to be my boyfriend first. Yea, definitely,” he mused to himself. Then he turned to me and smiled. “So will you?”

I nodded, surprised that I could actually move.

“Great. About that date. How about tonight?” he asked, enthusiastically.


He nodded and pursed his lips. I guessed he was thinking so I didn’t bother him.

“We could go to eat. Maybe go shopping. I noticed that you need new clothes,” he said.

“I just never feel like shopping.”

“Well, I’ll pick out an outfit and we can go. ‘Kay?” he asked.

I nodded and he set off for my closet. After a few minutes of searching he came up with something. He handed me a white t-shirt with a ribcage on it and a heart underneath. I threw it on and looked at the jeans. Black skinnys with a few zippers. He also chose a red and black checkered belt and clack and white Converse. I got out a watch and a cute silver ring to go with it all.

“I’m going to run home and change. Is that okay?”

I nodded. When do I not?

I decided to take a shower to pass the time. Afterwards, I dressed and put on some music. Zetsubou Billy by Maximum the Hormone blasted through the speakers.

Sky came back into my room, startling me a little bit. I didn’t even hear him come in. He was wearing a blue v-neck with a peace sign on it and dark blue skinnys. He had cute blue high top converse on his feet. He wore a blue bracelet with a metal peace sign in the middle and a black ring. Gorgeous.

“Are you ready?” he smiled.


He took my hand and led me outside. We got in my car. You know, the one I’m only supposed to use for emergencies. Oh well. Sky drove, because he actually has a license. He drove us to a small family own place on the outskirt’s of town. We could get a nice lunch there. Down the street was an outlet mall. A small one, but it didn’t matter.

He parked in the front of the restaurant and got out. Before I could open the passenger door he had it open for me.

I blushed and stepped out, careful not to trip, “Thanks.”

“But of course.”

He even opened the restaurant doors for me too. Such a gentlemen.

The waitress at the front smiled a welcome to us, “Hello, my name is Amber. Are there just two of you?” We nodded. “Then please follow me.”

She led us to a table for two in front of the windows. She placed menus in front of Sky and I. “What would you like to drink?”

“Coffee,” Sky answered.

“I’ll have the same.”

She scribbled on her notepad and scurried away.

“This is a nice place,” Sky said as he observed the inside of the establishment.

“Yea,” I sighed. I didn’t really care about the place. Only him. I couldn’t help but feel awkward. Just last night I had confessed my feelings for him. And I never thought those would be his feelings too! I had a feeling that it was just a dream caused my slamming my head into ice.

He noticed my gaze and returned it. “What’s the matter, pup?” he asked.

“N-Nothing,” I stuttered.

“Something’s the matter. You’ve got that deer-in-the-headlights-gasping-fish-look going on,” he giggled. What a beautiful giggle.

“It’s really nothing.”

He rested his hand on mine and stroked it with his thumb. It got that tingly sensation in it. I bit my lip. His gaze became more determined. It felt like he could see my soul. Not exactly the thing I wanted him to see so I looked away.

His hand left mine for my chin. He pulled it towards him to reconnect that soul gaze. Amber saved me though. She came towards the table with our drinks and sat them in front of us. Sky’s hand left my face for his side of the table.

“Have you decided what you’d like to order?” she questions. She seems to be a hyper person.

“Umm…yea,” Sky said.


“That was really good,” Sky belched as we left.

“Nice,” I said.

We were back in the car and on our way. Not sure where. Just going.

“What do you want to do?” he asked me.

“Whatever you want,” I replied. It really didn’t matter to me. Sky time was Sky time. Whatever I did with him was worth it.

“Hey. Do you have anything pierced?” He asked, enthusiastically.

“No. Do you?” Cause it would be sexy if you did.

“My bellybutton. But I kinda want my tongue pierced.” That surprised me. That really was sexy. I kinda wanted to see it.

I decided to grow a set and ask, “Can I see?”

He stopped at a red light and looked at me funny. “See what?”

“Your bellybutton.”

He ‘Oh‘-ed and pulled up his shirt. A silver crescent ring hung from his bellybutton. It had three dangling stars. One white, one light blue, and one dark blue. So sexy…

He pulled his shirt back down and smiled. I think I was drooling.

He started to drive again. Thank God cause it took his attention off me. He gasped a pulled abruptly into a parking lot.

“What? What is it?” I freaked out.

“Piercing Parlor.”

He got out and walked to my side. I was still confused as hell. He opened the door and pulled my out.

“Get your bellybutton pierced.” he said. Then he pouted when I said no. “Please.”

I shook my head. “Nope. Afraid of needles.”

“I’ll hold your hand.” he sang.

“No is no.”

He smirked and snaked his arms around my waist. Certain regions of our bodies were to close for comfort. Or maybe it was too comfortable. “But baby,” he whined, “It would look so fucking hot. I don’t know if I’d be able to keep my hands off of you.”

I gulped. Great, I had to do it now.

“Are you gonna get your tongue pierced?” I asked. If I was gonna be in pain, he was gonna too.

He nodded slowly and smiled slyly. He knew he got me. He knew that as soon as ‘baby’ came out of his mouth, I was going to do it.

“OK.” I sighed. This is so fucking scary.

He dragged me to the door and pushed me in. A handsome man was behind the front counter. He had on a t-shirt with the sleeves ripped off. I could see the tribal tattoos that trailed down his left arm. He was taller than Sky and I. His hair was a little longer and black and his lip pierced, but it make him look sexy.

He looked up when the bell over the door rang. He smiled, “Hello. I’m Vince. How can I help you?” His voice was deep and sensual.

I blush and a pang of guilt hit me. I shouldn’t be thinking things like that. Especially with Sky standing right next to me.

Sky walked up to him. “I’d like a tongue piercing and he,” he motioned to me, “would like a bellybutton piercing.”

Vince smiled and nodded. He typed a few things on the computer in front of him. “That’ll be $50 for both. Or $30 apiece,” he said.

Sky reached for his wallet and handed him a 50 dollar bill.

“Sky! You don’t have to do that!” I whined. I felt bad for making him pay to get me a piercing.

“It’s worth it. You’re gonna look so hot. I swear.”

Vince came out from behind the counter. “Ok. You boys ready?”

Not Really.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sky's Outfit
Dakota's Outfit
I'll probably have the next one up tomorrow. I'm about a third of the way done writing it. KK?
Just to let you know, this story isn't going to end soon. Not by a LONG shot.
Chapters are getting longer. Are they too long? IDK.
Tell me if you find mistakes in this cause i spell checked it but, idk, something doesn't feel right.