Status: Complete!!

All I Wanted



What the hell just happened? Did-Did that just--Did he just…?

I practically ran to my house and locked the door behind me.

I’m so stupid!

Why do I have to push him away like that? Trust me, I can’t say I didn’t like him kissing me…cause I did! But I just can’t handle those types of things. I know Sky wants to move faster I’m just not good at that stuff.

It makes me feel bad.

I’ve barely developed my people skills while I’ve been around him, but now I have the pressure of developing relationship skills too. Sometimes I think this is too hard.Maybe this just isn’t right. No. Sky and I are good together I’m just being my usual self hating…self.

I collapsed myself onto my bed. I think I just need some sleep.


“Dakota! Are you ready?” Delilah called. She’d taken up the habit of coming over to see if I was ready for school every morning.

“Yes!” I called back from the kitchen. I threw the rest of my granola bar in the garbage before throwing on my shoes and grabbing my back pack.

“Let’s go munchkin,” Delilah urged.

“You’re shorter than me. How am I a munchkin?” I questioned as we stepped onto the sidewalk.

“Well, you see I’ve excepted the fact that I am a munchkin. And you are only an inch taller than me. Therefore, you are too a munchkin,” she explained and linked her arm with mine.

I rolled my eyes at her explanation.

“Whatever. I know people shorter than me,” I said.

“Really? Who? Cause I’d like to know.”

“….Micah?” So I lied. I really didn’t know anyone shorter than me.

She gave me a puzzled look. “I thought Micah was a baby.”

“…He is,” I mumbled.

She laughed at me. “See? Told you.”

We met up with Sky and Dina on the sidewalk in front of their house. Sky adverted his gaze from mine. I knew he was mad at me for what happened. As we walked along I was desperate for some kind of communication. I just wanted to know what he was thinking.

“Sky? I’m really sorry about last night,” I whispered.

He stopped walking and finally looked at me. “What? No, I should be sorry. Not you.”

I shook my head. “No, I just need to learn to be ok with those things.”

He sighed and cupped my cheek. “But you should never let anyone push that on you. If you’re not ready, then you’re not ready.”

I nodded.

“Are we ok then?” I asked.

He smiled and chuckled. Such a beautiful noise to my ears. “Of course we are.”

I extended my arms and put on a pout. He walked into them and gave me a bone crushing hug.

“Thank you,” I mumbled.

“No prob, baby.”


Third Period: Study Hall

I was so bored. Just sitting here, doing nothing. But thinking of Sky, of course.

God that boy makes my heart flutter and race all at the same time. I was still upset with myself that I hadn’t let him even kiss me yet.

I decided I needed to stop thinking about it. So I went about people watching. And eavesdropping.

I chose to listen to the preps that were a few rows over from me.

”Omg. This is so boring.” Blonde one said.

“Wow. Did you notice that the new kid is dating that freak?” The blonder one said.

”What a shame. I wouldn’t mind fucking Sky. He’s gorgeous.”

“Yea. Too bad that fag got to him. So not worth Sky’s time.”

“I know seriously. I bet when Sky tries to break up with him for something better, AKA me, The freak’ll kill him.”

They both laughed and went about other things.

I knew people thought bad about me, but they really thought I’d kill my own boyfriend? I can’t wait to get out of this fucking town. Me and Talulu could get a small apartment in the city. I could walk her in the park and she could pee on the sidewalk. It’d be perfect.

I could be away from all these stupid people.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and it said I had a new text message. I opened it and it was from an unknown number.

‘Hey, Dakota. It’s Vince. From the tattoo place. I got your number from the database. I hope you don’t mind. I’m not trying to creep or anything. I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out…or something.’

Oh My God.

I decided to text back. ‘Hey Vince. I have to admit, that’s a tad creepy. Umm…IDK if my boyfriend would like that.’ I typed back and slid my phone back into my pocket.

I changed classes and went to Resource Management. My phone vibrated again and I opened it and the new text.

’Yea. Sorry. You’re boyfriend? That’s the kid you were with right?’

‘Yup. Sky.’

‘Oh. Well that doesn’t mean we can’t hang out. It just means I can’t do…things…with you.’

I choked which caused the teacher’s attention to become fixed on me. I knew I wouldn’t be able to text back for a little while.

I sat there, my hands twitching to respond while my brain thought of a proper response. I stared blankly at the white board. Vince was hot. But I can’t flirt with him. That would be wrong. I can’t even think about kissing Sky without freaking. I definitely can’t flirt with another guy. Plus, I’d just make a dunce out of myself.

Finally the bell rang. I sprinted to the lunch room and plopped down into my normal seat. I pulled out my phone as I waited for Sky and the twins.

’That’s not very appropriate. And Sky would probably still not like the idea. I don’t want to upset him.’

Sky sat down and smiled at me. “Hey baby. How’s your belly ring feeling?”

I blushed deep red. That’s not what I wanted to talk about. Especially since I was talking to Vince. I gulped.

“It’s good. How’s your tongue ring?”

“Good. It’s kinda sad that I can’t blow you for the next three weeks,” he said.


He laughed. “Just joking.”

‘Well if you really want, he can hang out with us too.’

A brilliant idea stuck my like lightning.

‘If you really want to maybe we can go on a double date.

I could set him up with someone. Muahahaha!

‘And who would be my date?’

‘My boyfriend’s brother.'

“Hey baby. Who you texting?” Sky asked.

I grinned evilly at him. “Well you remember that guy Vince?”

Sky grimaced. “From the piercing place. Yea.”

“Well, what about going on a double date?”

“…Oh. He has a date?”

“Umm…I thought maybe we could hook him up with Deano,” I suggested. Hopefully he’d go for it.

He thought about it for what seemed like minutes before returning the wicked grin I was giving. “Yea. Let’s do it.”

‘Sounds good to me.' Vince replied.

Great. A double date. Now I have to convince Deano.

Wish me luck.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, I love people would obsess so it's ok.
MEOP YAY! Subscribers are awesome!
Stalker Stacey.