Status: Complete!!

All I Wanted

Love Me?


“Mom, I think you should help him out here. Vince can really turn him around. And what the hell kind of trouble is he going to get in watching a baby?” I argued for the sake of my brother.

“I just don’t think he needs that job. He should be doing something else. Maybe, even going to school.”

Ok, so Deano asked if my mother would help him get a used car so that he can drive himself to Vince’s everyday to watch Micah. My mom said no. She thinks it’s all so stupid. I think she thinks Deano is lying about it.

“He’s actually doing something. Vince will get him to do something with his life eventually. You can’t push it all at once,” I reasoned. “Besides, he’d need a car to get to school anyway.”

She groaned. I got her.

“I’ll look into something cheap. But I’m not making promises.”

I gave her a hug and skipped off to go find Deano and tell him the news. He’d stormed out once my mother told him no. And then they argued. Deano thinks our mom hates him. She doesn’t.

I gave his bedroom door a light knock.

“What?!” he screamed.

“Can I come in?”


I opened the door and found him laying face down on his bed.

“What do you want?” he growled.

“Mom said she’d look into getting something cheap,” I said.

He glared in my direction. “How did you get her to agree to that?”

I chuckled and clicked my fingers. “You see, when you want to get your way, don’t yell.”

He rolled his eyes and planted his face back into the pillows. “I’ll take that into consideration,” he mumbled but it was muffled.

I chuckled again and sat on his butt. He groaned but I ignore it. “So how are you and Vince? Hmm? Is he super nice?”

“Get off of me,” he ordered. Once again, I ignored him.

“You didn’t answer. What happened last week?” I urged. I wanted to know if they were doing good. It’s only been a week but, still.

Deano has practically spent all week with Vince. The first day that Deano had babysat Micah, he ended up falling asleep over there. Then the next morning they were officially dating. I had yet to get ANY details. It was irking me. I wanted to know if this guy was good enough for my brother. Deano may be an ass but he’s still my brother. And the first time I met Vince he was hitting on my boyfriend. That wasn’t a good first impression.

“Nothing. I just fell asleep and the next morning we were dating. Can you please get off me?” He tried to push me off but I wasn’t having it.

“No. Just tell me and I’ll leave you alone.”

“What the hell do you even want to know?” he was irritated. I could tell.

“Who asked who?”

“He asked me. Leave now!”

“Well, have you gone on a date?” I kept on.


“Where did you go?”

“The movies. Get!”

“What did you see? Or did you not see it? I bet you were makin out the whole time, huh? Did you have sex yet?”

The he whipped around so fast that it sent me flying onto the floor. It knocked all the wind right out of me. I rolled over and glared.

“We saw The Blind Side. And yes we actually watched it. No we haven‘t had sex. Have you and Dakota? Hmm?,” he growled.


“How come? I never knew you to me shy.”

“He’s not ready.”

“Have you even asked?”

…No. I hadn’t. We hadn’t even told each other that we love one another. Well, I love him. I’m not so sure how he feels. He’s probably not there yet. He might not ever be.

“Can you please go now?!” Deano screamed, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Why? Is Vince coming over? Hmm?”

“No!” He threw some pillows at me.



“I’m glad they’re doing good,” Dakota sighed. “I’m a fucking matchmaker now. We should start a business.”

“Yea. Good idea.”

Dakota and I were sitting on his couch in his living room, watching random movies. He was sitting in between my legs and my back was against the arm of the chair.

I’d been thinking a lot about what Deano said. I wanted to tell Dakota that I’m in love with him. I wanted it to be simple though. I just wanted it to come out at the right moment. Nothing super fancy. Hell, if he didn’t reciprocate, which I doubted he would, then I wouldn’t make a huge fool of myself.

“Hey Sky,” Dakota called to me.


“Do the girls have boyfriends?” he asked.

I thought for a second, “They better not. I’ll rip their boyfriends’ dicks off and make them eat them.”

He giggled. “Or you could make smoothies out of them and make the guys drink it.”

“That’s Pain Olympics shit right there.”

He gave me an odd look. “What is the ‘Pain Olympics’?”

I laughed. “You’ve never seen the Pain Olympics?”

He shook his head.

“It’s where guys film themselves doing fucked up shit to their dicks. It’s kinda gross.”

He scrunched up his nose, cutely and said, “It sounds like it.” he cupped his manhood. “I like my penis just the way it is, thank you.”

I laughed. “I like it the way it is too,” I growled in his ear.

I could feel the heat coming off of his face.

“Dakota? Can I tell you something?” I whispered. He shivered against me as my breath hit his ear.


“I…I love you.”

He gasped and choked.

I knew it.

“U-Umm…” he sputtered.

“It’s ok if you don’t feel the same,” I muttered.

I tried to move away and possibly out of the house. I was slightly embarrassed. But Dakota swung around caught my arms.

“N-No! I-I-I love you too.”

I scoffed. “You don’t have to tell me what I want to hear.”

“I’m not,” he whimpered.

I cracked a small smiled. “Really?”

“Really really!”

“No lie?”

He giggled. “No lie.”

He pressed his lips to mine in a sweet kiss that made all my worry vanish.

“I love you, Sky.”

“Love you too Dakota.”
♠ ♠ ♠

Bodacious Betty
Band Craptice.
Lollipop Luxury

So, I'm thinking that I might end this soon. The response has dwindled and I'm writing so many other stories. I'm just not sure. I just added to more stories to the long list of shit that I'm writing last night.

So who thinks I should start posting something else?