Status: Complete!!

All I Wanted

Kiss And Tell


“I can’t wait to see you guys kiss!” Dina squealed.

“I know, right?” Delilah agreed.

Sky leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Remind me to never kiss you in front of them. We’ll never hear the end of it.”

I giggled and nodded. Sky and I had told the twins about us officially dating the Monday after our first date. School was awkward. When Sky and I walked into the building, everyone stared at our intertwined hands. I had to cower behind Sky. He just glared and growled. He’s not talked to anyone since I’d told him the reason for their hatred. He was mad at everyone. I told him to drop it but then he got peeved with me…so I dropped it.

I decided I didn’t want to add tension. There was already a tad of that because I asked Sky what his problem was when we left the tattoo place. He said he was upset because Vince was hitting on me. I reassured him that it was no big deal, that nothing would ever happen between me and anyone else as long as we were together. He insinuated that I had flirted back. Such a lie, by the way. But all was forgiven and forgotten. Sky is just the jealous type. And I’m the type to reciprocate the attention I’m rarely given. Even if I don’t realize I’m doing it.

Anyway, after school that day Dina and Delilah made Sky and I go to their house to tell their parents. I was nervous.

I wasn’t sure how Mr. and Mrs. Sweet would feel about me dating their son. Friends and boyfriends are two different stories.

I followed Sky through his house into the kitchen. We’d kinda figured that Mrs. Sweet was in the kitchen, like always.

Sky had to drag me after him, because I wasn’t moving very fast.

“Mom? Can I talk to you?” he asked as he entered the kitchen.

“Yea sweetie, what is it?” Mrs. Sweet asked.

“Well, Dakota and I, we’re umm…really close right?” Sky cleared his throat. I knew he wasn’t nervous for the same reason as me. It was just kinda awkward.

Mrs. Sweet nodded anyway, smiling.

“Well, we’re together now,” he said. His grip tightened on my hand. I blushed furiously behind his back.

“That’s great!” she chirped. She flung herself at us and took Sky and I into her arms at the same time. “I’m so happy for you boys. Finally,” she whispered ‘finally’.

Sky rolled his eyes and chuckled. Then he turned to me and gave me a sweet peck on the lips. I blushed, of course.

“See, I told you she wouldn’t mind,” he said.

Mrs. Sweet gasped, “What would make you think I’d mind?”

“His self-esteem,” Sky answered.

She grasped me tight in another hug. “Don’t think such bad things about yourself. You are a great kid. And I’m very happy that you’re dating my son.”

I smiled. I wished my mother was like that. I wished she would tell me to be happy and think good things about myself. But it was just the opposite.

“And remember,” She whispered, “I’m always here if you need to talk.”

“Thanks Mrs. Sweet,” I replied.

“No no. Call me Mary,” she insisted, “You’re part of the family now. Whether you like it or not.”

The twins poked their heads in the door. “Did you tell her?” they chorused.

Sky and I nodded.

“YAY!” and they left just as quick as they came.

Sky wrapped me in a hug, to which I immediately returned.

“I’m so happy,” he sighed, contently.

“Me to. Me to.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Really short. Sorry for the long wait too. This week has been super stressful. And I have to take the ACT tomorrow. Grr...
Anyway, i decided to thank all the peeps that have commented so far.

luna maxwell
we're all mad here.(4)
Oh.Glory. (15)
FairyNinja (2)
Stalker Stacey. (12)
Ms.Hopeless_Savage (3)
Walking Backwards
Gates of Delirium (2)
Beast And The Harlot (4)
DyingOnTheDanceFloor (3)
I'mBatman (3)
Bitter Sweets
Camel Intercourse

THANK YOU!!! (the number means you commented more than once. Just so you know.)