Status: Complete!!

All I Wanted



After the incident with the cute boy I scurried to the bathroom to clean my shirt. I got a little mashed potato on me.

As I stood in front of the mirror scrubbing my shirt, I looked into the mirror and I could’ve sworn I saw that boy looking back at me. Beautiful green eyes clear as day. Eyes that shown no malice or hate, only friendliness.

But no…he just looked that way so he could gain my trust and then crush me.

A small girl with black hair and rainbow streaks came bouncing into the bathroom and into a stall.

Wait…a girl…in the boy’s restroom?

“Umm…n-not to be uhh…rude or a-anything, bu-but this is the boy’s restroom. You know, just incase you made a mistake or anything. Not that like you would make a mistake like that or anything.” I stumbled.

“Nope. I know.”

“Oh…may I ask why you’re in the men’s restroom?”

“It’s a feminist thing.”


I continued scrubbing at the stain. It was leaving a large wet mark.

“So what’s your name hun?” she chirped.

Why is she talking to me?

“M-Me?” I squeaked.

“No the ghost in the stall next to me.”

“Oh. Ok”

Wow she’s kinda crazy.

She sighed heavily. “Of course I meant you.”

“Oh right.” I really felt like an idiot. “D-Dakota.”

“Lovely name dear. I’m Delilah. You can call me De for short though.”

“Oh…ok.” she was still in the stall…of the men’s restroom…talking to me.

She came out and washed her hands.

She turned around and smiled brightly at me.

“Yup. Well…uh...I got to go.” I stammered.

“Ok friend, See you around,”

She just…called me friend. Wow.

That was…odd? No one’s ever done that before.

Sixth Period: Choir

Why the fuck am I even in this class?! I don’t sing. I rarely even talk in the first place. It really sucks that we need a “fine art” credit to graduate.

I just sit hear and do nothing. My mind was once again drawn back to the green eyed boy at lunch.

I wonder what his name is. How old is he? Why the hell would he move to a hick town like this one? This town is ridiculously dinky.
And that girl. I’ve never seen her here before either. Maybe they’re related. Hmm…

Does he have any siblings?

Is he even…gay?

No no. Probably not. I mean that’s why I used to get teased in the first place. He wouldn’t even be. No. I’m just being crazy. I need to forget it. Just….let it go.

“OK kids, we’re starting our Christmas Cantata today.”

Yea, this class sucks.

Seventh Period: Algebra 2

I really hate this class. The teacher isn’t nice and the work is fucking hard.

And on top of that I sit right in the front of the room. Bullshit is you ask me. It’s not like anyone talks to me or even looks at me so why the fuck does it matter?

I just fucking hate people.

My thoughts took over once again as the teacher droned on about Quadratic Functions. Whatever

Where did he come from? If he is related to Delilah, are there any more siblings besides her?

Maybe I should ask her.

NO! I can’t talk to her. She’ll just be mean to be.

No contact.
♠ ♠ ♠
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