Status: Complete!!

All I Wanted

Double Dates.


This was perfect. Not that Dakota taking to that perv was perfect. But if we could hook up Vince and Deano, then that would get both of them away from Dakota. They would both stop perving on him. That’s exactly what I want.

We’d gone back to my house after school to convince Deano to go.

“Mom. Where’s Deano?” I asked.

“Up in his room. I think he has a boy up there,” distaste colored her words.

Dakota followed me up the stairs and to Deano’s door. I knocked a few times before walking in, knowing that if he was fucking the kid, he wouldn’t answer.

Sure enough. When I opened the door I saw Deano laying on his back with a small kid, same size as Dakota on his lap, riding him. The kid had the same color hair and eyes as Dakota too. Odd. I grimaced and looked at just his face.

“What the fuck? Get out!” he growled and the kid tried to hide under the blanket. He was panting and his skin was red.

“Umm…so we set you up on a date for Friday. It’s a double, so Dakota and I are going to be there,” I explained without even listening to his pleads for us to leave.

I could feel Dakota’s head on my back, shielding his view. I could almost sense the heat radiating from his blushing cheeks.

“No! Go away,” he growled again.

I ignored again. “Not until you agree.”

“F-Fine. Now leave!” He yelled.

I rolled my eyes and walked out. Before I did though, I saw Deano wink at Sky before thrusting so hard into the boy that he squeaked. I scoffed and pulled Dakota out of the room and into mine.

“That was awkward,” Dakota blushed.

“Just a tad.”

“So, do you have any ideas for our date?” he asked.

“Well, dinner of course. Then…I’m drawing a blank.”

“It can’t be anywhere that has a bed. If so, the only thing they’ll get to know about each other is penis size,” he grumbled.

I laughed.

“Hey, They’re having a music festival down by place Vince works. We could eat at the place we went to then go to the fest,” Dakota suggested.

I nodded. “Sounds fun.”



“Are you almost done?” I asked Deano. He’d been in his room getting ready for almost two hours. I didn’t even take that long and I changed twice.

“Yea. One sec.” he said. I waited the one sec and he popped out of his door.

Startled I jumped back and hit the wall.


Deano rushed to my side. “You ok?”

“Yea. Just a bump.”

I rolled my eyes and looked at his outfit. I have to admit, he looked good.

He wore dark red skinnys and bright red, checkered, slip-on Vans with a matching belt. His shirt was black with a red heart on the right side. It was a v-neck so I could see his pale muscular chest.

I gulped and looked away. I walked into the living room where Sky was.

He was wearing a blue plaid button up. With ripped white skinnys and Vans to match with shirt. He also had on a blue belt. That kid and his blue.

I on the other hand was wearing my usual black. Well, kind of. I wore dark blue jeans with an elbow length, black and white checkered, button up shirt, that had a hood. Also a matching checkered belt and slip on Vans.

“Let’s go and get this over with,” Deano grumbled.

I rolled my eyes. “He’s a really cool guy. You just have to get to know him.”

I had spent the week texting Vince. We’d learned a lot about each other. We talked about things from Micah to his crazy ex to what music we liked to out pasts. He’d not learned all of mine but he understood the basics. He’d become a really good friend but that’s all.

Sky was still pretty jealous though. So I sent him stupid text messages whenever I could. He enjoyed them. I’d realized that it made me feel more comfortable to not have to say some things. Like ‘Hey baby’ or other stupid things like that.

But we’d been dating for a whole week and he still hadn’t come close to my lips. I just wouldn’t let him. But tonight was going to be different.

I took Sky’s hand and we walked out to my car. I really didn’t care what my parents said about not using it. It’s not like they’re ever home to find out. Sky opened the passenger door for me and I got in. Deano got in behind me and Sky was in the driver’s seat. Vince decided to meet us their since he lives in that town. Sky switched on the engine and we were off.

Deano complained the whole time. I yelled at him and told him not to be mean or I’d hurt him. He sighed and shut up.

