Status: Complete!!

All I Wanted

The New Romance.


Damn it. This is really stupid. I can’t believe I agreed to date this kid. No. Not date. Just go on a date. One. That’s it.

Well, no. I guess it’s two. Just two though. This is the last one. I swear. I just felt bad for the night before.


”So this is my place. It’s small but I really don’t need anymore room than this,” he explained as he walked through his dinky apartment. It was small with only a kitchen, living room, bathroom, and two bedrooms. It was right above the tattoo place he works at.

I grunted in response though, “Whatever. I just wanna get to the bed.”

“Is sex all you think about?” he asked me.


“You know, I’m not sure if I can have sex with you. How do I know you don’t have any diseases?”

I scoffed. “I don’t think so. I’m perfectly clean. You asshole.”

He plopped down on the couch.

“So what do you do?” he asked.

“What? Umm…I’ve done missionary. Don’t like it so much. I don’t wanna look at the person’s face. I’ve done Doggystyle. That’s most preferable. I’ve don-”

“No. I meant do you go to school or work?”

“…no. I graduated and I’m still not sure what I want to do. So I’m just bumming right now I guess.”

“You’re lucky,” he grunted.

“Huh?” I asked.

“When I was your age I already had a job. I went to college and paid for it myself. I lived in an even worse place than this. I had to pay for school, my bills, my necessities. Then I had to drop out. I got a job at the tattoo place. Now I still have to pay all my bills, work, and take care of Micah.”

That’s so s…not my problem.

“Sucks for you,” I growled.

“Yea. It does suck for me,” he replied, “but at least I know how to take care of myself, and my child. I’ve built my own life. Without help.”

“Are you trying to say something?” I questioned. It felt to me like he was trying to say something bad on my part.

“No. Why? Did I upset the wittle baby’s feewings?”

“No! Jesus you’re the baby. If you have something to say, then just say it!” I glared at him.

“You’re a spoiled brat.”

Well that was blunt.And hurtful.

“How so?” I was about ready to punch him and run. Stupid ass.

“Well, you’re 19. You don’t go to school. You don’t have a job. You don’t do…anything. From what I hear you somewhat of a man-whore.”

I gasped. “You know, I really don’t care what the fuck you think about me.” None of this was any of his business. I didn’t even know why I agreed to go out with this guy.

All because Dakota asked me. Well, he didn’t ask me, but he was in the room. Wanna say, awkward?

Vince shrugged anyway. “That’s ok.”

I growled. “You don’t even know me. You have no right to judge me!”

They were very few people who’s opinion mattered to me. Vince wasn’t one of them.

“Because that isn’t the biggest cliché ever, or anything.”

I got up from my spot by the door and slapped him across the face. I moved to the door when a loud clap of thunder struck. I jumpedin fear.

“Fuck,” I spat. I wanted to get out of here. I’d walk if I had to. But the weather was horrible. “How about you take me home.”

“I’m not going out in that weather. You’re stuck here.”

“Well where the hell am I sleeping?” I snapped.

I couldn’t get an answer though because frantic knocking erupted at the door.

Vince groaned and jumped up to answer it. I sat down in his spot. I figured this was where I’d sleep anyway.

“Yea,” Vince answered, “What are you doing here?” he asked the mystery person.

It really wasn’t any of my business, but that didn’t stop me from listening.

“Yea uhh…I like met this guy. Umm…Can you take Micah? He keeps whining and interrupting us.” a shrill woman’s voice rang in my ears. I shivered. I’ve never seen her and I already dislike her.

I’m guessing it was Vince’s baby momma. Lizzy, I think her name was? She must have brought the kid over. Great.


“It’s your night to have him. I’ve been with him all week. I have company right now,” he hissed.

“You’re lucky I don’t just throw the damn brat in a dumpster,” she growled back.

That was a real bitch move. Seriously, I wouldn’t even say that about a kid. Especially, if it was my own.

The baby started crying when the sound of Vince slapping Lizzy resounded through the living room.

“I can’t believe you’d come over here drunk at midnight in a thunderstorm to bring me Micah so you can go fuck some guy you just met,” he screamed.

He cooed at the baby while she returned curses.

“Look, if you don’t want to take care of him like a good mother, then sign over your rights. You’ll never have to deal with either of us.”

The baby was still wailing.

I bit my lip. Maybe I should be a nice guy here. Babies are something that I like. Good ones anyway. Babies are new and innocent. They don’t know how to do bad things. They can’t hurt you. I growled at myself for doing it, but I got up and stalked over to Vince.

