Status: Complete!!

All I Wanted

Have Faith In Me.


I groaned at the bright morning light trying to invade my eyelids. I breathed in the scent of Vince’s pillows before finally opening my eyes.

The thing I saw was Vince’s shining brown eyes.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty. How’d you sleep last night?” he whispered and smiled.

I wouldn’t mind waking up to that everyday.

“Ok,” I mumbled. I wanted to say something about last night, but didn’t know how to go about it. So I stuck with a simple, “Thank you.”

“No problem, sunshine. I have to work today. Will you be okay to watch Micah?”

I nodded, “Of course.”

“Okay, I made breakfast and you can use the shower. Do you need a change of clothes?” he rambled. I knew he thought something would go wrong, even though he works two floors down.

“Yea. And, why do you need a babysitter if you work right below where you live?”

“Because I have to actually work. And you never know what Micah’s gonna get into when I’m not looking.”

I nodded. “Ok.”

He smiled “Let’s go buttercup.” Before I could say anything he’d picked me up and swung me onto my feet. I rolled my eyes, even though my heart sped up a little at the nicknames.

“Don’t call me buttercup,” I growled.

He snickered. “How about Sugar Muffin. Or Honeybuns. Or Dollface. Or Pookie. Or-”

“How about a swift kick in the ball sack”

“So…none of those work for you?” he asked.


“You’re very…blunt.”

“Thanks.” I stalked into the nursery to see if Micah was awake.

He wasn’t yet so I had time to get ready.

“You have time to take a shower before I leave, if you want,” Vince said.

I nodded. “Thanks.”

I made my way to his bedroom and into the bathroom it was connected to. I turned on the water to a warm temperature. I slipped inside the curtain after stripping. The water felt great against my shoulders. I felt so tense. And I had a slight headache. I knew the headache was from crying myself to sleep.

I could hear the door open a crack.

“I got you some clean clothes. You can just return them the next time you come over,” Vince said and the door closed again.

I washed myself and stood under the soothing stream until it turned cold. I turned off the water and got out to dry off.

Vince had left me some clothes on the sink counter. It was a simple pair of black sweatpants with red letters that said ‘Youngstown State‘, a white t-shirt and an OSU hoodie. The hoodie was fuzzy and warm on the inside.

I might just have to keep this.

I slipped the clothing on before checking on Micah, only to see that he was asleep, and heading downstairs and into the kitchen.

Vince was at the breakfast bar, eating Apple Jacks.

“Good morning,” he said through a mouthful of cereal.

“Hi,” I laughed.

I sat myself next to him and sighed. I wanted to give him a real thank you instead of just saying the simple words.

“Um…I-Is there anything you need? Possibly?” I squeaked out.

He gave me an odd look. “No. Just look after Micah.”

“Oh, Ok.”

I sighed.

He got up to rinse out his bowl.

“I’ll be home at 5. If you need anything I’ll just be downstairs. Are you ok with that?”

“Y-Yea. We’ll be fine.”


He moved to walk out of the kitchen but my arms latched around his neck. My face pressed against his neck.

“Thank you. For last night. You were so nice,” I mumbled.

“It’s ok. Really. You don’t have to apologize,” he laughed.

I pulled away and blushed. “Most people would hate someone like me.”

His warm, soft hands cupped my cheeks. I was forced to look up at him.

Once I saw that soft smile and the twinkle in his eyes, something clicked. More like, my heart clenched. I was left breathless and I realized that it was the first time I was truly looking a Vince as something more than a slight irritation.

How fucking cheesy is this?

“I don’t hate you,” he said, “Now that I really know you, I think you’re kind of amazing.”

Me?! Amazing?!

I gasped. “No. I’m far from it.”

He shook his head, “You just don’t have faith in yourself.”

“You have too much faith,” I argued.

“Why are you questioning yourself? Especially around me? I never thought you’d care about my opinion?”

I never thought I’d care about you in general.

“I-I just…I um…” I sputtered.

“Spit it out,” Vince commanded.

“I think that I…”

“You think you what?”

I gulped down the lump in my throat. No need to get embarrassed. If he doesn’t feel the same then it’s his loss.

“I like you,” I whispered.

He laughed. “That’s good.”

“That’s…good?” I asked. I wasn’t sure that I got his meaning.

“Yes,” he hummed. “I like you too. If you haven’t already picked up on that.”

I shook my head. No I hadn’t picked up on that.

He rolled his eyes.

“Who wouldn’t like you? You’re a very beautiful boy. Very confident too.”

I blushed. Only he could make me this way. I’ll tell you that I’d never act like this for anyone else.

“And you have a sexy blush.”

My face felt like it was melting off because it was so hot.

“So…what now?” I asked. I was never in this position. Usually, it was me in his spot. And I wasn’t ever in ‘like’ with someone. It was only sex.

“Well, now I ask you if you would possibly be my boyfriend, then kiss you, then I go to work.”

“…I’d say yes. Then kiss you, and miss you while you’re at work.” I smiled.

He chuckled and dipped his head to my level.

I gasped at the feeling of his rose petal lips. It felt special. Like no other kiss I’ve ever had.

He broke apart from me, much to my dismay.

“I have to go, love.”

I nodded. “Okay. See you when you get home.”

He smiled and pecked my forehead. Then he left.

And I was left to think about him for the rest of the day.

Boy, what one person can do to me. How he does it, I’ll never know.
♠ ♠ ♠
Urgh. I didn't like it.
Sorry this took so long. I was starting this new story. I don't think imma post it for a while though. IDK.
And I just wasn't in the mood to write. I hate writing when I don't feel like it cause then the chapters are shit.
Strange by Tokio Hotel ft. Kerli<---good song.

Deano's Outfit. I was bored so I put this up.

Bodacious Betty