Status: Complete!!

All I Wanted

The Wonderful Smell of Bacon.


The night of our date, it ended up storming really bad. Thunder and Rain. A little bit of hail too. That’s why Sky stayed with me. I insisted that he didn’t have too but the a loud clap of thunder hit and I jumped out of my skin. Therefore, he thought I was scared. I soooo wasn’t.Maybe just a little.

Sky slept in my room. He made sure to stay on his side of the bed. I was a little disappointed because I was still on the ‘best kiss ever’ high. And I wouldn’t have minded cuddling. But he said he didn’t want to push it. I understood and fell asleep soon after.

When I woke up I could smell bacon. I knew it was the work of one, Sky Sweet. But when I rolled over, he was still right next to me.

Maybe he cooked it and went back to sleep.

I decided to let him stay asleep. I rolled out of bed in just my pj pants. The floor was freezing cold so I put on my slippers and trudged down the steps. With my eyes only slightly open I stumbled into the kitchen.

Not what I expected to see, let me tell you.

Deano's head was in the fridge while Vince hovered over the bacon on the stove.

“Umm…what are you doing?” I questioned. “How did you get in?”

Deano’s head popped out of the fridge so fast I swear he got whip lash.

“You gave my mom a spare key. I got it from her,” he explained.

“Good morning,” Vince chimed.

I smiled at him, still a tad confused. “Hello.”

I sat myself on a chair at the island. A baby whimpered and I looked down to the left of me.

“Micah!” I grinned and pulled him up in my arms. I bounced him lightly and rocked. He smiled and giggled at me.

“Lizzy brought him back at midnight last night. She was drunk too,” Vince explained.

“No…what a meanie,” I exclaimed.

“Yea, she sure has perfect fucking timing too,” Deano grumbled.

“Hey!” I scolded, “Watch your mouth in front of the baby.”

Micah giggled and pulled on my bottom lip.

“Hey kid,” a gruff voice said, “Those are mine.”

I turned around to see a very sleepy looking Sky in the doorway. I smiled.

“He’s only playing,” I said.

“But those lips are still only mine.” He stalked over to me and placed a chaste kiss on 'his’ lips and then on my forehead too.

“Morning,” I sighed.

“How did you sleep last night, baby?” he asked me.

“Mmm…could have been a little better,” I joked.

“I’ll remember that next time.”

“You do that,” I winked.

His eyes grew wide. “My baby’s making so much progress! Next thing you know we’ll be fucking like rabbits!”

I blushed. “Watch the mouth!” I yelled and held the baby up.

Vince was chuckling all the while. Deano was shaking his head.

That’s embarrassing. I was trying, but he didn’t have to point it out like that. Ass…

Vince set down a big plate of pancakes and another of bacon and sausage in the middle of the table. He handed out four other plates for the each of us.

“What about Micah?” I asked.

“He had a bottle just a little bit ago,” Vince said.

“…Oh.” I was somewhat disappointed. I wanted to feed him.

I pouted. “You can change his shitty diaper when he digests that bottle. If you’d like,” he laughed.

I grimaced, “No thanks.”

I held Micah to my chest. His head was on my shoulder and my left forearm was under his bum. I could hear his soft breath in my ear. It tickled a little. I place a soft kiss to his head.

He’s just so innocent. And so sweet. I smiled at him in his sleep. Such a good baby.

I could feel Sky’s lips on my ear. “You look so beautiful holding him.”

I flushed tomato red like usual.

“You’re going to be a great dad someday.”

“You too,” I countered.

His lips crashed down on mine. They pulled apart with a pop. “Let’s hope we can be great parents together.”

I blushed even redder.

“Eww…” Deano interrupted. “Enough of the mushy shit.”

Sky rolled his eyes and turned to the food.

“So what did you guys do last night?” I asked. Vince said Micah’d been dropped off during the night so they had to have done something other than have sex.

“Not much really. Went to my place. Hung out. Then Lizzy showed up. I argued with her for awhile. After that I had to try and get Micah to go down. But he wasn’t having it,” Vince rambled the details of the night.

“I got blue balls. If anyone wants to know,” Deano interjected.

I laughed.

“Shut up. You know you had fun,” Vince argued.


Deano just isn’t the type of person to admit to liking anything other than sex, alcohol, and drugs. But I know otherwise. I think he really likes Vince. Well, I hope he does anyway.

“So what are you guys doing here?” Sky finally asked, like I hadn’t already asked that.

“Umm…” Vince started. “I had to bring Deano home and I was wondering if maybe you could watch Micah. Last night didn’t go so well for us,” he motioned between him and Deano, “so I thought maybe I could take him out.”

“Sure!” I yelled. I quickly realized my mistake when Micah squirmed in my arms.

“I mean yes,” I whispered.

“Thanks,” Vince smiled.

Deano was blushing, with his arms crossed over his chest and a pout on his face.

Aww, Deano has a crush.
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY! I asked for four and got seven! ILY!
The next one will be in Deano's POV. IDK how well it will go.

Stalker Stacey.
Lollipop Luxury
Yes. I have to have the outfit things cause it helps me not be confused too. And I'm not so good at details. So...yea.