Status: Complete!!

All I Wanted



The rest of the day was horrible.

When I got home of course my parents weren’t there. They never were.

I had to cook for myself. Clean the house all by myself. Shop for myself. Walk the dog, Talulu. Wash the clothes.

The only thing my parents did do was pay the bills.

I enter the house and threw my bag down next to my shoes.


She came bounding down the stairs into the living room, wagging her tail.

“Hey cutie. How are you?”

“Ruff Ruff.”

I scratched behind her floppy brown ears.

“Hey do you want some food. I bet you do.”

I fed her and bound up to my bedroom.

I decided to check my myspace.

I got nothing.

That’s what having no friends gets you.


Shower time I guess.

I undressed to my boxers before heading to the bathroom. That’s the great thing about my parents never being home. I don’t have to worry about the wrong person seeing something that they shouldn’t.

I adjusted the temperature of the water before stepping in the relaxing stream of warm water. It hit my skin and thawed my freezing body. Already my skin was turning a light pink.

I stood under the stream a little longer before washing my hair and body.

I knew I needed to get out when the water turned cold.

I stepped out and wrapped a soft green towel around my waist.

‘Probably not as soft as the mystery kid’s hair. If only I could touch it.

NO! Bad! He’d probably punch you if you touched his hair.’


The front doorbell rang. Well obviously. I don’t just randomly say ding dong for no reason.

I ran from the bathroom to the front door and pulled it open.

The face I saw surprised me.

A woman in her min thirties, maybe, stared back at me.

She smiled ever so brightly at me. She must be new to the town.

“Are you parents home?”

“Umm…no. they never are.”

She frowned slightly. Then I think she noticed that I was only in a towel, which I too just remembered, because she gave a light gasped and widened her eyes.

“Uh…sorry. I just came from the shower.” I blushed.

“It’s ok. I have two boys. I’m used to it.” she smiled again. I don’t think anyone had smiled at me this much in my whole life. “Well I just stopped by to say hello. My family and I are new to the neighborhood. I just thought I’d introduce myself. I’m Mary Sweet.”

“Oh…h-hi. I’m D-Dakota Lee.”

“Well Dakota. Since your parents aren’t home, you’re welcome to eat dinner with my family if you like.”

“Oh N-no thank you. I already made myself something.”

She looked displeased with that. “Ok well if you ever need anything we’re just right next door. Just come on over.”

I nodded and managed a small meager smile. “Thank you.”

She turned and left. All the while I watched her retreating form with one thought “Did she really just do that?”

That was odd. I wondered for a second if she was related to the new kids.

You know, I bet Delilah and that beautiful boy are related.
♠ ♠ ♠
Talulu is in the characters now.
Love you all!