He held the baby in his arms but I soon disconnected them and walked back to the couch. I laid down on the small couch. I set Micah down on my chest and rocked us side to side. Slow and calm.

“Hey little boy, you’re gonna be ok. Don’t cry. Even though your mommy is very mean, your daddy will always love you. He’ll always take care of you,” I cooed, “You’re gonna be just fine.”

After a few moments of continued arguing, Vince slammed the door. It startled Micah but not enough to make him cry again. Vince rubbed his hands over his face and sat down at my feet.

“Thank you,” he sighed.

“Yea, whatever.” I closed my eyes, as did Micah.

Soon I felt myself being lifted into the air. Instinctively, I gripped Micah’s small body a little tighter so he wouldn’t fall. I squeaked and opened my eyes. I was in Vince’s arms,not bad arms if I may say so and we were moving.

“W-What are you doing?” I asked.

“Taking you to bed,” he said.

“With the kid? You’re sick dude,” I replied jokingly.

“I meant to bed. You pervert,” he accused.

I laughed as he set me down in the nursery. The walls were dark brown and the crib was different colors of blue. There was a soft white rug in front of the crib and a white chair with a blue pillow next to it.

I set Micah down in the wooden crib before pulling the small blue blanket over his fragile self. I kissed his forehead goodnight.

When I turned around Vince was smiling at me. “You’re really good with him.”

“Yea, well it’s not his fault his parents are douches.”

He chuckled. “Thanks.”

“Whatever. So where am I sleeping?”

“Umm…In my room?”As long as he’s in it too. I mean…not. “So you get the couch then?”

“My bed’s big enough for the both of us,” he smirked.

I grimaced. “Fine. But keep your hands to yourself.”

He smiled and led me to his bedroom. It was nice. The walls were light brown, almost beige. All of the furniture was a dark wood. He had a dresser with a mirror on it on the left wall with a taller dresser down further. At the top of the bed was two small windows. A nightstand was placed on the right side. I could see two doors on the right side too. I guess they were the closet and bathroom.

“Do you need something to sleep in?” Vince asked me as he stripped to his boxers.So hot!

I shook my head and followed his lead by taking my clothes off. Although I was probably being a tease. Oh well.

He got in on the right side so I took the left. I rolled onto my side so I wouldn’tstare have to look at him as he turned the lights out. I could hear Micah’s soft snored from the baby monitor. They lulled me to an almost sleep. That is until a set of arms decided to invade my personal space.

“Get off,” I groaned and shoved at Vince’s arms.

“Why? I thought the whole reason you even came here was for me to…touch you,” he snickered.

“Well you’re being a douche. So get off.”

He sighed and rolled over to his side.

Thank God.

I listened to Micah as he soothed me to sleep.


I jolted awake. My breathing uneven. Someone was screaming. I glanced all over the room, not finding the culprit, until my gaze landed on the baby monitor. Micah was awake and upset.

I looked to Vince. He was still dead to the world. I sighed and got myself up. I walked my happy ass to the nursery and picked up Micah.

“Shh….it’s ok,” I cooed.

I checked his diaper to see if he pooed. He didn’t. I decided to see if he was hungry. I went to the kitchen to make a bottle and warm it up. I set us down on the couch and put the bottle to his mouth. He gripped it with force and chugged the bottle. I threw the empty bottle into the sink and burped the little boy. Once I did that he seemed sleepy so I set him back in the crib but he freaked again so I hastily picked him back up. As soon as he was being held again he was fine. I rocked him for a bit until he faded. I tried to set him down again but he cried once more.

I couldn’t put the kid down without him crying. I couldn’t exactly get in the crib with him so I took him to bed with me.

When I got there Vince had just cracked his eyes open. “What’re you doing?”

“I can’t set him down without him crying so I brought him with me,” I yawned.

“Kay. Lay down.”

I crawled into the warm bed and set Micah in between us. As soon as I set him down he was out like a light. I chuckled at him.

“Thank you,” Vince whispered.

“Yup,” I replied, not feeling the need for a smart remark.

I groaned from sleep deprivation.

Vince cupped my cheek. “It’s ok. Just go to sleep.”

And boy did I comply.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long. But I don't have school tomorrow. And I Don't have school Fri-Mon. YAY! So let's hope I can get a few more chapters out.
The next chapter is their date after Sky and Dakota agreed to watch Micah. Sorry for the weird time jump thing.

Vince's Room

Walking Backwards
we're all mad here.
Gates of Delirium
Stalker Stacey.