When we arrived at the small dinner, Vince’s black Chevy Tahoe was already parked out front. When I got out, I walked up to it and tapped on the window. He jumped and looked at me, startled, before smiling and hopping out of the car.

He wrapped me in a hug. “Hey Kota. What’s up?”

“Nothing. How’s Micah?” I asked as I dragged him to Deano and Sky.

“With Lizzy. I had to beg her to take him today,” he groaned. Lizzy is Micah’s mom. She’s a real bitch and crazy too. She never wants to take care of Micah.

I feel bad for Vince. But Micah is a really good baby. He’s not to fussy for anything.

When I got back to Sky and Deano I introduced them.

“Deano this is Vince. Vince this is Deano,” I motioned between the two.

Vince stuck out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

Deano grimaced before taking Vince’s hand and shaking it.

Well, we’re off to an ok start, I guess.

I led the way into the establishment and sat in a booth. Sky and I were on one side while Vince and Deano were on the other.

The waitress came and went a few times, asking for our orders and such.

Small conversation erupted here and there.

Vince chuckled when a small infant started screaming and crying.

“Too bad you didn’t bring Micah. He could teach that kid a thing or two,” I chuckled.

“Who’s Micah?” Deano asked.

Vince answered, “My son. He’s 5 months old.”

Deano gave a grunt, “I hate kids.”

I kicked him in his shin. “Be nice.”

“No it’s ok,” Vince said, “it’s not like I really care if he liked kids or not.”

Deano glared at him. Deano is the type of person to back talk to anything. But he hates it when it doesn’t piss someone off. And Vince not caring was exactly the type of thing he hates.

Sky chuckled. He knew Deano hadn’t gotten his way.

Dinner continued mostly in silence after that. When we left to go to the festival, Sky made Deano ride with Vince. I apologized to Vince about Deano’s behavior.

“It’s fine,” he said. “I like ‘em feisty,” he winked.

I giggled and skipped to my car.

“Let’s go babe.” I said.

Sky nodded and we left for the music festival.


The park was so nice. A small circle stage was set up and people could sit all the way around it. Blankets and chairs were set up on the ground for people to sit on. The music was mostly acoustic. But it was a nice atmosphere. Sky and I chose to set down a thick blanket in the front. A tree was right behind us so Sky sat with his back against it and I crawled in between his legs. His warm arms wove around my waist and I laid my head on his chest.

We sat there listening to the music and talking for almost an hour. I had decided that it was the perfect timing. I turned over to my side and looked up at him.


“Yes?” he asked and looked down at me.

His sweet gaze seemed to relax me a little.

“I-I re-real-lly like you.”

“I like you too. You know that,” he replied.

I nodded. I gulped down the lump in my throat and inched forward. I could smell his sweet citrus toothpaste. I closed my eyes and brushed my lips with his. He got the drift and pushed forward too. It was soft and sweet just like I’d imagined it. I jumped back when I felt something wet hit my face.

I reached up to the spot on my check and wiped it away. But then something landed on the other cheek. Then on my forehead. I looked around me and then up. Only then did I realize it was starting to rain.

In the next few second rain come pouring down out of the sky. Thunder rose up from the clouds.

Sky pulled me up, “We have to go. We’re gonna get soaked.”

I nodded and we ran to the car.

“Do you think Deano is coming?”

Sky nodded. “He should be here soon. Let’s just wait.”

Ten minutes later Deano was still not back. Then Sky’s phone rang.

“Hey. Where are you?” he paused, “Are you sure?” another pause. “Ok. See you tomorrow.”

I gave a puzzled look.

Sky answered the unasked question. “Guess they hit it off better than we thought. Deano is staying at Vince’s place tonight.”

I giggled.

Sky started up the car but before we could go anywhere he turned and pressed another kiss to my lips.

“Just to let you know, that was the best kiss of my life.”

I think I just had a stroke.
♠ ♠ ♠
Vince I Changed his appearance.
Vince's Car


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