Status: Complete!!

All I Wanted



“This is ubber boring. Can we do something else?” I begged. Sky was making me do homework. Math and I really wasn’t understanding.

“No. You need to do good in school,” he urged.

“Well that sucks. This is stupid. Who needs to know how to do this shit?” I complained.

“Come on. Just do it now so you won’t have to do it Sunday night.”

“Hey,” I said suggestively. “You know what Saturday is?” I asked.

“Maybe,” he replied.

“Maybe? Maybe?! If you don’t know then I’ll have to hit you. Then I won’t let you even see me for the next month,” I lectured.

“I know what it is,” he smiled and pulled me into his lap.


“I can’t believe we made it a month. I figured something would have happened.”

I gasped in shock, “It’s good to see you have so much faith in our relationship.”


I slapped his shoulder and moved off of him.

“Where are you going?” he whined.

“You’re the one who told me to get my homework done,” I sassed.

“Well…I was wrong.”

I laughed and crawled back up onto my bed and laid next to him.

“So,” he said, “I was thinking.” He rubbed my belly ring. He had an odd fascination with it. He says it looks sexy. I say he’s crazy.

“You thinking?” I feigned shock.

“Haha. But seriously. I was thinking me and you could do something special,” he mumbled and blushed.

“Special. At only a month? Two months will be Really special. At Three months I’ll lose my virginity. At four months we’ll move in together. At Five months we’ll get married. At seven months we’ll adopt our first child. At ten months we’ll adopt two more. At one year one of us will have an affair. At one year and two months we’ll get a trial separation. At one year and three months one of us will meet another guy. At one year five months we’ll get a divorce so that we could marry that guy we just met. At one year six months you’ll start paying child support. At one year eight months, you’ll be granted visitation. You’ll get them on the weekends because they go to school now. And so on and so forth until we die.” I laughed jokingly.

“You know, I was pretty excited up to one year. Then it just started sucking,” he laughed with me. “Sometimes I regret bringing you out of your shell so much. You never would have said something like that before.”

“I never would have laughed about it before,” I replied.

It was true. I would have actually thought something like that would happen. Not anymore. I’m a changed man. Not much around me has changed but I have. I still want to move when I finish school. I still want to get away. But now I want to get away with Sky. I was thinking of moving by Vince. I know Deano has been hanging out with him a lot. He seems to be becoming nicer too. And even though Sky and Deano don’t get along, I know Sky wants to be close to him. And it’s a nice town. And Micah is just the cutest thing ever.

“I agree. Seriously though. Maybe a nice dinner out. Come home and chill, or something. I don’t know.”

“It’s a good idea babe,” I placed a small kiss on his lips.

“I know,” he sighed.

“Maybe we should invite Deano and Vince,” I suggested, knowing he’d say absolutely not.

“No. You know how I get with them being around you.”

“But…I’m trying to set them up! I can’t know how it’s going if I’m never around them!” I urged.

“Fine. We’ll hang out with them. Just not on our anniversary!”

“YAY!” I hugged him tight.

We just laid there for awhile. I was on the brink of falling into a dark abyss of sleep in Sky‘s warm arms, when he spoke up.

“You know, I wouldn’t mind moving month three to month one.”

I looked up at him, perplexed. I really had to think about it.

“Wha….NO! You pervert!” I wasn’t going to pull down my pants that easy. Well, ma-NO!

I may really like Sky but that’s just something that takes time.

“I was kidding. I told you that I wasn’t gonna push you into anything,” he whispered.

It’s not hard to see what I see in Sky. He’s just so damn sweet. No pun intended.

“Tomorrow. 8 P.M. We’re going out,” he ordered.

“Yes Sir!” I saluted.

We laughed together before he sighed. “Let’s go to sleep.”

I agreed, “Yes Sir,” I said sleepily and cuddle into his warmth.

I’m so lucky.


“You shalt wear this,” Sky commanded and threw clothes in my direction.

It was a pair of dark greenish skinny jeans and a yellow t-shirt. The shirt had to blocks of cheese and one was being grated by a cheese grater while the other screamed, “You’re A Monster.” I found it quite funny. He also gave me a turquoise zip up jacket that had a rainbow across it. Of course, he made me wear blue shoes. That boy and his blue. It’s kinda weird.

I put on a ring with rainbow hearts around it. I changed my belly ring too. It was a cute little owl.

Sky was wearing grey skinnys and a black t-shirt. The t-shirt had two arrows. One pointed up and said ‘The Man.’ The other pointed down and said ‘The Legend.’ Dork. He also wore a blue striped jacket and blue plaid shoes. Fucking blue. One of these days I’m gonna strap him down and dress him in black.

His tongue ring was a peace sign and his belly ring was a circle with a rainbow on his.

He was at my house at 7 to pick out clothes then left and came back at exactly 8. Just like he said.

He escorted me to the car before opening the door and then climbing in the driver’s seat. He’s such a gentleman.

He drove us to a nice diner. A different one than we’d been to the last time. It was very busy though.

We waited to be seated and for the waitress to take our order.

We sat in a corner booth, across from each other.

“I’m so glad we made it this long,” he smiled.

“Me too. And I’d like to make it to a year without either of us having an affair.”

He laughed, “And I think we can wait a long while for the kids too.”

I laughed along, “I agree…daddy.”

I rested my head on the palm of my hand.

“Don’t tease like that,” he winked.

“I can’t even describe how much of a pervert you are,” I accused.

“I can’t help it baby. Just looking at you gives me automatic blue balls.”

I blushed. “Stop.”

“Stop what? Telling the truth?”

“No. Stop embarrassing me,” I mumbled.

He chuckled.

“Here you go,” the waitress said and placed our plates in front of us then left.

“So, what do you think is going on between Deano and Vince? Do you think it’s going good?” I asked.

I thought it would be amazing if Deano and Vince got together. As far as either party had said, they were just friends. But I thought it was cute that Micah took such a liking to Deano.

“Sure. They haven’t had sex yet, so that has to say something.”

I laughed. “True.”

“Hopefully, Vince will change him.”

“Yea. I hear he’s nice when they’re together.”

“Awesome,” he grunted. “Let’s not talk about them now.”

“Okay okay.” I hushed. I looked up at him and nudged his leg with my foot. He looked up at me and I smiled. “Happy anniversary.”

“Happy Anniversary baby.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Total Filler.
Went back to Dakota and Sky for this one. It seems you all would like to know more about Deano. Is that so? I shalt tell you of his past in time. Does anyone remember hearing about why Deano and Sky aren't close anymore? *enter evil laugh here*.


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Stalker Stacey.
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