Status: Complete!!

All I Wanted

Sexual Feelings.


I’d forced Dakota to stay for dinner with me and the family. I knew he wanted to go back to his house to sleep. Even though I didn’t want him to. Leaving him there by himself scared me. I’d been with him every night since he told me what happened. But I understood that he needed some time to himself.I just didn’t want to give it to him.

“Hey baby?” I asked Dakota after dinner.

“Y-Yea?” he blushed.

“Are you sure you’re gonna be ok to stay alone?”

He nodded. “Yea. I am. I have been for a few years now.”

His soft tone was laced with underlying pain. I wanted to stay with him.

“Are you sure. You know I’ll stay,” I urged.

He sighed, “I’ll be fine. You’re really worrying to much. I’ll just stay here until I need to go to sleep.”

I laughed. “Or you could just stay with me tonight,” I pressed our bodies close together and he blushed in response, “and sleep in my bed….or, not sleep.” I winked.

Startled, he choked on air and saliva. I chuckled at his reaction, until he hit me.

“You ass. Don’t make jokes like that and laughed at me when I choke. I could die you know!”

I rolled my eyes. “I would have preformed CPR.”

“Whatever, you pervert,” he grumbled.

I sighed. No. He just needed to be more perverted.

“Let’s watch a movie till you have to go,” I said.

He nodded and followed me to my room.

Once we got there, I sat myself on my bed and turned the TV on with my remote. Dakota just stood beside my bed, looking around like he didn’t know what to do. I cleared my throat loudly. He didn’t get the picture so I grabbed his waist and pulled him into my lap. He squeaked loudly, and cutely of course.

He giggled and slapped my chest. “Hey! That wasn’t nice.”

“Well, I wanted you to sit down,” I hummed.

He settled between my legs,not that he had any choice.

He stole the remote from me and flipped through the channels. When he found something he liked he set the remote on the bed next to him. Then he settled back against me. I messaged his shoulders lightly, just wanted to touch him, even in the slightest way. I just couldn’t keep my hands off of him. Not in a perverted way either.

I smiled when he purred and groaned.

“That feels good,” he practically moaned. I chuckled.

My mind started to turn with thoughts of inappropriate things. I licked my lips and leaned forward. I snuggled my nose into the space between his ear and neck. He smelled just like his coconut body wash and strawberry shampoo. Dakota gasped when I attached my lips to the small space. I felt so soft and smooth. I could just imagine what his lips would feel like.

“S-Sky? What are you doing?” he whimpered.

“Umm…kissing your neck?”

I nibbled lightly and flicked my touch out to taste the soft skin. The new, cold metal cause him to shiver. I pressed another small kiss to the spot before moving on. My lips led the way up to his left earlobe. My lips encased it as my teeth nipped at the skin and sucked.

“St-Stop. Your p-parents are downst-stairs,” he gulped.

I detached.

“That’s ok. It’s not like they don’t know I’m not a virgin,” I replied.

He choked and gasped again. I moved my hands down from his shoulders to his hips. Goosebumps trailed behind my light touch. My hands reached their destination around his waist. My thumbs drew circles on his narrow hips. He trembled slightly. I pulled him closer than he already was, which was flush against my own body.

“Sky. Please stop. I-I’m not com-comfortable with this,” he begged.

I sighed. “I’m sorry. I got carried away,” I said and parted from him completely, sitting next to him on the bed.

When I looked at him, his face was as red as a tomato. I knew I shouldn’t have done that. He’s so innocent.

I just couldn’t get the feel of his skin out of my mind. I needed something more. Anything, but I didn’t want to push him. I’d let him take as much time, to do anything, as he wanted.

So I leaned in a pressed a small kiss to his cheek. “I’m really sorry. I won’t push you. I promise.”

He nodded, still beat red.

“Umm….I should go. We have school tomorrow,” he whispered.

I nodded as he got up and put his shoes and jacket on.

“Be safe,” I called out as he left my room.

I’m so stupid sometimes.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I got a new printer last night. Wireless so I can print from my laptop. It took me and my mom three hours to get it to work....piece of shit.
YES! My ACT for today was rescheduled cause of bad weather!
So...what do you think of MPREG? Cause I'm writing one and it's on chap. 16. IDK. Would you want me to type it up and post it?

I'm sorry for being so bad with 'scenes'. Yea...

Anyways, thank you to...

Oh. Glory.
Stalker Stacey.

Thanks for da comments.
I wish i had a mom like Mrs. Sweet. Just sayin.